You may not agree with VE and the DR customization

Yes. There was also none in orgrimmar or any quest line during BfA

But apparently not Nightborne? Who were already on her side?

Seems sus.

And yet apparently no Nightborne died in the making of this atrocity …


Please. Point out where. Not one instance of a void elf being resurrected by Sylvanas is in the games or books to my knowledge.

Lor’themar threatened to kill Sylvanas if she resurrected any Blood Elves after… Legion? Logically, this extended to Void Elves. This was even a big point in one of the BFA books, because she resurrected a single blood elf, and hid it.

I for one don’t want options added without story to back it up. If they explained that there was a point where Sylvanas resurrected void elves between BFA and SL, I’d be fine with it.

I’m still using the skin cause I want a grey skin tone, but I don’t agree with the inclusion.

Though, I do find it weird people have more issue with Dark Ranger Void Elves than the fact they let Druids, Paladins, etc. have the Dark Ranger skin tones, effectively canonizing Forsaken Paladins and Druids.

At the VERY least, locking the skin tones to hunters would’ve made sense. At least we can headcanon that some Blood Elf Dark Rangers ventured to Telogrus Rift to join the Void Elves. It’s not perfect, but it at least is a possibility. WHereas Dark Ranger druids just don’t make any sense in any way I can spin it lol.

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As far as paladins (and druids) now being able to be “undead” through the dark ranger skins…

Is probably the lead up (or a hint) to EVERY race can be EVERY class. AND be allowed to group with anyone in the world (not just instances) and go anywhere no matter the faction.

Wait and see how angry some people get when void elves get paladins :slight_smile: And void elves in silvermoon :open_mouth:

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I get what your saying about dark ranger night elf druids.

The only logical outcome i can come up with is nightmare druids who some how retained their sanity? ive never heard of a raised undead night elf able to use the power nature, but it could be possible from a lore stand point.

A druid does have the ability to raise the dead, an undead druid though? I mean it could be possible.

I guess thats one thing. I thought maybe he actually had hunter spells and weapons.

He dual wielded axes which is something Hunters did in Vanilla.

so wait, this forum spends all day all the time talking about lack of customization, and now that they’ve been given some suddenly its bad because it wasn’t adequately explained in the lore?


Well you’re probably right. I guess I expected more.

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the thing is it doesn’t matter if people are upset that VE got the customizations, they(blizzard) allowed it and there is -0- percent chance they will take it away from VE now regardless of how many people protest it, this cake is baked.


well than anything effing goes now, basically.

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This is my problem with a lot of the stupid half-baked demands people make.

“But… but they could!!! They could make the lore anything I they want!!!”

Yeah, they could - but they could also just fart it out and not give a single damn because that’s the path of least resistance and, well the player base is always telling them to put out more content faster…!

Guess which one is more likely to happen…?

More than that, pandering to niche tastes over the basic fundamental idea that the game world should have consistency and internal logic is a cancerous design paradigm. Once you’ve surrendered to madness, you can’t go back. “Well, you did [profoundly stupid, half-baked nonsense thing A]! It’s not fair that I can’t have [equally stupid, undercooked nonsense thing B]!!! Gimmie gimmie gimmie!!!”

If it’s something that doesn’t make any damn sense, then put in the legwork to make it make sense! If it’s a big deal, a revolutionary shift in the status quo, then give it the attention it deserves! Ren’dorei Dark Rangers? Okay, what? That’s insane! Surely there’s a story to be told here, an explanation to be had. This total coup of an idea demands explanation!

“Just don’t think about it! We certainly didn’t, and we’re happy!”

That isn’t a solution, that’s an insult.

I swapped to the red eyes to see how they looked but there was something about the changes it made to face I didn’t care for. But now that I see what it did to my profile picture I’m tempted to keep it till they fix that.

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I find the people getting mad about lore now weird. The lore has been off the rails ever since half the wc3 cast were flanderized into loot pinatas in vanilla bc and wrath. Try reading the lore of the trial of the crusader and think about it for more then 10 seconds, hearthstone made it make more sense then wow did. In comparison to a lot of poor story decisions this one at least is fairly harmless, blood elves and void elves are basically the same people its real easy to see the dead high(because there were a lot of dead elven archers during og scourge times) elves going the way of the ebon blade and just picking their faction. They could definitely do more to make it make sense but as far as things go this is a real weird place to start screaming about the sanctity of the lore finally being dead…now at this point.


Yes. There are two batches of AR. Legion AR and BFA AR.

As for void elves, they literally signed up for a suicide distraction mission in nazmir so Jaina and gelbin could easily take dazar’alor out of the picture. But sylvanas never in game rezzed any. Only NE

I know this is a necro, but to clarify, they were always welcome.

They specifically stated in BFA’s epilogue quest with Calia that they don’t feel like they could be forgiven, so they wouldn’t even attempt to reconnect.

Whereas Tyrande and Shandris pleaded with Sira and Delaryn to come back during the Darkshore Warfront. They were always welcome back in the Night Elven society. But even after they were free from Sylvanas’s influence, they said they felt what they did was unforgiveable.

Clearly the Shadowlands changed their mind, seeing Tyrande go through everything she did for the fallen Night Elves.

That’s because, much like people use as an argument against Void Elf Death Knights - Undeath and Void don’t mix well. She would have been creating caustic followers that could cause more harm than good - it’s why Nathanos orders you to behead the Void Elves in the Zuldazar Assault - so that the Void can’t reanimate the corpses either. (The Void Elves were reanimating corpses with the void in the assault, they had no free will so it was dangerous for everyone involved, but it also let the Alliance “win” the assault [from the alliance’s PoV, I don’t think either faction wins the assaults canonically], when they reanimated a giant devilsaur.)

I think most of the forces that remained after the battle were stuck in plague though…

I don’t think they’re likely where the velf DR came from.

I just figured some velves that assisted in Darkshore or across Zandalar and Kul’tiras were raised.

The most likely scenario is Void Elf Dark Rangers are simply Blood Elven Dark Rangers that defected to the Void Elves.

We see in Telogrus Rift that there are Blood Elves are coming to join the Void Elves. Logic dictates it’s possible one of the defected could have been a Dark Ranger who felt so betrayed by Sylvanas, that they sought solace in the other two Windrunner Sisters.

There’s probably only canonically a couple of them, but if even one exists, making it playable works fine, because you could always be that outlier.

Velonara even tells Alliance at the end of the questline that any Dark Rangers who wish to return to the Alliance are going to be allowed to, presumably because she doesn’t want to become a control freak like Sylvanas.

Por que no los dos?

Both what I said and this seem equally plausible.

The “raised” Void Elves are canonically joining them as Sylvanna’s former Dark Rangers after the war. The questline for this can be found in SL, where you follow Calia in her quest in helping the Forsaken.

After this event some of the High/Blood Elf Dark Rangers join them as Void Elves with undergoing the Void-process. Please remember as well, that they can look like High Elves, because only the first generation during the Ghostland Void Elf unlocking recruiting story got corrupted to this degree.