You should’ve added High Elves instead of Void Elves

Lor’themar banished them. lol

You mean the ones in silverpine, who were attacking forsaken forces? I might have missed others when i was questing there, but the only Dalaran forces i saw were ones who were attacking the forsaken for the alliance.

None on that and i’ll admit it, its just the only thing that makes sense as the remaining high elves prior to the return of the outland forces was stated to be only a handful, and we knew there had been a decent detachment that went with Alleria. But i will admit its just my guess.

Oh are we doing this again?

One thing I’ll say is that Void Elves should be former High Elves. Blizzard can wave the “there aren’t enough High Elves to make that make sense” stick around all they want… Lore wise how many of Umbric’s lackies can there possibly be?

It should have been members of the Silver Covenant that were exposed to the Void during the campaigns on Argus. It is WAY smoother than “Alliance High Elf turned Horde Blood Elf turned Alliance Void Elf”.


Yeah, the lore is so bad. I love how everyone 2 years ago was saying that they just need time to develop, but here we are 2 years later and they still aren’t developed when void is the theme of this xpac. It’s actually pathetic.


the neutral civilians?

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(Suggestion): Make an alt in Classic WoW and go redo those quests. The Ambermill Mages were attempting to reactive the leyline. They weren’t attacking the Forsaken. As happens to be the case 99% of the time with the Forsaken, they attacked first.

(Observation): The only Kirin Tor settlement in Outland was destroyed utterly, by Blood Elves I might add (Kirin’var). Kael’thas destroyed the place, cursed the dead, and imprisoned Archmage Vargoth in the tower there. The only other survivor was his apprentice, Ravandwyr. In short, only two individuals are known to have returned to Dalaran from the Alliance Expedition, three if you count Khadgar coming back in WoD.

(Commentary): It should also be noted that the High Elves at the Allerian Stronghold consider it and Terrokar Forest to be their homes because of the Blood Elves. It seems unlikely they returned to Azeroth, as of yet.

(Statement): As per the Chronicles, we know Dalaran evacuated nearly it’s entire population when Arthas attacked, leaving behind a skeleton crew of powerful mages to tend to the city’s defenses. In short, any High Elves who had not left with Kael’thas to travel to Quel’Thalas, remained in Dalaran. The High Elves we see in Dalaran as Dalaran High Elves from prior to the Third War. Some would join Vereesa in making the Silver Covenant, because there honestly were some excellent reasons for the people of Dalaran to feel that the Horde shouldn’t be allowed in the city.

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Debatable at the point when they joined.

ok, i admit my defeat on this, i could have -sworn- i had read about how the SC was formed of the only remaining Dalaran High Elves, but after hunting around in game and google-fu, the only thing i could find was a reference and link to the lore forge that is now inactive. So i will withdraw it.

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yeah I think so too but they can still give void elves some high elf customization options

He did banish them. They’ve also been allowed back since the end of BC and restoration of the Sunwell.

Twisting corrupting destruction… kind of our thing? Like Vulpera’s UwU or a Mechgnome’s obsession with… Diapers? I guess they help with the oil leaks?

“That eye color makes no sense on Blood Elves”
-Ion, in regards to blue-eyed blood elves

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Good to see he knows who the REAL High Elves are :rofl:

I jest, but I do agree with OP. :+1:


“doc weve gone back in time!”

“No marty… its just a necro!”



The void elves didn’t even exist then.

We’re talking about different things.

I see, thought you were referring to high elves. Haven’t been following the thread.