You need to lock Herod

I love how people say this, these are literally the same exact people that expect Classic to die within the first month.

You can literally assume a million and still be almost right. Majority have most likely not even reserved their names yet mate. Every server excluding oceanic, and maybe the PVE/Normal realms will be almost Full on launch.

So no actual stats then? Right. Carry on talking garbage please.

Well, how do you know it’s not around that number though? Oh, all we can do is speculate and go by words and the queues we saw on name reservations.

I can’t tell if you’re pretending to be this dense, or if you’re actually just an idiot.

Because I’m from Blackrock day one. You however, have no clue what are talking about, infact I’m quite certain another hole is doing the talking/thinking for you.

They can go to a low pop server and play with friends on it then. Unless playing with friends isn’t important enough to move before the game even launches.

Dude, Blackrock is literally a dead server.

Why do you keep saying that? LOL

Asmongold is on Faerlina. Most of the streamers are.

Herod is the ‘anti streamer’ server.

And it’s the US Pserver server. All pserver players are on Herod.

That won’t last. Streamers will be urged over to Herod for them fat twitch dollars. Their fanbase is all trolls and what better way to get jollies than to troll the anti-streamer server.

Your use of quotes is perfect. Nobody who understands why queues happen was fooled into thinking layering was a solution. Queues happen at bottle necks. Layering does not happen at a bottleneck, it happens after the bottle neck to divide people out for convenience.

Exactly, this is actually so true. EVERYONE, EVERYONE. Thought layering was suppose to solve the issue of queues. Even I, at some point thought it’d fix queues LOL. Which, is literally one of the reasons I Was okay with it at the beginning.

Blackrock was the very first server to exist little man. It was down for three whole days shortly into release for ‘upgrades’ to the size limit. Meaning this very simple thing; people COULD NOT ROLL there because servers are capped at limits. Unlike you, know these things first hand. IF the server were full, they’d be forced to create another. Yes, I used to have long wait times, but then they went down considerably.

Yes, new players (who are not subbed for the name reservation) can join a low population server on launch. They will also be able to join Herod, even if there is a queue/message that should deter them from such.

I still don’t see a reason to lock the server in this scenario.

This didn’t deter people on retail though, and this didn’t deter people on pservers :open_mouth:

The server locks itself, the character sheet size isn’t unlimited.

I can’t believe OP revived his pointless thread. He never gets tired of dancing for us!

I can see it’s quite dim, it actually thinks character sheets have no potential to fill up, and that Blizzard are stupid game creators of many, many years who wouldn’t simply put up new servers within days, it takes it upon itself to ‘solve’ the problems Blizzard has oh so many years ago.

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I’m advocating for player choice. Can you imagine the outrage from the player base if they did decide to lock the server:

“Oh man! Everyone who pre-subbed got on the premiere server and I can’t join it! My guild and friends are all playing there but now I can’t!”

It would be a terrible PR decision.

Alternatively, you can let the player base decide where they want to go - and what level of “queue” is acceptable for them. Maybe some people are willing to wait a couple minutes (or hours, I don’t know how long it will be) in order to join a server. Those that aren’t? They have option of joining a different server.

I prefer the option to choose.

You’ll find out when you can’t create another character.

Unless layering changes this dynamic. The truth is, we don’t know.

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