You need to see this

I changed it to “hit 60”. In the video Venruki assumed he boosted.

Doctors HATE him!


Dude lol :rofl:

Previous expansions were focus on leveling and then you can do pvp,pve at some level without feeling a big disadvantage, when they introduced borrowed powers, now if you boost or level up a character there’s another path beside leveling in order to be good to do casual pvp, some low ranking and m+.

A lot of players like games that enables you to jump directly into the action, however, as “RPG”, WoW is now focus on all players must do campaings…etc…etc to gain power, even when WoW has the best pvp right now from my POV, so that element of doing all these things will kill the engagement of players that look at this game for just a portion of it.


The systems don’t feel rewarding either. Like, if I was new coming into the game and found out I need to do 10 gazzilion things just in order to do pvp or something else, I would quit too. It’s incredibly off putting to new players.

It should feel like you make progress doing all these things, not “ok this is for this patch ok it’s done now” or “Oh uh, yeah we designed it to be at full power at the very end so now you can have fun with it.”

It should feel fun all the time not part of the time. “I hate these grinds but I gotta do it in order to get high ranking in pvp.”


If he didn’t know about Covenants, then he probably did boost. It may be a good assumption.

If Blizzard wants everyone to have access to boosts, then they need to dial back all of these systems.

I mean, the systems need dialed back period, but you get squat for a 60 boost and you’re left hanging in this kind of environment.

The only reason this expansion hasn’t totally killed my love of the game is because I haven’t done end game in two expansions now. As a casual, it doesn’t affect me as much, except for currency gating.

Of course, as it stands, I’ve been skating by on RAF months and a Christmas present for game time. lol


Yup, it’s very unfortunate. Way too many things to do man…


I agree 100% with everything he says, but Ion/Activision is content with a smaller, more dedicated, playerbase that will purchase store mounts and tokens then chasing whimsical, game hopping, fringe MMO players. Believe me, they are a billion dollar company, they do ROI’s, they know how much they want to invest into WoW and how much they expect in return. The game today is exactly want they intended it to be sadly.


I love Venruki, but he honestly speaks a lot of the time without thinking. The guy in question just wanted to pvp…in an MMORPG!? This dude boosted to 60 and didn’t do anything else. If he wants to jump into pvp lobb game there are FPS or MOBA games for that. We had PvP stat templates in WoD and majority of people complained about it being stale (also something he lobbied for). They then revert it and bring back customization and power grind and people complain. End of day to fix any of this they shouldn’t allow you to boost to max level w/o first attaining it.


Or at the very least, they need to do a better job introducing these things and teaching players. I know that us veterans are used to Wowhead and Thottbot and what not. But there is SO much to this game by now, and there is nothing in place to teach anyone about it.

The Newcomers Chat is there, and from what I have experienced as a guide is that a lot of new and returning players are even overwhelmed or confused by leveling content. That’s before they even start getting to the end game stuff. Newcomers Chat is a godsend but is not a real solution to how overwhelming this game can be.


And here’s the thing, there can be plenty of things to do, but when it comes to getting ready to even do the endgame content, that’s different. It should feel tiered and to get to each spot it’s a ladder. In pvp, it should feel as though you’re working your way up. You have some basic stuff, then you get up and up and up.

Like in ESO (elder scrolls online) for harder and harder content you work your way up to it. You don’t feel like you can throw whatever on and get into hardmode vet trials with no deaths (same as mythic raiding with extra steps). You start off doing dungeons and quests to get skill points and CP. You start doing different dungeons that are harder and harder and do dungeons at veteran level too. You learn more and more of how the sets work, maybe what set you want to run with, why you would run with it, etc. PVP is it’s own animal all together though and I haven’t dabbled in it yet.

But the difference is if something new comes out it just adds to what you already have. Like crafting once you learn all the crafting then you can use that in the next DLC and the next because the crafted sets are tied to a table in the area. You can save up writs to get attunable tables so you don’t have to travel to make the sets.

There is min maxing too and all that and hardcore groups but plenty of casual groups too that just want to chill. Wow has a lot of grind grind grind for minimal reward it feels like that is just thrown away next patch. Like korthia. Korthia and the domination sockets are just gonna go “poof” come next patch. They may or may not be usable. The archivist? Poof unless they allow us to use the gem socket thing, then now we got the new zone AND korthia to deal with and our cov callings and other stuff.

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It’s a 17 year old ever evolving game that they somehow didn’t take into account how things would go.

At this point, it’s difficult to cater to different generations of gamers and they’ve failed on both accounts. They tried to bring in new players with newfangled things, while leaving out old players. Problem is, all this newfangled stuff was way too much and the old players hate it, the new players can’t get into it and we’re left with a mess.

New generations of gamers aren’t interested in the old games, no matter how many fancy bells you tie to it. And the old generations of gamers don’t have interest in the fancy bells, but get alienated by them. So both groups are quitting now.


Agree 100% and it’s sad to see, but here we are.


Oh man to farm a full set of honor gear only to find out that you haven’t really even started the grind yet.


You would thought they learned from 8.3 in BfA and having tons of returning players wanting to try WoW again when everyone was in quarantine. Only to be met with 3 seperate grinds to complete before you could jump into the real end game.

But here we are in Shadowlands with slightly less offensive grinds but more still being added in 9.2.


So in other words they tried to put bells and whistles on something that didn’t need bells and whistles. You’re 100% right on that, and it’s off putting for them to try and do all this crazy stuff to try and appeal to this and that. Another thing is them listening to player feedback. They sometimes do but often times, they don’t. “We want flying to be easier to get.”

“Ok, we are going to add in about a month’s worth of grinding for new zone that you have to make sure you grind out every day otherwise you fall behind.” (still in ptr so hopefully that changes)

“Um… are you listening hello?!”

Thing is what made OG wow what it was is it was new and people were still figuring stuff out, the sense of community was great, and it felt like as you played your character progressed. You collected something it felt like a massive achievement. Like if a person got epic riding it’s like YEAH! You know? Like now having to do all this craziness just to grind out flying for 1 area that’s going to probably be done and over with then we gotta do it all again is silly. We don’t even get a mount for it! ><’ if we got a mount ok maybe then it’s semi relevant after shadowlands. And in SL the server community doesn’t feel there. You may see someone you know out and about and go “hey how are you!?” but that’s about it.

Edit: goes back to, “don’t try to reinvent the wheel.” They did too much in a way no one liked with all the bells and whistles trying to reinvent the wheel and they broke the wheel.


While it’s true that new gamers probably aren’t picking up WoW, this game has a 15 year old history. It’s really hard to find someone over the age of like 25 who is a gamer and hasn’t played WoW at some point in their life.

There are tens of millions of people who have played WoW in the past. There are hundreds of thousands of people playing WoW now. These old veterans of the game will often come back at the start of a new expansion or big patch to check it out, but they are essentially new players when it comes to current systems.

If you tried to tell someone from WoTLK that they need to spend a few months grinding Korthia and Torghast and world quests in order to avoid being 1 shot in random BGs…yeah they aren’t gonna play that lol.


Is it even less offensive? Korthia is the most offensive grind I’ve ever done.


Main reason my brothers quit the game.

“We need to do what??.. oh hell naw”

Like everyone else, they start, they gear in BG and when the grind begins they quit.


Korthia would be better if we got flying in it same with the maw. Our mounts work there what are they just too scared to fly? It’s like mechagon but with extra grinding and no flying.