You pass butter

The problem is that, by and large, the CC members are not active forum participants. There are tons of regular posters in the forum on all sorts of topics, from all sorts of viewpoints, that interact with a wide variety of players on a regular basis.

But Blizzard only picks people for the CC that make most players go “who?”

I’m not good with words or phrasing and it takes me time to work out something that I feel won’t be misinterpreted. So it was not meant in any negative light. This was just a response made to try to keep the discussion going and again was not meant as anything negative.

I have also been taking part in other discussions that do not revolve around the CC so your point is invalid there. Granted some of them got deleted recently because of hate spewing fear mongers.

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I’m guessing we’re being locked out, because you know the community can be trolly and not serious. GD spells that out well, especially with the classic characters who troll retail.

This seems like it’s going to turn into an “attack the CC poster that’s here” thread…


True but if they had those forums constantly monitored / blues constantly interact, it would cut down on that.

Please for the love of Pete people don’t let it turn into this!


I wonder how much the developers actually read the forum? Most of them have their profiles set to private so you can’t see. I did see one of them have an open profile and I wasn’t impressed with how much it was showing that this person read the forum.

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That would be silly and inappropriate.

I didn’t think there was anything sinister to your intentions, but as I said, the phrasing doesn’t help.

Yes indeed. Yet, as you have said, you are but 1 of many.

it has already been stated numerous times

Huh… that is an interesting point which I never thought about.

Blizzard picks people based on the “resume” they send in when they apply for the Community Council. It’s not some random lottery to be won. It’s literally like an unpaid job that we’re trying to finish on a tight deadline. My analogy might not be good but thats what it honestly is to me.

The developers seem mostly interested in catering to the whims of their twitter buddies.

The recent healer nerfs are a good example.

A MASSIVE backlash on the PTR, and yet Blizzard went ahead with it anyway because a couple of the wowhead guide writers said healing was too easy and should be made more stressful.

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Specific feedback about that in particular should be in that thread. Cite it there, don’t just rely on “it’s been said”. Speak your piece in that thread.

Speaking of resume, I wonder if a person could put a role like this on a resume in some fashion?

Be interesting to have like, “council like role” or something on a resume for a job app. Anyway sorry brain squirreled lol.

When I first got accepted I was excited and changed my twitter profile header to include I was a member of the community council. I subsequently changed it 5 minutes later because on social media I am a recluse and fear the wrong kind of attention.

Hey, it works for D&D…

Since I mentioned alpha & beta and Blizzard ignoring the feedback they do get, gonna explain a little:

In early BfA testing, there was an official thread asking for input on Azerite gear. There were hundreds of posts all saying the same things, outlying the same problems with Azerite. From the massive imbalances in powers, to some classes not wanting their class powers at all because they sucked, to how awful it was that Azerite gear was untradeable, to how you would get an “upgrade” piece of gear but since NONE OF THE POWERS WORKED UNTIL YOU FARMED MORE AP it wasn’t an upgrade at all because it would sit in your bags for ages.

This thread went on for weeks. Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of posts, all saying the same things, getting bigger and bigger and bigger.

No blue responses.

Until! Lore (remember him?) posts in the thread saying, “I don’t get it. What don’t you guys like about Azerite gear?”



Fast-forward to Shadowlands…

Alpha & Beta testers pegged the covenant restrictions as the achilles heel of Shadowlands from the beginning. Blizzard’s developers didn’t care.

Late in development, there was an official thread asking for feedback on covenants. Not covenants in general (Blizzard still wasn’t willing to budge on any of that), but on specifics, covenants abilities, soulbound traits, etc. Again, hundreds and hundreds of posts on the topic Blizzard was specifically asking about, listing tons of little details, fixes, things that didn’t work properly, etc.

They ignored every word of it.

There’s no point in having something like the CC when the devs’ minds are already made up.

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To make it worse, a lot of the mechanics hit harder etc I noticed I’m having to heal myself A LOT more than I had to previously.

That’s understandable especially with Twitter… X… whatever ya want to call it.

It do?!

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As I said early on in the PTR thread, every time Blizzard changes how healers work, and say “we’re lowering heals but damage will be lower, too”, the encounter design team never seems to get the memo.

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Sent to ya.

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omg - what a bossy thing you are. It has already been said.