You refuse to listen to your community (about twinks)

Thought so. So easy, yet you won’t do it more then once.

Just a lazy hypocrite.


you are the lazy one for not wanting to put in a little effort before joining a bg

i already did that


Not everyone wants to buy the current xpac. Levelers in Bgs level out of that bracket pretty quick and not every leveler in Bgs share the complaints these forums have.


Are people going to tune up, put a fresh coat of paint, install state of the art security systems, etc into a rental car? How about a car you plan on keeping for years, you going to go the extra mile and do things for it you wouldn’t do for the rental?

You did the grind once (I assume) on that character as most exp off twinks do. Then you said I’m done, no more. That to me is lazy. Expecting others to put the same amount of effort into their rentals as you do your personal car is ridiculous.


you dont have to put the same effort in as me. just have heirlooms and run a few dungeons and you will be ok

if they did split the queues there would still be people like me in the matches. we would have full sets of heirlooms with enchants and fill out the rest with whatever we could get by doing dungeons. we could even turn exp off for pve then turn it back on for pvp


That’s misleading because when the queues were split, people in the XP-ON brackets actually went for objectives and didn’t spend the match playing whack-a-mole in the GY.

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i play to win personally. we can all make up anecdotal arguments about what we saw.

i really dont see gy farming very often now in bfa. there is no incentive to do that anymore, so for the most part people just play to win and move on


GY farming happens at max level as well, has nothing to do with twinks. But yea, it’s not that often here either.


People in full raid gear, epic BiS items, wonky scaled items, etc are going to curb stomp even people in heirlooms. The only thing is all the effort you spent getting that gear is never wasted because you can forever use it. At least if you leveled out of the bracket you’d have to gear treadmill again just like the rest of us.

Ironically this is what a casual leveler has to do to be relevant against twinks. Shut off exp to farm some gear so they can BG for a few levels before they have to do it again for the next bracket.

If you had to have exp on, at least we could force the twinks out of the BGs by completing objectives. I’ll always remember how you’d see 3+ people /afk out of a BG right before we cap so they wouldn’t level.


Some brackets are kinda easy to gear. Doesn’t mean people want to spend hundred to thousand of hours constantly releveling and regearing to get to play their bracket a few games before leveling out.

Some higher brackets take weeks of game play to aquire BiS gear. So leveling out and starting over would be nearly impossible. If you can’t turn experience off at all how would you get the dungeon gear and raid gear needed? Lay on the ground as a corpse while a max level kills stuff to avoid exp? For possibly hundred of dungeon runs? I mean damn.

This is how they used to do it. You’d start WC/SFK/DM at level 14 and only zone in when a higher level was about to kills a boss.

I don’t think people want to remove xp off, just bring it back to the way it was when xp-off was introduced, having xp-off players in a separate queue than xp-on.


Yet its reasonable to tell casual levelers to do that for every single bracket?

You are proving my point for me. Shutting off their xp and getting the relevant gear before turning it on again so they can level through a single bracket before doing it all over again is ridiculous.

Again, this is just more evidence that the queues need to be separated.

Either twinks need to be in their own battlegrounds or they need to remove the ability to shut off exp in battlegrounds so you are forced into the gear treadmill like the rest of us.


they would lose customers if they did that. its not happening

people that dont want to spend the time to gear are just going to level out of the bracket rather than quit over some people having better gear

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Let’s just remove xp from BG’s so the useless and cowardly PvE’ers stay away from them.

Since it used to be that way you’ll support it, right? No more need to spend 6,000,000,000,000 on gear for the lvl 19 bracket.


Back in my day this is how we would twink, also you could sit as a ghost and collect the rep from the higher lvl killing mobs.

I’m not proving your point whatsoever. It goes both ways. Are you really advocating for the return of templates where gear doesn’t matter at all? Why shouldn’t players have to put the minimal investment forward to compete? Templates were terrible! Where does it end? Should goblin glider kits be disabled cause it gives players that go through the trouble of getting them an unfair advantage? Potions/engineering disabled?

Not everything has to cater to the casual leveler that’s not even in BG’s for the pvp. Those just there to get the experience so they can level out of the bracket anyways. This is one of many reasons people are avidly waiting for classic launch. People in BGs just because they want to pvp. The few brackets that can survive in exp off end up with such long queues that people just stop playing until queues die entirely. I was a 49 twink about 5 years ago when exp. was separated (warriors kinda sucked then but I had fun). We could only organize games once a week and it sucked having to wait so long that many just lost interest. A couple months later games stopped. And it was NOT because twink vs twink games are not fun (they are super fun). Queue wait times became too extreme. Twinks make up a large portion of lower level BG playerbase but queues skyrocket without some fill-ins from exp. on players.

Only the most active twink brackets can stay alive after separation and that completely negates the weeks and months of hard work people put into building up all their characters. Say “good riddance” and tell twinks how much of a worthless minority they are. Sure hope you don’t have to deal with such prejudice and hate for doing something you enjoy investing your time into.


Go for it. The same thing would happen to BGs that happened to exp off queues. It would become a wasteland of hour+ long queues or none at all.

We’ve been through this before. When twinks have to fight other twinks rather then curbstomp newbs, they lose interest.


Yes. When templates were a thing everyone was effectively a twink. “And it was NOT because twink vs twink games are not fun (they are super fun” - you 12/10/18. So either you like templates or you are a hypocrite.

Perhaps I want to be competitive and change up questing with some pvp without needing to spend a large amount of gold/time to do a couple battlegrounds.

If that were true you wouldn’t be against templates.

Yet you think someone casually leveling that wants to pop into a few bg’s here and there should spend weeks and months of hard work for a single bracket for each bracket. lol

So I expect twinks to go off to their classic playground battlegrounds, right? But they won’t, they’ll still be here in BFA bgs with a myriad of excuses why they aren’t in classic instead.


Valarien you are using a massive amount of hyperbole(which isn’t true to begin with!) combined with some either/or fallacy sprinkled on top. It doesn’t take massive amounts of gold to twink in any bracket, you can twink in any bracket spending at max 10(if you have an expensive AH)k gold. It doesn’t take month’s or even weeks to twink, not even close. Barring some extremes, you can become a twink in a couple of hours. However, you don’t need to become a twink to compete you just need equal gear and enchants. Also when templates were around it was hardly balanced or that anyone was a twink. Rather, a few classes were op due to wrong tuning/lack of tuning of their templates(kinda like now with some classes!)(For example: your spec needs tons of a crit but you only have 10% crit and they gave you 40% mastery). The templates never got significantly changed for months or even the whole expansion in some cases and basically the option was you either PvP or you don’t because their is no way to make up the lack of what the template fails to give you; you couldn’t change anything. Not sure how you are a hypocrite when templates doesn’t address balance at all and removes choices(which people have been complaining that they have been doing throughout the expansions recently). People have some pretty different opinions and viewpoints.