You need to see this

Please consider watching.

Its ven anyway hes the most harmless polite streamer.


This is a good video and does sort of explain what I think a lot of people feel as well about having so many systems to work on just to play the game efficiently.


I expect it to get worse as well.


Good video. That’s a HUGE problem with wow and has been since Legion. You have to do all these idiotic chores in order to actually be competitive in the aspects of the game you want to play.

Chores SUCK. Chores suck in real life, we don’t need them in a video game that’s supposed to be played for fun.

Blizzard won’t understand though. They’re too arrogant to see past their own nose as they look down on players.


He should go pvp in GW2, gear doesn’t matter. Can jump right in after starter area and you are golden. So nice. WoW like to make things more complicated than necessary.

I remember how nice it was when I started in wrath and could pvp while leveling and earn enough currency to be able to buy a full set of lv80 pvp gear. And could also buy that gear before actually hitting 80.


I got the lowdown from others and have been part of the discussion. I’m good. :slightly_smiling_face:


Cool beans! :smiley:

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So i’m not here to watch some Youtube video. I’d Shock go to Youtube for that. But i’m just going to say if you expect to perform competitively in ANY online game without doing the work then you’re clueless and entitled.

Heck this goes all the way back to Quake and Doom. The guy who knew the maps and got to the Quad Damage or the Rocket Launcher first just destroyed the new guys. It’s your initiation into the fun. Take your lumps.

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Go back to bed dhar mann, the ending will shock you.!

Don’t forget strafe jumping

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I mean there’s taking your lumps and putting in the time, and then there’s what we have in Shadowlands. I get what you’re saying here 100% but I think Shadowlands in particular is kinda laying it on thick.


puts together a video showing that water is wet

waits for dopes to give me clicks

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Say it isn’t so… a streamer who never made it big is jumping on the clickbait to get more views.

Um what? I’m a little lost here

How could he not?
These things have been wildly criticized a year before this expansion dropped by every popular streamer out there. If you’re going to get into a game as complicated as WOW or FF, you’re going to do a little research before you invest the money.
I’m not buying the “didn’t know”, sorry.

You’re fried


Sorry, but to research every nook and cranny of the capabilities of these systems requires hours of investment, especially if you’re not familiar with the game and are new to the scene entirely. Nobody not familiar with the game or new to the scene entirely is going to do that.

The world does not revolve around World of Warcraft. Sorry.


He wanted to just “log in” and PvP!

So… I suggested a game like UT or Halo or CoD. Not only can you just “log in and play”, but those games are DESIGNED around PvP.

He said “I know, but I want an RPG element.”

I said “like you want to level up and acquire things? ‘Get better as you get better’ sort of vibe?”


Isn’t that what you just said you didn’t want to do?

Well… I want to level up and acquire things, but not THAT MUCH!

Bro, please, just play CoD.

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Gold (insane amount without profession)
Mats for profession
Profession (avoid spending 800k on legendary)
Gear (correct gear)
Rated honor for vault
Soul Ash
Soul Cinders
Covenant questline
Legendary not the piece of gear
M+ for vault
Shadowlands Expansion
World of Warcraft Subscription
(Don’t do this all on a class you don’t end up liking!)
Networking to find partners
Learn classes
Learn specs
Learn PvP
Learn keybinds and macros
You may have to do LFR simply DEPENDING ON YOUR CLASS

Oh gee wiz I almost forgot the worst one; learn how to cope with the fact that blizzard employees steal breast milk and also you need to login to the game.


Let’s look at this from the simplest view, any MMO is a time investment. It takes time to level and learn your class. For that matter, it takes time just to decide which class you want to play. It also takes time to find friends you gel with that can help you with all the things. The time investment of MMOs isn’t some obscure secret hidden on the internet that takes hours of research to find.

This guy came in with an unrealistic objective for this type of game. He wasn’t willing to invest the time required to optimize his character. He gave it a shot, found out this wasn’t his kind of game, and moved on. What did we really lose by him quitting? It was best for everyone.

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