You should’ve added High Elves instead of Void Elves

But our core! And how bout the secret high elf society living under stormwind? At dawn, they come out of hiding and bake the stormwind bread!


You guys literally went all gypsy genocide on the vulpera


Except they are not your core.

That was me and a few others ordered by Hawkens to cook up some Chilly Fries for him while cooking bread for those in Stormwind.

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Neither of them are Alliance ‘core’. That would be a fan fiction made up to justify the inclusion of either as an Alliance race. High/Blood Elves were at best fair weather friends who joined Alliance only when it was to their benefit (Trolll Wars, when the Orcish Horde hit the borders) or when they had no choice (fulfilling the oath made after the troll wars). The rest of the time they were quite happy to sit in Quel’thalas and let the humans fight amongst themselves.

Vulpera other than a couple of minor quests to rescue captives had little good interaction with the Alliance, I mean Purge Squads…really? Yeah they toned it down some from the PTR but still, they are attacked by Allaince, had their caravans set on fire, etc by Alliance. There would be no reason to justify them being an Alliance AR.


Turalyon smiled at me during Legion… a lot!

Then the Alliance stole the Horde’s core Race, Lightforged Draenei! OUR. CORE. RACE!

See… me with my Besties!



Yeah, as a whole, the void elf race is pretty garbage. They’re just a huge middle finger to all the high elf fans that have been asking for about a decade.

Also, the whole void theme makes them feel weird as any class other than a warlock or shadow priest.

Why would a hunter be studying the void?
Why would a warrior?
Why would a rogue?
Wtf would a monk delve into the void for? How can you maintain inner peace with old gods constantly whispering to you, and gnawing at your thoughts??

A mage, possibly.

Warlocks dabble in it, and priests outright use it, but none of the other classes would have any reason to study, or wield, void magic.

They make no sense, their lore was shoe horned, and they’re a total generic knockoff of what players actually wanted


BUt… core…

Heretodie, here to die, dies.

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Mirriel, gotta show me how to set up bars like yours. Been using ElvUI, and been dealing with lower FPS than usual.

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This honestly ticks me off. The Order halls seemed such a great, fundamental change to the game that would lead to, at the least, peace between the factions if not outright cross-faction play. How could any druid get behind being an enemy of Hamuul Runetotem? Why would any DK or DH be attached to either faction more than to their own class?

To follow Legion up with BfA was the worst, worst idea. They should have done them in the other order, they would have made perfect sense that way.


That dirty dog! He smiled at me too! Lightforged my pretty blue backside, he’s still a male. Can’t trust a Male Human Paladin I tell ya!


Don’t tell Jaina about them, she might go into another “justified” rage and massacre another group of elves innocently existing within her sphere of influence


I just use Bartender, Sarallesta. It’s easy to set up, and then you can copy that UI on every Alt on that account. (I have a few accounts and a lot of Alts, so I need this !)


Oh, I loved the Legion Class Order Halls. They were a nice step up from the Garrisons. Wish it could’ve continued on in BfA with BfA missions and stuff.


Void Elves were added because they can’t add fair skinned blonde elf to the Alliance, which fits the description of Void Elves pretty well.

Ion also said blue eye might be added in the future, either thru contact or magic.

That future might be this next expansion.


Oh, next expansion has got me hyped, especially with customisations. And those Human Customisations, they look really awesome. Really excited for that.


Well I can tell you from my characters points of view anyway…

So my priestess was studying this because she felt she needed to understand both Light and Dark. Well then sister Daysha here…she was kinda sent to spy on them, using her sister Taleshia as an in. Unfortunately she followed her sister through and got smacked by the big void prince as well. As to my hunter, she’s very protective over her cousins and when she saw them jump through that void rift she followed. Yeah, she also got smacked by that void prince. So there you have why a rogue and a hunter are both now Void Elves.

Okay…I get what your saying that was just me being sarcastic. But anything can be explained away (except maybe the monk…even I can’t figure that one out). The whole reason for this by their lore is they were looking for ways to defend Silvermoon, so all of the above could have a legit reason for choosing to study the void to protect their homeland. The reasons I gave are just the explanations I used for my characters stories, but it can be justified (except monk, why a freakin’ monk?)

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My hunter was just running errands for the dude when he got caught up in the mess.

This character. Oh yea. more power is fun. Void seems fun.

Not possible to add high elves, because they’re already in the game.


But that’s the problem I’m having

Explaining it as “I accidentally got corrupted so I’m a new race now” makes no sense. You’re a blood elf corrupted by void. Void elf is not a race

By that logic, demon hunters should be fel elves, since they’re corrupted by fel.

Having a race be a race based on the type of magic they use is dumb, and is just poor writing on Blizzard’s part.

Also the whole “yeah you use void magic,but you’re also a warrior that doesn’t know magic, so yeah… You void elf”

The whole race is just garbage writing imo


So, what does that say about Blood Elves and High Elves, considering they are exactly the same.

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