You pass butter

Omg I almost had energy drink go out my nose from laughing. I absolutely love your honesty. :slight_smile:

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Well, it depends on you concerns regarding raiding but its really difficult to raise concerns when that kind of area is managed between Devs and RWF guilds…

I saw some topics about raiding issues in the council earlier days but those were ignored.

example that early thread…maybe it didn’t match your concerns.

I can’t post URLs after being afk on forums for like 1 week, I got demoted, I wonder why that can be a thing for Council members?

I’ve made a post about this a month ago, directly asked a CM for a discussion regarding the CC on discord, it all fell on deaf ears.


Yeah that thread is from 2 years ago and only had 7 posts. Like I said, they just don’t have critical mass in terms of members to actually have a discussion about anything.

At any professional company, that back-door communication pipeline between the devs and a handful of their players would be flagged as “insider trading” and shut down immediately.

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sad fox noises

I can’t believe that during a previous interview regarding 10.2, someone asked for Raid changes and a Dev said “that kind of big change can only be addressed by an expansion release”…then We’ve Blizzcon and 0 changes to raiding.

It’s the same system for 10+ years…and there’s so many concerns regarding raiding and its restrictions, during 10 years a lot of players have a 180 degree life change and its like not being consider.

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I am being spread out among several discussions right now so please forgive me if I miss a few responses.


All g do what ya need to do. :smiley:

I am sure these forums are read quite often by devs, coders and probably the janitor too but there is probably some regulation that prevents blizz staff from saying who they are and posting insider information or we would see posts like:

“Hi there, Dev Johnson here from the pvp department and I just want to confirm that next patch we are going to remove the Rogue class completely and replace them with Pixies, this should help balance bla bla bla…”

Heck with 17,000 employee’s and the odds that quite a few of them play WoW and visit the forums, I bet they don’t miss much here.

Even the Blizz Butter Passer probably plays WoW and visits the forums.

Except they do that.

The problem is not with the posting. It’s with the lack of listening and caring.


That’s what I’m gathering.

Like the intention was to have this big interactive thing but in reality… it didn’t really go that route.

It’s like the crafting professions they intended to have people around the craft tables and interacting with others but did that happen? No. You place your order in one spot and make it at another place!

Also I think if you use a table it sometimes phases you? Anyway…

This would make the community council quite one sided, you wouldnt know me since I can only post on EU with my main.

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So they pick nobodies from North America and famous posters from Europe?

That does sound one-sided. :wink:

That’s another factor too. EU players if they want to interact with the CC have to make an account over here just to post and interact with folk.

There are quite a few flaws in the system.

I’m thankfully not famous! But I doubt you’d frequently visit the EU forums, which is fair as not even Blizzard does ^^


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I’ve made a quite a lengthy post about this [Community Council] Feedback - #18 by Dorf-moon-guard

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I’ll read it as best I can! I’m working atm and the longer posts I have a hard time reading and have to use TTS but can’t use it while working.

I’ll read it as best I can though :smiley:

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Phasing has gotten out of hand, sometimes I will be doing something in emerald dream and people materialize out of nowhere like they beamed down from the Enterprise, and what’s with layers? Are we allowed to jump from layer to layer in classic? I hope the whole mess gets fixed one day.

Sarcasm aside I try to make a difference. :upside_down_face:

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