You should’ve added High Elves instead of Void Elves

Devil’s advocate time. I think not all the Blood elves who were in Telogrus Rift were there to study the void, some were probably guards or scouts who might have agreed with Umbric’s idea and decided to protect his research group. These unfortunates were then caught in the botched Ritual that created the Void elves.

There are many paths to mastering the dark within and not all of them require magical study.


Nope. Blizzard never said that. Other players said that.

Stop playing victim to your own delusions. Go hang out with Joyeuse and the others in the containment thread.


Based on my knowledge, all elves are high elves. They need some magical drug to keep them going. And in the case of the kaldorei, it is all natural.

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All high elf by race.

High elf by name on Alliance side. Blood elf by name on Horde side.

The difference is political affiliation, right? That would mean this race of elves, once more members of the Alliance, are High elves.

Void elves are High elves. You already have them! :slight_smile:

Nope. Night elves changed physically from trolls and don’t share a culture with them at all. Blood elves are literally high elves that changed their name, as are void elves. There is no physical difference (other than skin tone in void elves) and there is no cultural difference.


Yall ever notice that these Void Elf whining threads are always spearheaded by Blood Elves? It’s like somebody said earlier, I think they’re just triggered that being the one pretty race in a faction of monsters ain’t special anymore.

Nah its because they’re Alliance alt.


Actually, Ion did say that. He said there were no available hubs where high elves could come from, and that High and Void elves were already high elves.


You’re twisting his words to fit your own definition.

He said there are no hubs for High elves, which is based on their lore that they are a scattered few, a remnant of a remnant. The High elves are not a nation, they are just a few reclusive individuals that are here and there.

He never said “high elves cant be playable because there are so few of them”. Race population was never an argument or reason for being playable or not.


That’s… I mean, Gather up all the remaining High elves into the Silver Covenant, could make an area up in The Hinterlands, hell even make an Island stronghold with that whole Island expedition thing.

I like Void elves but that reasoning is a bit off.


It’s not the only reasoning, I’m just pointing out that he did say it.

I mean, you could easily make Dalaran a high elf hub… except you know, they’re already in the game as Sin’dorei and even void elves

Just one of many reasons why I quit retail and went back to classic. The gameplay is trash, they ruined classes and PVP, and the last thing keeping me around - the lore - was also trashed in the last few expansions.

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In consequence, there are so few high elves left on Azeroth today that they cannot be considered a race in anything other than the biological sense. High elves do not gather in any significant numbers, nor do they act as a coordinated whole. They are a very small group of individuals scattered all over the world. As such, they do not have common opinions or goals. Indeed, modern high elves cannot even truly be said to have a culture–only a past filled with glory and regret.


I didn’t say anything about them

If you’re implying I meant they’re different races, no, they aren’t.

I’m just saying void elves, and their lore, are trash and makes no sense

They shouldn’t exist

You’d have an easier time justifying High elves for alliance by just saying “Yeah, some high elves chose to side with alliance, and the rest sided with the horde, while renaming themselves Blood Elves to honor the fallen”

Boom, done. And it has all the lore to back it up

Not this heaping pile of garbage we got with void elves lore. It’s terrible


I kinda agree, but…

You lost me there.
Mechagnomes are just improved Gnomes.
Meanwhile Vulpera are their own race that fit right in with the Horde.


I was pretty annoyed by Void Elves at first, not because of any vanity reasons, but because I was annoyed that Blizz gave the Alliance the exact copy of the Horde’s most played and beloved Race, while we got a half-finished pseudo-copy of Night Elves, without the flip.

But EVERY Void Elf I have met is amazing, and I really like them now. I think they are a great addition to the game, and their Lore will evolve.
The players who play Void Elves are really nice, the VE posters here are great.


Instead they decided to give you a compromise. You can’t have Blood elves with blue eyes on the Alliance side. This was a way to get high elves over there. High elves = Blood elves = Void elves. The biggest change in the name they gave themselves.

Fun fact of the day: void elves and blood elves can both use the Thalasian racial language. So we can actually talk to one another in /s using it


One, I’m kind of hoping Belves get a Blue eye option and two I wish cross faction dialogue was more common, I’m nice I swear.


High Elves are the most unimaginative, unoriginal trash. They’re a warhammer knockoff and not even a good one. A customization option for Blood Elves does not an Allied Race make. It’s even less than Highmountain and Lightforged. Highmountain because of their fat moose antlers and Lightforged because of their luminescence.


They gave them golden eyes. Blue eyes are on the list I am sure. Blood Elf death knights already get blue eyes. I tried talking to some blood elves, but they didn’t know how to change their language to chat with me.