You refuse to listen to your community (about twinks)

I’m sorry Greyhide, but you knew I was going to post this: Twinks - #136 by Impalle-bladefist

As for the balancing argument…The point was not that the specs are broken so let them go ham and let op geared players run rampant. The point was that the players are brokenly powerful due to their specs themselves and them fighting against players without any gear just amplifies that effect. The bracket is already high proportional damage, if you do not have any gear, and you fight an op spec, you will be crushed. I do hope that they better balance that in the lower brackets(most specifically 10-19) because the only other bracket that has this disparity(not including unscaled, broken items, which are starting to be fixed thankfully) is the 110 bracket cause of the lack of access between BfA gear and legion gear(which occurs every expansion, even legion, and will simply be fixed bt end of expansion or leaving the bracket(which is only 1 level)). However, I still consider this a non-issue due to the speed at which you level away from both of these brackets and the ease of gearing through dungeon gear, it takes no time at all and with some enchants that is all you need even as a new player without heirlooms(which then you already have most of your gear, you just need gloves, waist, and wrist. Then enchant, good to go!)