You Lost Me, Blizzard

Do me a favor then and showcase and explain the outrage to me. Because outrage, to me, would look something like this


This is BOGUS. I play this game to RELAX and have FUN but apparently you’re ANTIFUN because you POINTLESSLY took out the LONG BOI mount. What was it hurting Blizz? Do you just like RUINING people’s day? This is a SLAP in the face of the playerbase!!!111!!!1!

Yada yada yada.

No, it’s a pretty legitimate thought I have whenever I see people seemingly kneejerk react to an OP that doesn’t strike me as overly upset or enraged over something and tell them to put their big boy pants on or to get over it. Complaining, voicing discontent, or otherwise providing constructive criticism is not inherently outrage.

At best you can chalk it up to getting different impressions of the demeaner of a poster, of which I don’t sense any hostility from the OP or any outrage. New people, and people who don’t follow WoW news, do exist and the OP posted a credible story of his experience and why he is done with the game. He also noted that he posted here was what he sent to Blizzard that he felt was automated and not seen.

Maybe he’s lying and trolling or “faking outrage” but even if we could look into a crystal ball to verify that you were right you’d only get 10 points for Gryffindor for sheer dumb luck.

Back in my day it was Rastlin talking about how everything was a slap in the face.

Kids these days.


Thanks for being defensive, and what you assume about me is 100% correct.

I rarely respond to people like this who use inflammatory words to start an argument, but I appreciate it. :slight_smile:

And yet you continue to troll bait… like you do on your main.

Outrage looks different to everyone. WELCOME TO THE NEW LEFTER-AMERICA!

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I’d say there is Blizzard to blame, actually. They once again removed content to create a FOMO sensation and to punish people who were not actively subscribed and doing x activity. The fact that they remove things like this is distasteful at best. Coupled with Blizzard’s lack of reasoning for the removal, it is very understandable and normal to be annoyed that something that was put in the game has now had its acquisition taken out.


Mate, nothing for nothing. It’s not like that mount going away was a secret. If you are as serious about farming gold as you say you are then one could reasonably deduce that you do your research. Furthermore, if you were farming for the AH mount you almost certainly knew it had a limited time.
You either
A. Missed your goal of 5 mil and you’re salty.
B. Legitimately had no idea it was going away, "in which case you weren’t that serious about the mount anyway. And now you’re salty.

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Sorry, your post lost me here.

I assume this is another “I missed the boat on the auction mount so please bring it back” post.


Thanks for contributing to wait times by filing spurious tickets.

It was datamined a year in advance. They were intending to turn it into a feat of strength. It was all over wowhead, besides the forums, of course.

I knew about the existence of the brutosaur during the beta, which I did not play. I wanted it, but didn’t buy the expansion until Korrak’s came out, instead playing 110 pvp to reach my goal of honor level 500. I started grinding for gold to buy it and bought it long before it was removed.

There is way too much information that is hidden and only known by those who have done deep research or only understood by those with experience and talent. This was not one of those.


You can argue it shouldn’t have been removed. I would agree. It was removed though and they weren’t secretive about it so if you prodded on without paying attention that’s on you.

It’s not like you lose the gold though so how about hooking a Tauren up with something nice.

You’re asking for a mount, which arguably never should have been in the game to begin with, to come back with an auction house on it. Fantasy aside, it was once incredible a mount had a repair vendor on it. Things went too far adding an auction house on it.

This is no reason to quit. You missed out on a limited time mount. Many people missed out on limited time gladiator mounts and other mounts.

You’ll have to find a new goal to work on. And you’ll have to travel to an auction house to use one.

You’re the only one who thinks it should never have existed. That doesn’t make it “arguable”.

The future removal should have been announced at the beginning of the expansion, and there should have been one or more smaller recolors without the utility remaining in the game, for significantly less gold.

Well I don’t know if he’s only one, there are a lot of people in the game after all. But that’s not really the point of a thread.

I’m guessing Blizzard will just ignore this thread.

i had a similar reaction when McDees removed the pizza

This in no way counters what I said or supports the claim that Blizzard announced it a year before Shadowlands.

So again I ask how soon before would a non-forum lurker have know this? How soon before was Blizzard’s actually announcement? It sure wasn’t a year before.

There’s been a lot of discussion about the brutosaur mount. This is the first post I’ve read that says it should never have existed. Probably some others feel that way, like, a handful.

I approve your decision. Just fyi that mount may show up on Black Market for 9,999,999.00 gold.

Am I the only one?

And yes it is arguable. Should the game developers release items that provide in-game services to the players? That’s the question. The mount is an item that provides auctioneering services to the players. MOLL-E is an item that provides mailing services to the players. There are countless others.

How far should the developers go to provide items in game that provide in-game services? Should there be a mount that allows one to change his or her race?


The future removal should have been announced at the beginning of the expansion, and there should have been one or more smaller recolors without the utility remaining in the game, for significantly less gold.

I agree that the removal should have been announced at the beginning. That’s very fair. Recolors with the same utility? It’s the utility that makes the 5,000,000 gold value reasonable.

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Blizzard did not announce it. People who are stating this are misremembering how it happened.