You should’ve added High Elves instead of Void Elves

Sonic Mania was a better game than anything Sonic Team has put out in fifteen years, so let the fan fics have the franchise at this point. God knows Sonic 06, Sonic Unleashed, Sonic Boom, and that Sonic Excaliber game was basically official fic.

The only good thing the Sonic team has given us is Game Grump episodes.

It’s not really adding to the point to use a level 55-59 BElf DK, which so many of these threads use I guess to show how even higher level BElfs want them, but I do respect your right in general to talk about what you want from the game.

They do the same for pandas, so I believe the same could be done for velves as well. It just shows how out of touch these people are with the Alliance, I guarantee most Alliance players would prefer a Silver Covenant narrative over yet another “oh look at how edgy we are” narrative.

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They exist just go to where the tauren rogues hangout at :rofl:

I would prefer neither.

Less elves is the best thing that could happen to this game.

Less Gnomes would be better.

They just need to include a switch to swap between corrupted or non, like Alleria can.

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I don’t necessarily disagree, but I do prefer our current friendly gnomes.

Giving Elves to the Alliance was a mistake!

We should take the Void Elves and the Night Elves away from the Alliance.

We shall trade for Tauren and Highmountain Tauren for balance sake.

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What he said! Hand them over.

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Right because let’s make the Alliance Faction die out even more.

So its not ok for us Alliance Players to be asking for High Elves because it would so called ruin or drain the Horde Population but its ok for you guys to take out all of the Elves together on the Alliance.

Get off of your Entitled High Horse with this mindset. :roll_eyes:


It’s true, as of December 2019, US Realms is 1.9% Void Elves, while it might seem a lot considering total subscribers it’s a ok amount.

Now let’s look at Kul’tirans 0.4% :man_facepalming:t4:.

Cannot wait to see Mechagnome and who decides to main them

Edit: I agree that it was a huge miss on Blizzards part not finally adding the most requested race, but to amend this I believe Alleria cosmetics should be given to Void Elves, let the player decide to look completely engulfed in the Void or Not.


No they shouldn’t. You don’t need to steal the Horde’s race. The Thalassians left the Alliance before WoW even started.

You worry about “twisting and destroying lore?”

Void elves were your compromise.


I mean, this is the same arguement for Nightborne frankly, but people pitch fits about “but Tyrande was rude once!” and ignore the whole rest of the story there.

If I’d give you every other Horde race that isnt Elf. You’d still be complaining for wanting High Elves so don’t blame it on faction balance. Smh.

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The whole rest of the story about withered and dealing with mana addiction after realizing you were used by the Legion and then the parts on the Exodar where the Nightborne spent literally zero time even pretending to hang out with any alliance NPC?

Sure. They totes were going with the NE.

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Oh look, another high elf thread.

It’s never going to happen, and void elves follow the most important rule for new stuff in wow: the rule of cool.


High Elf here, waving hello.