You may not agree with VE and the DR customization

Says someone who still cries Blood Elves shouldn’t have gone Horde.

Helfers who called us trolls because we asked for blue eyes for Blood Elves.


Well you know its not fair because I am not hiding anything or pretending like… idk… you Sir?!

Edit.: ewwwwwwwww vulpera.

Lol. Dokay. Go read a wiki. Heck Im sure even the bullet points cover this much.

Its not even a debate, its the way Blizzard wrote the lore.

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In Scarlet Monastery.

Would you like some cookies and punch while you wait? It may be a while.



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It wasnt during battle for lordaeron it was darkshore. She raised night elves into darkfallen as well as void elves.

Nathanos was a Human Hunter before he died LOL the three people who agreed with you are just as out of touch as you

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And yet we never had a forsaken hunter or playable human hunter for almost half a decade. The lore was not even “Nathanos taught forsaken to be hunters” or that there was some event needed for the human hunters to be added. They were just added, no fan fare, no extra lore or anything.

And this was the case for many of the races of Azeroth, Where were the orc mages? Troll warlocks? Gnomes priest? There was no lore! Heck, the Dark Ranger skins at least was given the barest mention that “hey these were raised undead that want to go back to their people”, which is pretty reasonable.


And then they said yeah we should have done that so we do it now but its not the same as a Void Elf mage looking like a Sylvanas loyalist archer

Why is it so different? At worse this is just retroactively stating Sylvanas raised a bunch of void elves(who were fighting against the Horde in multiple conflict zones including Lordearon) and now they rejoined the Alliance.


There was no way for her to raise them she had no primevalkyr left with her in lordaeron and its dumb so people dont like it not everyone feels the same and your arguments were already smacked down from others too so try understanding others instead of making bad comments that dont make sense bye

It’s not my problem you missed the memo that I am posting on my alt Vulpera.

How is he a hunter?

Because he summoned pets to help him in combat?

You know, like a BM hunter.

I see he had pets but nothing else looked like hunter to me.

Having beasts that assist you in combat is one of the defining traits of hunters.

We don’t know where those remaining Val’kyr were. For all we know one or two went back to Lordearon to help the war effort their. Besides, it could simply have been void elves raised during the Battle for Darkshore.

Not at all, again if you don’t like my hunter analogy we literally had half a dozen new class/races combos added in Cata and most did not get any lore as to why they were suddenly there. Hell, we suddenly got gnome hunters in Legion for no particular reason.

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No she didn’t. Find a single one in game.

So just because she didnt raise a single void elf on screen means that she didnt?


Yes, because Sylvanas blighted the whole field and turned everyone into undead skeletons by doing so, even Horde.