You pass butter

Right it’s like, they need to look at logs and listen to player feedback more.

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I just directed you to the relevant thread. We should not be discussing it here at all, outside of maybe aside-level references such as Ravij’s brief comment. Else, we’re derailing.

Posting with “gold” text puts such a target on your back posting outside of the CC forum section. I wish I could turn it off when posting here.


I made one comment in response to a poster claiming it was suggested in the CC - my point in this thread is just because a CC wants it doesn’t mean it is going to happen because there are other problems with suggestions in there that many people can’t see- and you are derailing the thread. You have made 3 or 4 posts already about my one comment.

Case in point with a singular poster the other day complaining about pride in two threads after voicing my opinion and suddenly to me I’m that golden and elusive 20 point buck he’s been dreaming of. He literally made a third thread revolving around a quote of mine.(all his threads have been deleted since and he’s probably enjoying a very agonizing forum vacation.)

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Threads around that topic are often the target of a lot… as you saw.

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Well, to be perfectly frank, the CC was announced as a PR stunt by Blizzard at a time when they were really hurting and wanted to throw all their spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks in terms of shielding them.

Personally, the two things that concern me about WoW are:

  1. Writing the Horde out of the game like they’ve been doing.
  2. How raiders (and more specfiically raiding guilds) are continually getting screwed by Blizzard more and more every year.

You can also find plenty of other players on these forums concerned about these things.

Yet they’re never even raised in the CC, because nobody in the CC cares about them.

The CC is not representative of me, or what I care about with this game. It’s simply too small to adequately represent anyone, it’s just a roll of the dice on whether somebody on the CC at the moment happens to have a player’s interests at heart as their personal pet project. And the odds are the answer is no.


I dont represent anyone except myself. There are some that represent a certain group of people, but none are official.

I personally will write a post about something that interests me, and anyone that agrees can post and or like it, people that do not agree can post or… not like it.

I’ve never been asked to represent anyone, nor will I. I think there is a DM function on this forum, so if you’d like me to create a certain post you can.

There is?!

In memory of Justin Roiland!

I could be wrong, knowing the functionality of this site I probably am

Going to reveal a dark and ugly truth to you and everyone here right now. Half the people I see that have been elected to the CC don’t even talk to the rest of us. Some of them are just names on a list that I’ve never seen say anything anywhere.

Also I’m sorry about this, I am merely one person and I cannot manage more than 3-5 topics at a time and obviously I wish I could be everywhere at the same time but again I am one person. I do browse the forums and the story of WoW is very important to me. I don’t raid so I cannot voice my concerns on the raiding scene but for the story aspect, thats something I can voice about and I’d be happy to discuss it with you and maybe make an attempt to put it in as a discussion for the council to well… discuss.


That is super disappointing :frowning:

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It’s not a you thing. The CC was badly conceived, designed, and implemented.

We all called it from the start that most people who “joined” would never do anything, and that’s exactly how it’s turned out.

If Blizzard wanted to take the project seriously:

  1. Identify the player archetypes and social pools.
  2. Have a separate CC for each.
  3. Don’t have 100 players total, have 100 players for each subgroup (pet battles, cosmetics, each degree of raiding and dungeon content, RP, etc.)
  4. Take people who are already active rather than people who might turn out to be active.
  5. Actually listen to and implement feedback, or the whole thing will quickly rot on the vine.

These things are OBVIOUS to anybody who has run a community outreach or focus group situation (either/or - those are both different things, both can be applied in various shades to what’s going on with this project, and they would BOTH do these things). Yet Blizzard did none of it because the entire exercise was hastily slapped-together.

(And JUST IN CASE anybody doesn’t “get it”, I’m not blaming the CC members. My finger is squarely pointed at Blizzard.)

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Polls will only work if they are done at the log in level. Doing them on the forums, or social media drastically skews the results making the effort moot.


The plummeting gold price of the wow token since the “you have to actually spend money” thing has a lot of speculation whirring about how many accounts are actually gold-farming bots, too. Which would make polls suspect.

The only problem here is that there are several people within the CC that have multiple archetypes and dip their feet into several different social pools. I myself am one of them. While it is a great suggestion it would limit the people who are elected to their type they signed up with when responding.

It’s also my belief that its 100 total because it’s easier to manage 100 people than say 10+ sets of 100 people. I cannot go into detail how our group is set up because I don’t know if it falls under the clause of “discussing certain things outside the group that are about the group” that is forbidden when we join.

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They can be on both.

I can easily find a talented Middle School student that could handle that, I’m sure Blizzard can manage.

Exactly like if I’m able to vote 10 times for a pole then that would invalidate the whole thing.

I’ve never done that just stating as an example type deal.

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Then I’d be more on board with the idea but the fact remains of which I cannot discuss further because of the aforementioned clause.

I really wish I could explain how the CC is run but alas. A middle schooler probably would be a better fit to be honest.

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