You should’ve added High Elves instead of Void Elves

Of course it would have made perfect sense for them to remain in the Horde even though they had just been exiled from their homeland instead of allying with someone who saved their lives and whose faction was willing to accept them as they were…research and all.


It’s been awhile since I did the Void elf recruitment but I think the general idea was to know as much about your enemy as possible. And if the Void could be safely harnessed the knowledge gained would be invaluable in combating it.

Close. Umbric wanted to use Void powers in defense of Silvermoon. Think of it like a rogue non-government run nuclear weapons development skunkworks team.

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So was flying in Draenor and “appearance tab” and Pandaren and Gnome Hunters and Demon Hunters and Kul Tirans and Vulpera.

Squeaky wheel.

oh for crying out loud… they have the bears as a neutral class and both sides have the cartoon kung fu pandas and they should just do the same with the elves and be done with it…

whoopy do if they have different colored eyes… .this whole scenario already exists with the stupid pandas and no one is complaining or rerolling with them…

they should just do it and be done with it and these topics can just go away, the horde have had this game on easy mode for the last 15 years so who cares if they get all mad.

They all whined and complained like they always do when the alliance got shamans anyway back in TBC and i don’t see people complaining anymore about that hardly


Not trying to argue, just saying this: YOU asked for high elves. I did not. Be careful when using “we”.

I much prefer void elves to high elves; void elves are a new and interesting twist on elves, regardless of how ham-handedly they were put into the game, whereas high elves are… just another generic elf.


Thats fine. The elves research all sorts of magic the problem is with the new sunwell created out of Light and Arcane using Void magic can be a disaster. If it was the old Sunwell it wouldn’t have been a big deal. Umbric and crew didn’t care and were using the magic anyways.

Void elf lore is just garbage, which makes them seem like garbage people. It would have been better if it was the groups of Elves already outside of Silvermoon like the scattered High Elves and Silver Convenent.

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Uhhh… Vulpera?


I’m in agreement that it should have been high elves over void elves.

And it should be noted I say this as someone who likes my void elves from a gameplay perspective. But their story and introduction? Absolutely awful. They came out of almost nowhere.

But my bigger problem is that Void Elves blatantly violate at least one of the supposed reasons high elves were excluded, being their numbers. There’s allegedly not enough Helves, but a ‘crack squad’ that barely even existed (if at all) at the time of their introduction is A-okay? What a load of crap.


Has any dev ever stated this was one of the reasons? Because I think that might just be fan reasoning.
I’m pretty sure the fact it’s “literally Blood elves, but with blue eyes” is the 95% reason High elves are a no.


Could have easily been no elves and something else more interesting altogether.


We already have high elves


What are you talking about? You’re a High Elf right now?


So we have Alleria, who has been built up over the last bit of Legion as an elf who over centuries has built up an affinity for the void. Since the allied races come after the Legion storyline we’ll say that she’s catching up with her sister Vereesa, doing a mop up mission with a squad of Silver Covenant.

But then, ambush! Some powerful demon that convinced some lesser demons to follow him surprise them and in order to save everyone, Alleria does some crazy void thing, but she’s absorbed too much void energy and it’s about to devour her.

In an act of desperate quick thinking, Vereesa has the Silver Covenant portal everyone to Dalaran. She gathers all the elves she can find – the majority of the Silver Covenant, maybe even some of the nicer blood elves – to try to siphon off the void energy and save Alleria. They vastly underestimated how much was there and are changed forever. THE END.

There, did I also just write a better backstory for void elves? It incorporates nearly all remaining high elves and may even mean they have enough numbers to be a meaningful race.


Void elves were an obvious A## pull because they wanted to add Night elves to the Horde and had to give alliance something but lon had already said no to actual High elves.


I’m already a High elf…did you see my wings?


Mechagnomes beg to differ. At least Void Elves look cool.

This should be a gigantic hint that they don’t want to just copy and paste Blood Elves into the Alliance. Void Elves are as close as they’re willing to get.


I would add High elves to the game if it means i could delete Void elves.

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Will you be the one to fill my dark soul with liiiiiiight?


The Void elf condition should be easy to revert with enough cake.

Who wants to test out my theory?

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