You should’ve added High Elves instead of Void Elves

Well, Alleria’s not a High Elf any longer in terms of player-viewed races…she’s a Void Unicorn, a one of the kind Hero-Class NPC; not quite a Void Elf but no longer pure Thlassian either.


Yes, they are, but being NPC’s, and alike to most of the major Lore NPC’s, they are neutral to the Horde or Alliance depending on the needs and requirements of each Expansion.

However the Silver Covenant remains neutral, and has not reformed as an Alliance organsiation of Thalassian Elves, Night Elves, Gnomes, Humans and Dwarves since the beginning of Legion.

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If they remain neutral then I wonder why the Silver Covenant Tabard is on the Alliance Side as well as the Old Unicorn Mount as well?

Maybe not Neutral is the Tabard is on the Alliance side.

Wrath Silver Covenant will always be Alliance.

It’s like Arator, who will always be by my Blood Elf Paladin’s side, even though, realistically he would probably heed his Mother’s advice in BfA and avoid the Horde, but when I go to Legion Zones, there he is, my faithful companion. A remnant of a previous expansion. :slight_smile:


You can’t even begin to imagine how true that is for us DKs as well. We wanted Frostmourne? WELL TOO BAD! HAVE THESE INSULTING TOOTHPICKS, THE TWIN BLADES INSTEAD! Aw, Jesus, jumped up, Christ… I STILL can’t forgive them for that… :sob:

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Well I don’t mind not getting Frostmourne, I just wish we reforged the shards into a single greatsword rather then dual blades. To this day I wonder why Blizzard insisted that Frost be the Dual wielder spec. Either Blood or Unholy make more sense in my opinion.

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Yeah, it doesn’t make sense to me either, even to this day. In fact, it was ever since Legion was announced that I just didn’t get it at all.

High elves have been available to Horde players since 2007.


I spoke with a Void Elf. We were speaking to each other in the Heart Chamber. He really likes Void Elfs, I asked him why?
He said “Do you see my hair?” It was shiny, glowing and I asked him, “You like the mysticism?”
He said yes, he wouldn’t roll a Belf. Quit your whining.

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Maybe make it like the Two Forms ability. Worgen are already Human model so it could work.

They do have high Elves in Telogrus, so they could add them in that way, but the eyes would remain purple because no way does Arcane override Void for their primary magic influence.

I wonder what a totally magicless High Elf’s eyes would look like.

But I’m still more wanting some kind of Silver Covenant faction rather than skin tone. Take the SC and make them playable Void Elves, I’m good.

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Oh look someone is trashing the Void Elves again. gathers the tears for umm…an experiment…yeah that’s it… Sorry but you got Void Elves not some trumped up washed out high elf. Or better yet, You now have the Fabulous model without all that cringy holier than thou snottiness. So much better, and we have the best hair, and our males are extrodinary. You can’t get that with pasty white blonde blandness. Velves are way better than Helves.

And really, either way your going to have Belf lore in the background since you know…until 15 years ago they were all the same people. What lore do the high elves have outside of that? Let me think, kin slayers (the SC), a few rando quest givers and portal makers, oh and can’t forget that entire lodge that nommed on a relic becauser they were too good to mana tap and too proud to accept help when offered and now they are all wretched except one. Yeah, great lore there.

Nah…I’ll keep my Velves, they are the only reason I have alliance toons beyond the token ‘see the other side of the story’ one I kept since I began playing.


I hope that if Blizzard decides to ever wake up and do a 180, that they don’t think high elves are a right choice on that end either.

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Oh ffs, we don’t need all these different versions of the same race. Elves are elves. It don’t matter if they have blue eyes, green eyes, purple glow, look like crackheads, have black eyes, it doesn’t matter. They’re all the same. They share the same bloodline and the same lineage. We don’t need more elves in the game. We need more unique races. At the end of the day all elves are, are trolls.

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In hindsight, I’m sure blizz wishes they hadn’t added AR’s at all considering the usage/complaints but that being said…VE’s are their most popular add.


Alliance need vulpera and high elves back. Our. Core.
Cant change lore like that new ACTIblizzard

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If Alliance gets Vulpera though, even though that would be nice, how can we show them being different from the Vulpera that joined the Horde? Story-wise though, I think they could be ones the Alliance helped or freed from slavery. But beyond that, I dunno sadly.
EDIT: Maybe the Alliance Vulpera could be white ones based off the arctic foxes if that helps for a suggestion.

no :slightly_smiling_face:

Which is a shame because I do enjoy the Allied races, while it’s a bit daunting to grind up to exalted (especially for new players) I like having to earn these customizations.


High Elves been on Horde since 2007 and Vulpera has nether been Alliance at all, and will be Horde Allied Races from next year.


I personally like that the Alliance has some sindorei. Now we just need the queldorei added to the Alliance as well and we are all set.