You should’ve added High Elves instead of Void Elves

Hi elf!


Also Liadrin being like “it’s okay, we’ve gone through the same thing and we have empathy, we can help you out” as opposed to Tyrande in the same scenario going “we’re never gonna trust you because you f’ed up.”

Yeah, it’s not that she was “rude.” It’s about the fact that the Sin’dorei get it and the Night Elves never will.


As we do for their Sin’Dorei descendants, Tyrande and the Night Elves have little use for the Nightborne - who didn’t bother to listen when we said “put down the Arcane and back away slowly…” and then decided to hide under a dome for 10,000 years sucking on the Nightwell.

Tyrande was absolutely right…how could she ever trust the Nightborne not to go down the same road they already walked once and that gave us all the current incarnation of Azshara.

You’re right, the Night Elves don’t get it…and didn’t want it. :slight_smile:

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Sure, and you can have the void suckers. I’m sure that’ll work out.

Canonically I’m probably mad as hell about that one. :wink:

Void elves didn’t exist until the recruitment scenario how could they be a threat to the sunwell? They were just blood elves studying the void until that moment when the ethereal made them.


Yeah, those ethereals are to blame for that. It was after they were transformed by the ethereals that they became a danger to the Sunwell.

Yes, until Durzaan tried to discorporate them they were no threat to the Sunwell. They were banished for studying forbidden subjects…namely the Void. Rommath had them tossed out over it.

There was no need to make this thread when several other threads about High Elves exist.

Put in a ticket and request this thread to be closed and take your discussion there.


Void elves came out before that quest (the BElf heritage armor quest). So at the time Alleria was in silvermoon, she was possessed by the void, and drew void monsters out of the sunwell.

And I am 100% fine with that POV as well.

It’s the people who don’t understand why the Nightborne chose the side they did that make me crazy.

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The Nightborne going the way they did made…and makes…perfect sense to me. It’s one of those vanishingly rare moments in WoW story writing where the whole things works.


What did Lady Olenna say on Game of Thrones I’m paraphrasing but “Once the cows been milked there’s no getting the milk back up” seems applicable here.

I like the void elves :cold_sweat:

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The Silver Covenant became a neutral Faction during Legion.
After Vereesa rescues her sister she leads the Silver Covenant to Trueshot Lodge where they join the hunter class order along with the Farstriders.

A couple of Silver Covenant Mages are seen outside Suramar with Vereesa, yet these are both Neutral to my Horde Characters.

There is no Silver Covenant presence outside of Trueshot Lodge in BfA.

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Naaa, Void elves are better.

High elves are already playable. Next.


By your logic. Night Elves are trolls.

I cant imagine what you would think is outlandish about the assertion that 90% of half the player base are composed of people that left the other half of the player base.

To be fair, none of the Order Halls have done squat post-Legion.

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Hardly. The schism between the Thalassian Elves happened what, 15 years ago? Some Trolls evolved into Night Elves over 10,000 years ago. No, not even close to a valid comparison.

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Durotar Campaign for patch 8.2.5 Vereesa and Alleria still being on the Alliance still.