You need to see this

i think system is fine as long as it is not time gated weekly.
unlike the bfa cloak resistance and covenant level before renown 80 came out

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I don’t care how many sets there are, but they should ALL be upgradable with any currency - heroic tokens, mythic tokens, or honor. No one even cares what gear looks like anymore since transmog came along and the gear system in the game is an RNG joke at this point.

EVERYTHING should be made available eventually to everyone, even if it takes them months instead of weeks. I HATE arenas ever since they cheated me out of Arena Master, but I could and have played AV all day long. That means I am forever locked out of conquest and rated gear. That means people who grind arenas can grief me in the open world because they have access to higher ilvl, regardless of skill. How am I going to git gud against a 40k execute? I’m not.


Time gating as a content strategy really is a crutch at this point. I don’t even play current content anymore because I was bumping the max covenant time gate every week and grew tired of it. I knew they would make a catch up or something so I just quit playing for a while.

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You were playing the game, just like we used to WoW. We’ve just been conditioned into believing the game is something else now.

I have utmost respect for people like this you tuber who spare some of their time and help someone else :slight_smile:


Then I say you just weren’t paying attention. The game tells you about your job quests.

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Wow has been bad for a while and people wanted to keep “giving it a chance to get better”. Now people are finally fed up and demand better or they leave.


If you watched the video and came to that conclusion… It’s has created a discussion on two forums.

The discussion is Blizzards model is not appealing to new players and a guy who levelled to cap and did PvP with no cov or lego quit after hearing about the tedious tasks he had to do to become competitive

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Hello, I see you posted a thread about pvp. Yeah, it’s pretty absurd how pve gets mixed into pvp in this game. The devs clearly have no idea what they are doing. Just about every other mmo on the market separates the two completely. In Lost Ark, you can hit, I believe level 30, and immediately start competitive PvP with literally everything you need because it’s a completely different system. It boggles the mind how awful the devs are regarding pvp in this game, completely incompetent.

Thanks for your post and have a great day!


The sheer HATRED for youtube content here on this forum is baffling. It goes beyond “I dislike youtubers” into a dismissal of literally anything said in video format. Why are you like this? What youtube creator hurt you in the past?


Yeah, crying about content creators is so weak.


I really don’t understand the absolute loathsome attitude some have for them.


Jelly they have a 9-5

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To be honest…taking 10 minutes to look at a spec on Icy-Veins isn’t all that taxing. Google WoW PvP Spec 9.1.5 takes about 3 seconds and you get the links. This hardly takes hours upon hours of time intensive research.

In-game stuff obviously takes longer but if you want to play the game then you’ll be willing to do the grind once. If you boost to max level in a new game and you have no idea what’s going on…you really need to own that decision and not blame the game because you have no idea what to do now.

If I did that for FF I wouldn’t blame FF because I was lost and had no clue what I was doing. I’d ask in-game for a good site for a new player so I could look at how to play the class that caught my eye.

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there was a similar story BUT it was pve related. it was posted i think on wowhead as well all within SL. it was quite sad tbh. the person who i guess told the story was the one who helped them. got to 60 and didn’t even know what an interrupt was and all that.

game itself does a terrible job at teaching people how to play. then you basically got to jump through hoops or get pooped on pretty much. i feel bad for people that might ask questions in game as well especially in like trade chat. i see some people ask genuine questions and they just get trolled for no reason.

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some of these streamers are almost entirely gameplay only. those are a completely different animal than the “personality” ones - and are imo often deserving of respect/attention when it comes to in-game issues. they often do a great job illustrating their points with gameplay footage/math/examples/etc. rather than prey upon your emotions to create echo chambers like others do.

I wouldn’t just dismiss a guy like venruki - who i think you would agree with on probably 90%+ of his takes. He’s one of the mostly- gameplay guys, so his concerns on state of the game issues are not likely for drama or rage clicks in the same way someone like Bellular would use. (Just an example, I don’t hate bellular, but these are two completely different types of WoW coverage).

Plus he’s canadian, so you know he’s nice and has great taste in music :100:

(also, don’t put too much faith in viewer numbers/popularity to determine someone’s credibility…content creators are just like bands - the underground stuff is the best content, and the most popular are often sellouts).

even average no-name players that post here have better ideas than some of the famous WoW content creators lol

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Well, like Anna said, a lot has to do with the poster just dumping the video without summarizing it and maybe going into some detail about whether or not they agree or disagree with what is being said. You know, starting a discussion on a discussion forum.

The other part of it is that some people act like because the person recorded their opinion in video format rather than typing it out here like the rest of us peasants, that their opinion is somehow more correct or valid than any of ours.

And of course, questioning the motive behind it is always going to happen because money is involved.

I guess you didn’t bother to watch the video. Remember when they came out with level 60 boosts and advertised them to new players as “Buy a boost and come play wow with your friends!”? He bought the game and a boost, queued for PvP, earned honor until he maxed out his honor gear as much as he could without the grinds he still hadn’t even heard of. No conduits, no legendary, no renown, not even a covenant. He had never heard about these things.

The streamer joined his group out of nowhere, carried him to a 1500 rating. Then he sat down to explain how in order to reach his PvP goals he needed to do all the quests, choose a covenant, get conduits, do the maw, korthia, torghast.

The guy quit on the spot.

This is a problem. Even if you have been playing since you were 8 years old and now do hours of research every day, the new player, the actual new player, is way more like him than like the totally non-player who you imagine has been following wow news, reading the forums, reading all kinds of guides on every possible topic, and watching videos 8 hours a day for multiple expansions.

They are invited to join by the advertising. They join. They try to play. Then they quit.

You are part of the problem.


Also, the video is just more raid or die garbage. All of these complaints are from people who whine the second they have to do any content outside of an instance.

Trying to use the excuse of a new player not knowing what is going on is pitiful. Go start a decade old mmo that you’ve never played before and I guarantee you, you will be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of stuff in it. It takes time to get used to and you will have to look stuff up.

Bottom line of all of these arguments is that these people want 10 interchangeable level 60s to do arena or M+ or raid. And if they decide they want to level up an 11th, they want to be able to have that one jump right in with all the rest without any obstacles (systems)

What a boring and dead game that would be.

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The video is entirely about PvP. Raiding doesn’t even come up.

And it’s entirely up to Blizzard if they want those players to quit because they’re overwhelmed and Blizzard got the money they paid for the game and the boost, so they don’t care.

Clearly you want no new players in the game. A lot of elites/elitists would agree with you that the game is much better off without new players, because new players are a major inconvenience to you. They ruin your experience in the game just by existing. They refuse to be ready to play elite content the day they reach max level. How dare they not know everything you have learned in decades of gaming!

You have no clue what the new player experience is, and you don’t want to know.

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