You need to see this

What work do you have to do in say Rocket League other than practice? I don’t have to grind for a different car so I can have a competitive edge.

That guy didn’t have to grind for a legendary or conduits though. You’re making a disingenuous comparison.


Nobody is really denying the time investment that MMOs are, but the problem is that WoW stacks time investments on top of time investments.

Look at it this way: In virtually most other MMOs, you hit the max level and the next grind (in regards to player power) is getting better gear.

In WoW, not only do you have to grind for those two things, but you also have to grind for your legendaries, your conduits, your renown level, your gem sockets, and now your “cyphers” in the upcoming patch.

To be even remotely competitive, you will have to spend hours with each of these grinds. You can’t possibly expect that to be a reasonable expectation. Anyone who believes this amount of grinding is “reasonable” has been deluded into believing that this is par for the course for any MMO. It’s not and never should be.


This nails it on the head and describes why wow is just not fun anymore. It’s a chore list you have to do in order to have fun.


It would still be something I wouldn’t want to do.

Even if I could log in and press a macro and my char just flew around the entire zone and did every daily quest and killed every rare over the course of 30 minutes I would still find it annoying.

It would essentially just be like a 30 minute login queue every time I wanted to play for the first time that day.


True, but least korthia would be more tolerable… slightly… maybe… korthia is pretty bad still. =/

Good video, and hits on the issue for both new players (which is a rare and dying breed anyway) and returning players that didn’t play 9.1 from the start. There is just so much mandatory crap (and I use that word intentionally) you have to shovel through just to be minimally viable in endgame content it becomes discouraging and unenjoyable. And if you aren’t enjoying the content you want to play, you just quit


The guy is right. Plus, you pretty much have to hear from someone else where to go for most stuff, or you are winging it and wasting time.

The amount of honor alone that is required is beyond absurd.

Let me tell you my experience with the free trial for FFXIV, i didn’t search for any guide, i reached level 50 as Archer and nobody on any instanced told me anything, then i got stuck due to an item level requirement for a dungeon and I’ve to search until that moment and the solution was to do a bunch of “Bard” quest for a set and new powers but the game didn’t provide me those details clearly. Same thing can happened here.

Isn’t it sad that what we are going for is “more tolerable”?

Like, has the bar sunk that low? We aren’t even going for “fun” anymore, we will just accept something tolerable lol.


Lol you’re 100% right. It should be fun… not tolerable XD

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Getting stuck behind the main storyline is not the same thing as boosting to level 60 and having no clue what any of the major systems in the game are lol.

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Whether you enjoy PvP or PvE, it’s honestly more hard to imagine a more miserable MMORPG experience for a new player than current World of Warcraft right now.


It’s not miserable. New players are having tons of fun player other games.

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LOL this was my experience too

but even worse, I had no idea archers turned into bards and i was SO MAD because I hate the entire concept of bard.

i mean, my fault, for skipping all (and I do mean all) the dialogue, but I wanted to actually play the game before my 83rd birthday.
waiting on the cutscenes to be done


I hate to tell you this but size (of the youtuber) doesn’t matter. It’s what they say that matters. And what they said is “shadowlands is unfriendly to the new players on what to do before they get to do M+, PvP and so on”.

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And as long as they are negative and critical of the game in the last 4 years they earn those extra clicks.

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You do know it’s not all negative? I don’t know why your looking at this as if Youtubers trying to tell us the state of the game is a negative or a greedy thing to do. And i say this as somebody who still likes the game, but don’t mind if there is improvements.

I much rather the Youtubers be honest with themselves, even if it has to mean they have to be negative, then just feign positivity 100% of the times.

He’s not wrong per se.
I think what Riot seems to be said to be doing well in is letting players jump in and experience the game with little to no hoops.

I believe that mindset will be in their new MMOrpg.

I think this team needs to course correct on how they approach the game.

No joke, I had friends and relatives that wanted to play WoW. Once they played, they were like “F This.” We are talking about D&D die hards here, so you know if it was too droll for them, it is way too droll for almost everyone.


There should be only 2 sets of gear:

Honor and Conquest. If you are good at pvp, title/mount, cosmetics and tabard are enough.

There is a reason pvping is taking a dirt nap.