You need to see this

Let’s do a little test.

Do you suppose the video is saying that upon hitting level cap a new player should be given a legendary and a covenant so they can be immediately competitive in pvp

*As an aside, how is a new player who probably doesn’t have a full understanding of their own class, let alone all the other ones and the interplay between them supposed to be immediately competitive in pvp? There is going to be a steep learning curve regardless. *

or that those things shouldn’t exist because all they’ll do is confuse new players?

What about yourself? What do you think?

The people asking for this stuff to be removed want a lobby game where they just wait for their instance to pop. They don’t care about new players.

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No. I do not. I can’t imagine where you got that from.

No, I never said that. I can’t imagine where you got that from.

I think that expecting new players to have as much knowledge about the game as people who have been playing wow since the vanilla alpha and before that other warcraft games is not reasonable. Nor is it reasonable to expect new players to be able to step into end game, understand everything about it fully, and be ready to be competitive within hours after reaching max level.

I have no idea what you mean by “people who are asking for ‘this stuff’ to be removed”. If you aren’t willing to accept the fact that new players are blank slates that cannot in a much faster timeframe than in any previous expansion train themselves to become elite at something they do not understand on any level, then you’re probably one of the people who redesigned the current leveling system with the goal of rushing them headlong into end game so they wouldn’t have time to get mind-controlled by asmongold into playing FF instead.


So umm, that’s great an all, but what’s your solution to help new players and keep them from quitting?

There could be more information presented to them as they level up, instead of waiting until they are max level and letting elitists trash them for being noobs.

Actually, the 2 day leveling up mad rush is the worst thing for new players, who in earlier expansions had all the time they needed to feel they were ready to move on. But it seems to be a common belief by elitists that new players ought to be ready to do end content competitively, all systems engaged, within hours of learning how to move their characters across the screen.

I guess the people who implemented that system will have to learn the hard way. If at all.


That’s not what I was getting from the video at all. The player quit because they didn’t want to go through a few extra steps in working on and improving their character.

The argument being made is that the barrier of entry for new players is too high or too much, not that they aren’t given enough time to do it. We go half a year between patches these days with catch up mechanics on top of that.

I don’t buy the premise new players don’t have enough time to do whatever they want if they put in the effort to do it.

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Anytime pve systems or pve features get mixed in with pvp it cause problems.

If players pick up the game to do just pvp they shouldn’t need to do things like torgast, covanant stuff, etc.

It’s just a major turn off when you have to do pve stuff to pvp.


The OP types up “this is a genuine problem for new players” then sums it up with a tldr. So no its just blind youtuber hate. You’re wrong about this one.

I’ve never gotten that impression. The OP never said such a thing nor even implied it. I think you’re projecting some insecurities here.

I’d question Activision Blizzard far more than I’d question any streamer/youtuber when it comes to money…


You’re introduced to Covs during leveling.
You’re introduced to conduits the second you hit 60.
You’re introduced to Legos about half a campaign chapter in.

Are the additional max level hurdles bad? Absolutely.
But the “did not know” excuse? absolute BS.


Listening to Venruki talk about the new player experience is like asking your mechanic for dental advice.

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I didn’t realize BC through MoP was a dead game because you could get to max level and jump right into whatever you wanted…


Not that I disagree but didn’t the pvp players have a meltdown when blizzard tried a template system that more or less resolved this issue?

I thought we were just speaking in generalities but you know that was added after the fact, right?

I really, really, really hate clickbait simp face. Or the mouth open surprised face… Seriously who clicks on this crap and thinks “Well, I wasn’t going to click before but he’s making a stupid face so I might as well now!”

Just because things change doesn’t mean it’s for the better. Just look at the absolute dismal state wow is in right now. If you’re defending wow then you’re part of the problem.


Actually no, I’m still paying my monthly sub and supporting the game.

Let me say this again, the guy tried the game, found out it wasn’t for him and quit. That’s how we do things in life, it’s not the problem you’re making it out to be.

I’m not sure what your objective is with this post. If it’s to try to have all the systems removed from Shadowlands, you should already know that’s not going to happen. If it’s to make Blizzard aware you don’t like the systems and don’t want them in 10.0, they are, it’s impossible for them not to know.

So pump the breaks on the drama, it’s a problem.

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I can just as easily say that trying to keep the game in the dark ages and not allow it grow and evolve over time is being part of the problem.

It seems like the player saw what the game offered, didn’t like it, and quit. What a great lesson, GD!

Well wow is in an absolute terrible state with it’s “growth and evolution”. You’re just being a contrarian for the sake of it. You have no legitimate arguments, just random nonsense you’re trying to pass off as a discussion.


Yes, yes, the game is perpetually in a terrible state according to perpetually miserable players. Sorry I’m just not that invested to get that worked up over it. I log in when I can, mess around a bit and log off.

Also, I’m not a contrarian or a troll or anything else people call me, I just speak out against the real lazy, bandwagon complaints that barely have any merit.

You haven’t made any compelling arguments either. You complained about people complaining about streamers and made a reference to “getting to max level and jumping into whatever you wanted.” which shows your agenda here.


Well, you’re wrong. The game is bad because the game is bad. Players don’t have anything to do with it. The devs have created a bad game.

Barely any merit according to who? You? Just because you put your blinders on and ignore the problems with wow doesn’t mean they’re not there.

Agenda lol. My only agenda is see wow become a better game but that won’t happen because of arrogant devs. Blizzard loves players like you though who just turn a blind eye and keep paying, thinking nothing is wrong.


Boost or no boost, hit lvl 60 and you suc. then the grind begins. It would make more sense if WOW just went to lvl 100.


So the video seems to tell a story about a “new player”… who presumably wanted to do endgame PvP, and NOTHING ELSE.

So they bought a boost to skip the rest of the game and jump straight into endgame PvP, without bothering to do even the slightest bit of checking to see what might be required.

Then, when they realized they might actually have to participate in other, non-PvP game activities to help set them up for endgame, they said “no way” and quit.

And the youtuber is saying that’s a problem… well it IS, but not the kind of problem I think he’s talking about.

Instead of “people want to play the game”, he should be referring to “people want to play endgame”… which is a totally different thing.

There’s so much more to “playing the game” than JUST M+, rated PvP, and raiding. That “new player” wanted to do ONE and only ONE thing, and quit when they found out there’s a bit more to it than that.

That’s not a game problem… that’s a player problem.

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