You should’ve added High Elves instead of Void Elves

or maybe they should have not added any more elves other than night and blood at all because wow doesn’t need more elves.

They needed one allied race equivalent, come on now be fair. But no more than that.

sunday post already?

I dunno, I’ve seen some pretty nice arguments for High elves having farstrider esque tattoos and wilder hairstyles.

I mean I’d prefer them on Blood elf if High elf never becomes a thing but still, nice arguments.

As much as I hate the way Void Elves were introduced and that they’re Alliance, that’s just going too far!


…Are you just that confused or deluded?..

You’re taking a paragraph from the lore and presenting it as evidence of fact that a producer or Blizzard themselves stated as a statement that: “Highelves cannot be playable because there are so few of them”. Really?

Did you even bother to read what was being contested above or just jump to attempt to make a reply feeling some sense of false accomplishment?

The original point remains: Blizzard has never stated that Highelves cannot be playable because there are so few of them. This has -never- been the reason. People claiming such are misguided. Racial numbers has NEVER been the main contesting factor of race being playable.


belfs have a variety of skin tones, none of which are white. if i have a tan wall and want you to paint it tan, and you paint it white, you’re fired. if i have a peach door and want you to paint it peach and you paint it white, you’re fired. conversely, if i have an ivory door (white with yellow and blue undertones) and you paint it purple, you’re fired and i want my deposit back. haha.

also, blonde is only bland if everyone is blonde.


I personally believe High Elves would be a much more lazier design route. Blood Elves with Just Blue Eyes?

Also sure us Ren’dorei break the common stereotypical weakling most Elves are.


high elves as a fantasy race, predate this generation of gamers. they are in tolkien’s novels, in dungeons and dragons games, and have evolved over the years from european and arabic folklore. even hints of a similar race in japanese folklore.


If you want white skin just play Horde. My Void Elf is perfect the way she is.

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there’s no white skin in the game. there’s variations of brown, olive, tan, green, purple, blue, pink and peach. white is the absence of color. its an impossible skin color. there’s white fur, but even it is subject to undertones. warmer or cooler (pinker or bluer). “white” as a definition for skin color is definitively inadequate.


By white i mean fair, light skinned. Not literally the color white. If you want that, that is a Blood Elf.

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thank you for clarifying. by fair you mean any variation of skin color that does not have darker or more vibrant undertones of brown, green, purple or blue, correct? i mean by definition, your avatar is fair, since its a very pale shade of blue. the fact it lacks yellows or pinks, does not mean it isnt fair.

When i say fair i mean identical to Blood Elf skin tones. We are bluey.

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I consider it pointing themselves out as traitors. Void elves werent good enough for them so they are sticking with their horde high elf and crying until alliance high elves get added, so they can leave us proper.

I’m in the “just give blood elves blue eyes” camp. Let’s just be done with it.


If they want to save themselves the efforts and controversy of entirely removing a True Dark Lady and replacing it with Blood Elves with re-textured eyes, it would be best to remove Race/Faction restrictions instead.

I remember a helfer claiming the community liked these threads. Mmmph


They are just Alliance mains posting on a Horde dk alt. But yeah i’m in the same camp as Blood Elfs should have their old eye colors back, or kill the SC. I don’t trust them they might purge us if we try going to Dalaran as we are threats to the Sunwell.


oh so fair only means, no blue or purple undertones. by fair you mean any of the lighter shades of yellow or pink, such as ivory, peach, tan, ruddy, etc. wouldnt that mean most asians are defined as fair skinned also, since they have warmer yellow and pink undertones, rather than cooler blue or purple?

this whole argument over “fair” skintones is rather silly, but since you went there… some blood elves have quite ruddy skintones, almost rosey.

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And they should remain unique to them. Void Elves are Void Elves.

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