You need to see this

It’s a developer problem. You say this game has so much more to it than M+, PvP, and raiding. I agree with you, but you should tell that to Blizzard because it seems that’s all they ever want to focus on.

There was a point in time where you didn’t need to do non-PvP activities to do PvP. It’s pretty absurd to think you should.


So you want the different aspects of the game to be completely separate then, such that a player could do ONLY one thing to the exclusion of all else and be completely successful?

Good luck with that; it’s not how this game works. I don’t believe that it has ever been any way else. All the different aspects have been tied together in at least some fashion.

Endgame content has always required some modicum of preparation. If someone thinks they can just skip straight to the highest level without that, they are sorely mistaken. That “new player” was trying to take a shortcut, and found out they couldn’t.

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They just mean if you want to PvP, you shouldn’t have to do PvE aspects to be competitive.
Imagine if the PvE BiS wep came from duelist lvl pvp gear?


Having stuff to do in game that doesn’t require a guild application or an io score or arena rating might be a problem for you, but it isn’t for me. Just like you saying the game is bad doesn’t make it bad.

What does that entail, pray tell?

They love players like you even more. There is a scene in the Howard Stern movie that came out a while back where it is explained that people who hated him listened to his show twice as long as people who loved him. You’ll still be here giving blizzard your money and complaining about how bad the game is long after I’m gone.

Then if I wanted that weapon badly enough, I would PvP. If I thought I could get by without it, I wouldn’t.

Your mileage may vary.


Yes. Flip it around for some perspective: What if you had to grind out a certain number of arena matches just to get your BiS legendary that you’ll never use outside of PvE?

Yes, it has.

For quite a period of time, if you did PvP, you got your most of your gear and power by doing PvP. You didn’t grind out some unnecessary resource to get your BiS or to beef up your power level. You didn’t have to grind out for some legendary, and then level it up by running PvE content.

Everything was an exclusive activity. What you’re describing is exactly why this game is in such a bad state: Because nobody wants to be forced to do things that shouldn’t matter to what they want to do.


You don’t see what’s wrong with that reasoning?


Seems to be enough of a problem for a massive amount of people to quit. Again with the blinders. “Not my problem so to hell with everyone else and the health of the game”. Bravo.

Removing chores. Giving back player freedoms like flying at the start of an expansion. Stop selling pay to win on the store.

I’ve only been here for 3 month during SL. I’ll be gone soon so you can go back to burying your head in the sand and pretending everything is great.

It does work both ways. We’ve had to pvp for pve stuff before in mop and bfa, not to mention mounts that can only be gotten through pvp.


And it was terrible then, too. What’s your point?

Getting a mount through PvP is not the same as getting a piece of gear that makes your character stronger.

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There’s nothing “wrong” with it; it’s the way I personally view playing the game. Neither you nor anyone else are required to agree.

It’s like, MY opinion, man…

Where I am disagreeing with the youtuber above is in regards to his statement about “people want to play the game”. His opinion revolves around folks who want to do endgame level content. There’s much more to the game than just that.

The story he told was about a person who apparently wanted to take a lazy shortcut to a single aspect of endgame without any kind of preparation, and they failed.

That, to me, was a player problem.

Like I said, your mileage may vary.

Anyhoo I have nothing further to add here so, peace out.

And you somehow think that’s fair? So many PVE players have never played a single arena match, and now they have to get Duelist? I don’t understand your logic here

Anyone actually shocked that new players aren’t staying in this game?

Leave it to the normal WoW white knight brigade to come on try and gaslight people into thinking this is normal.


Let me guess, anything outside of instanced content?

An opinion can be wrong, especially when it’s in tandem to this game’s general health and ongoing issues. We are allowed to disagree with it.

If you don’t want your opinion to be countered, don’t join an open forum where it’s allowed and encouraged.

And as I said, Blizzard only focuses on the big three so this argument is irrelevant.

This game could go F2P, put into maintenance mode, and is no longer supported by a large team because Blizzard alienated everyone playing, and they would still use the excuse of “it’s a player problem lol”.


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LOL no not at all. Where did you get that idea? I’m talking about the checklist of chores you have to do in order to be competitive in instanced content. If you actually watched the video posted at the top you’d know.

I watched the video and it was good. There have been way too many chores in wow.

And leave it to the doom patrol to take one random persons anecdotal story and blow it up to a epidemic of catastrophic proportions.

You are talking about the things that keep players that don’t participate in instanced content engaged in the game after they’ve hit the level cap.

If people have issues with WoW’s systems then MMOs aren’t for them. WoW is by far the easiest to pick up and play. If they are having issues/pvp issues then they either bought an account or bought a booster right off the bat and skipped the entire game.

It is kinda true, though. I’ve had friends quitting over many things.

Once I tried to bring a new player here because she saw me playing Void Elves and wanted one. I told her the story of the magic they use and wanted one even more. I was even going to buy her the game to try it but when she found out she had to (back then):

Get to max lvl
Grind reputation
Some tons of quests

Then to unlock her race and level up again… she just laughed and said this was stupid and went to play LoL.

Recently I tried with two new friends and the huge amount of systems brought them off as well. I know WoW has many people that leech the content in two days and then demand content, but sometimes the abundance of things scare people too.