You should’ve added High Elves instead of Void Elves

Yeah… High on felblood and mana crystals

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sadly, it wasn’t applicable. the point of my reference is that people are not white. there are variations of skin color. white is not a color. its the absence of color.

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not applicable.
the idea behind the door references was, that white is not a skin color. there are peach, tan, olive, ivory, ruddy, etc, skintones described collectively as “fair skinned” but not pale green or pale blue or pale purple, when those are all fair colors, fair in this example referring to the faded nature of the color. so when someone says high elf fans want white skinned or fair skinned elves, they are not being very accurate. if i wanted someone to paint the door olive and they painted it white, i’d be like… thats not what i asked for. do you understand what i’m saying now?

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And yet none of those doors fit the colour scheme of the house.


That honestly sounded pretty funny. Guess those guys are all “High and Mighty” in more ways than one.

Two can play at this passive aggressive game sis.

dont ever open with “no offense”. you didnt say anything offensive, you expressed a valid viewpoint, if anyone is “offended” by that it is on them, not you. A decade of outrage culture and sensitivity has generated this ludicrous scenario where people apologize for having a view just because it might trigger someone.

Speak your mind, directly and openly, those who disagree be damned.

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we shoulda added arakkoa instead of any elf


I honestly agree with OP.

…Did you take a break from the forums or are you just looking to stir stuff up? Why bump your own forum thread from four months ago for a little one liner without anything juicy?

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(Warning): Necromancy has been detected in this thread. Please advise the Argent Crusade to contain this threat.

(Commentary): On topic, I do agree with the OP, though I don’t appreciate the tone of their post.


Lots of developing moments would have never occurred… Such as that love pink and golden weapon I’ve crafted for you as well as still remaining a vir… Muahahaha…

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The void elves are supposed to be a compromise between pleasing the Alliance by giving them something with the blood elf model but without pissing off the Horde by giving the high elves.
It obviously didn’t work because the Alliance is still whining and we still have freaking high elf posts every day.


I think the way players have acted regarding helves is proof for blizz that the best thing to do is not add them to the game.

Or put them in the shop and charge $200 per helf and make them the unicorn of a race like they are in lore :unicorn:


Fanatics never quit,

I admit, and have posted else were, the VE’s were handled poorly, and should have been done differently to make them fit better (and should have started as HE’s who were turned and not BE’s…wipe out the HE population)

But it is still staggering how much people want this tolkin flavored elf that never existed in Warcraft. I mean seriously, you’d either be playing a member of a hate group (the SC), A Refugee who chose exile over Mana Tapping (and not many of them survived so…), Or one of the Elves who was stuck in outland during the whole kerfuffle and came back… as pointy earred humans… like worse then the BE’s as pointy earred humans.

Rather then backstep, lets go ahead and move forward with the VE’s… have lore and story come out for them… have them convert every HE… to showcase a race with a future, so people can stop bemoaning a dead race with only a past.

EDIT: Right, race pride, i gotta do that don’t I?

We never wanted BE Death Knights so… yeah… what now


I agree 100% should have given the what was asked for not some made up ex horde garbage alternative.


Redundant, since we already had Blood Elves (which were High Elves.)

Void elves make more sense than Mechagnomes, Lightforged Draenei or Highmountain Tauren because at least they are the first time the look/model has been on a faction.

High Elves would have been a waste, after we already have Blood Elves. They would have looked nearly the same, so they would have been extra stupid on the Horde side. Meanwhile, putting them on the Alliance side would have made lots of Horde players rage quit. Some Alliance were saying they’d rage quit if Horde Blood Elves even got blue eyes, so they’d look like “High Elves.” So logically, Blizzard had no way to put in High Elves (even if they wanted to.)

Void Elves were a good, logical compromise.


(Satire): Hot Takes! Get your Hot Takes here! Hot Takes! Get 'em while they’re fresh!

(Observation): Or one could want to be one of the many, many, many High Elves living in Dalaran who aren’t a part of the Silver Covenant. On another note, I find it remarkable how there are so many different options for this one requested race. It’s almost like they’ve developed diverse subcultures that interact with one another differently or something.

(Sarcasm): But that can’t be, High Elves don’t HAVE a culture, let alone multiple ones.


The many many many high elves… your kidding right? Most of those were part of the group who returned from outlands that are living there now. The Dalaran High Elves from prior to the third war mainly formed up the SC (who, your hot take aside, were formed ONLY to block the actions of the Sunreavers, im not touching the purge on this, because long before anything had happened, the SC was focused on stopping and getting rid of the Sunreavers, most of whom were Dalaran citizens prior to the third war)

Your right, they don’t. The ones who exist now mostly are formed of those who willingly renounced their race, their culture is just the culture of the alliance as one of hanger on races without a true cultural identity, the pretty elves to cheer lead for the humans. Thank you for admitting that

(Query): Source?

(Query): Source?

(Commentary): The Silver Covenant opposed the readmission of the Blood Elves to the Kirin Tor. They had relatively legitimate reason to do so, considering how Vereesa’s own children were nearly victimized by Blood Elven mana vampirism. The Blood Elves’ joining the Horde also made for a very valid reason to keep them out of Dalaran, considering the Horde had been systematically attacking the Kirin Tor throughout Vanilla WoW, raiding Ambermill, killing mages outside of the Dalaran bubble, etc…