You should’ve added High Elves instead of Void Elves

I was gonna link it.



Depends, how high is your cooking skill?

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I won’t be cooking, I will hire professionals!

Ok, bring on the cake!

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Ok first I will start with pound cake, then move to ice cream cake. Then I think I will go to French chiefs for assistance in cake choosing. Is this ok with you?

No chocolate fudge?

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I am sure that would be among the types of pound cake. After all when I said pound cake, I meant every type before moving on to every type of ice cream. I mean I am filling “the void”.

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I disagree. I think the Alliance getting a suspicious type race similar to the Forsaken is an interesting addition, but the way they presented them along with the Alleria was rather disappointing.

We had to work with most other races to finally get them to join the factions, meanwhile the void elves just randomly appear without any serious backstory, and all we got was a short quest of Alleria practising her void powers with that Ethereal dude.

They’re the only organized group of them. The High Elves are, supposedly, scattered to the wind mostly. Some live in Stormwind, some might live in Ironforge, others in various lodges. They’re not a unified group like, say, the Gnomes or the Tauren.

That’s not to say they couldn’t be unified fairly easily; Alleria could 100% have unified the Alliance High Elves (something I think a lot of people were hopeful for). The Silver Covenant is the only unified group of High Elves that opposes the Horde, but they’re not the only High Elves out there by any means.

That and the Silver Covenant is probably at least a few hundred strong. Our absolute bare minimum number was something like 1400 if we assume everything based on a passing comment. Kael’thas’s force entering Outland was described as “Thousands of them” and was supposed to be 15% of the Blood Elves, which leads to extrapolating that there were at least 1400 High Elves who didn’t side with him.

They’d be the ones who went off and joined the Silver Covenant, returned to the Alliance in general, or went to their separate lodges. They’ve tended to stay fairly clear of major battles in any kind of obviously dying kind of way, so we have no idea how many of them died. Blood Elves surely died in much larger numbers as they fielded an actual army and intentionally fought with the Horde. The High Elves, the other ones, largely only joined in when it was a “factions don’t matter” kind of issue, and even then were more portalers and base camp magisters not foot soldiers.


The real question becomes whether or not Kael’thas’s forces were accurately predicted. If “thousands” meant he brought 10,000 newly renamed Elves with him to Outlands, which has been stated to be “15% of the newly renamed Blood Elves went with Kael’thas” that would mean that there were 66,666 Blood Elves left behind. Since High Elves were 10% of the remaining Thalassian Elves before the split, that would give us a force of ~7,600 High Elves.

Without knowing how many Blood Elves went with Kael’thas it’s all conjecture and speculation. Could be 1500, could be 10,000. Either number is reasonable in the face of how few Void Elves there are, though.


There’s probably a few hundred, maybe a thousand, Silver Covenant members. There’s at least a few hundred scattered about, too, around Alliance territories.

We have no idea how many High Elves there are, but we know there’s a floor of just above 1400 as of 12 years ago lore time.


“Destroyed and twisted so much lore”? Void Elf lore is bad, but don’t be ridiculous.


you wanna talk bad lore? how about LFD shammys I mean sure the MU draenei and WoD versions learned shamanism from co-existing with the orc tribes so how did the ones left behind on argus learn it? after all they were isolated by 25k years and millions of miles of space and we never met them until legion so how did they learn a class that was limited to main universe and AU which was centered around Draenor/Outland?

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I’m sorry, but there is so much wrong with what you said. Lightforged Draenei can’t even be Shamans.


Sorry but void elves are high elves. Unbelievable how blizzard creates a compromise for the high elf fans yet they’re still ungrateful for what they’re given. Sad.


“B bu bu but they’re not my generic Tolkein stereotype and if I name one Legolas or something people will point and lauuuugh”

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Well i agree that Void Elfs are a mistake.
But they are already here, so what blizz coud do now? ignore their existence?

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Sure, let’s talk about something that doesn’t exist.

Give it an expansion.

At this point I’m beginning to feel this way too. The crying is getting so old.

They were in the ghost lands and shadow realms.

Anytime someone says “we can’t have that race!” or uses lore to cancel out something, I point to the train wreck that is Void Elves. Literally pulled out of thin air with a rep grind that’s not even tied to them and a story that feels like a mouth breathing sonic fan fic writer made it.


Argussian Reach story showed the birth of the first void elf. Alleria.