You may not agree with VE and the DR customization

Thanks for proving your just as selfish

Did he expect them to beg to rejoin the horde or just go off to die somewhere? What a hypocrite. Of course the VE would go help the alliance.

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I’m forgetting the part where raised undead were allied with their original faction and not the person who raised them.
By your logic the crimes of Arthas and his legion of undead was an Alliance act, and ghouls should be an Alliance race because those undead were once citizens of Lordaeron.

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Give up on making sense of WoW lore. Youll be happier.


The way I see it, if you see a red-eyed void elf, the elf is/was a high elf before their transformation.

The only reason it says, “void elf,” when you target them is for gameplay reasons.

I’ll take the red eye option when I get home from work because undead paladin. Hehe, I was a loyalist.

The reality is that blizz said a long time ago that gameplay always trumps lore, seems to be so in this case.

People really obsessed with how void elves don’t have sub races, but don’t ever whine and complain about the troll tribes, or wildhammers, or whatever.

Anyways, Vorath was using void.

Then bring on the dark ranger taurens and goblins and gnomes and vulperan. Who needs lore and reason that make sense in a story! Red contacts for everyone!

Also allow tauren demon hunters!

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Pretty sure canonically there’s only like 50 Void Elves, and I don’t remember seeing Sylvanas raise any of them.


Jokes on you. You just didn’t discover her super secret elf harem.

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Is she growing them like a crop?

Where do you think soylent comes from?!

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This is exactly what has happened.

And it’s really childish of everyone to be ganging up on someone for pointing this out.

Thallia is correct. The lore does matter to some people.

Just because most of yall dont give a rip about anything besides “iT loOk CoOL, giB to vOiD TeH ElvEs tOo!!”, doesn’t mean there arent players that appreciate continuity and consistency in lore and story.

Void Elves have gotten more non void customizations by far than they have gotten actual, ya know, VOID customizations.

I really wish they would have given Belfs to the whiny baby Alans and actually gave the Void Elves to Horde. That way the Void Elves could be appreciated and we could be asking for more cool void customizations for such a unique race instead of trying to play dress up barbie high elf.

Yall are silly with this.

But its not cool to gang up and gaslight someone for pointing out the obvious facts.


Considering there have never been void elf or high elf dark rangers on the alliance, it is very strange that they did not bother to address their existence before adding them as a cosmetic option.

They added a whole questline. Why werent they included at all?
It feels like a last minute decision to copy paste the options over.

Show me where we had human hunters before they got added in Cata. I’ll wait.


I still think this was a mistake and the moment the developers realized this, they simply could not take it back anymore.

I have read a funny theory today: The devs added these options on purpose to the VEs so they can take them later back in an official statement and offering the VE-players the High Elf race title or a changed EE-effect.

You’re comparing apples and oranges. A human man of average strength picking up a bow and learning how to wield it is not the same thing as being risen into undeath as an elite unit specifically intended to fight for a specific nation.

This makes no sense.


By this point I will only ask if you guys have the information about “alive lore”… new things are allowed to happen.
Sure I got mad back in the days when Be joined the horde and sure I think paladins should be a alliance thing and shamans a horde thing (like vanilla).
But LORE CAN EVOLVE AND CHANCE even if I dont agree with it.
WoW lore is not all in-game, that alone make a lot of ppl questioning a lot of stuff.
I am not saying the retcon craps are alright, stabilished lore should stay in stone but new things are allowed to happen.
Its ALIVE folks.
