You may not agree with VE and the DR customization

We didnt get any lore though.
Thats a big issue i have with it.

They were just added as customisation to void elves with no explaination at all.


Why I pointed that out is because we do not need to be hand fed lore. Plenty of void elves died during the Fourth War. It is not some impossibility that some of them got ressurected offscreen. Similarly, there were always human hunters, they were also just off screen until Cata.


Dont you think it seems odd though?

Blood elves have a long history and solid lore for them.
Night elves had their story of becoming undead recently told, several scenes in the game of them and recognised in the new quest line and told how they went back to the alliance.

And then void elves… nothing.

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No they dont.
Its not odd they joined the horde, its criminal.
They are part of humanity and alliance since forever, one guy did not like Kael and “hey you know what, lets join the horde and ally with the trolls we have been fighting against for as long as mortals exist”.
But it is what it is… even if I dont like it.

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Yeah so your replies has nothing to do with this discussion.
Youre just complaining about blood elves being horde.

Not sure what youre adding here


You didn’t give any proof only your head cannon fiction.

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Funny to have that come from a female night elf druid, considering how the druid role used to be a male-only thing back during the primordial age of warcraft lore.

Velf dark rangers are just another one of countless retcons. Just because you don’t like it dosn’t mean Blizzard will treat it any different.


Actually I think it is very cool VE’s getting brand new gothic customizations for them and that’s it.

Since they are a race that like to cosplay everything but themselves it is very fitting, now they can pretend they are Sanlayn too :rofl:

The curious case of the race that would like to be everything except Ren’dorei themselves. Srsly, if I have a VE someday I would be proud to just embrace the chaos and just let go Quel’dorei/Dark Ranger delyriums

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Is this still a thing? sigh

That’s not really relevant, is it? We didn’t have any Void Elf Death Knights either before Shadowlands and here we are. It’s not like it’s the first time Blizzard adds gameplay stuff before their corresponding lore explanation.


What happend to your face? Looks like a black hole. :scream_cat:

The forums do not like dark ranger customisation on void elves for some reason.

On the plus side, it does look awesome

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I don’t really dig this dark ranger void elf stuff but I never really got the void elf as a whole. Never understood why the devs gave themselves the trouble to create void elves instead of just giving alliance high elves, but it is what it is. I don’t play the race and those that do it are not ruining my game experience. If people can do stuff that makes them happy and that doesn’t represent a direct hindrance to anyone, I say just let them do it and let us all exercise some tolerance

Yes because most of the forum trolls are, guess… horde.
They never stop crying because alliance got VE, they took one of the most iconic alliance race (blood elves) and they pretend this lore crime never existed.
But since alliance got VE (who lets face it, should be the High Elves, who, lets not forget are the blood elves) they lost it.
Again I already told here on this very thread that there are stuff I dont agree with but the lore, as much as I really dont like some parts of it, can change.
And besides who does not really like more customization?!?!?
Its not like the damn vulperas that they took out of nowhere with so many warcraft stuff they could use.

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Yes, it can.

But it has to actually evolve and change universally and in-game.

Did you really not read the next line before quote?!?!?

I… disagree with this, but you do you boo :heart:


Yes, I did.

So what?

Oh… I am sorry, another of the “special forum ppl”.
I wish you a good day.

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Yeah, this is just not accurate at all.

The Night Elves exiled the High Elves after the Well of Eternity was destroyed. Then after again being denied aid by the Alliance during the Third War the High Elves that remained then changed their name to Blood Elves. These are the same High Elves from WC3.

Blizzard has been on record several times at different points in history since Burning Crusade’s release explaining that there are just not enough population left of the very limited amount of High Elves that somehow remained (after being cast out by Nelfs) and even few still that survived the Third War to even be called a race.

So yeah, nah. It wasn’t just “One elf saying let join the Horde”.

It was essentially the entire race of High Elves(soon to be Blood Elves) that was exiled and cast aside by the Alliance.

Also, the Blood Elves didnt begin waring with trolls until the moved to the Eastern Kingdoms. Also, they where a completely different race of trolls than their troll allies.

Your intentionally disregarding and distorting the lore to paint your arguments in a favorable way. Not cool.

Also, it makes no sense anywhere, for Void Elves to have Dark Rangers.

Really it(DR) should have been exclusive to Undead and Blood Elves, but with the way Void Elfs(the wanna be barbie doll Helf’ers whiners at least) lose their minds over wanting access to all Blood Elf customizations I can see why Blizz went ahead and preemptively stifled the whinging that no doubt would have burst through the floodgates.

I dont agree with it but I can see why.

But thats on them because just like with any other whiny demanding children they should have put their foot down firmly in the first place.

But they didnt and here we are.


The Alliance never cast aside the HE.

Thats what you did.