You Lost Me, Blizzard

Well, since Blizzard gave me an automated response and marked it as answered, I guess I’m going to have to make my private matters public. Great system you have here, Blizzard.

A letter to Blizzard:

You Lost Me

Battle for Azeroth wasn’t my cup of tea, but I reluctantly played it until Classic WoW released. When it did, I switched over to Classic but came back to BfA nearing the end of the expansion when I heard of the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur.

When Shadowlands released, I made it a goal to earn 5,000,000 gold for the mount. I was willing to spend hours farming gold through World Quests, materials, and professions. Ever since I started playing World of Warcraft, I’ve enjoyed farming materials. Cloth, meat, fish, leather, ore, herbs—you name it—and having this mount would keep me working. I would have an auction house whenever I wanted it, giving me more incentive and more joy farming materials, and with the auction house change implemented, listing auctions is much easier, so even the listing portion of the farming is less painful.

It wasn’t until a month into the expansion that I was told by a streamer that the Brutosaur had been removed with Shadowland’s pre-patch. From that point on, I played WoW less and less. I stopped running Mythics, World Quests disinterested me, and Raids gave me nothing. It wasn’t until recently that I realized why I became so disconnected with the game. It was because I had nothing to work towards. Additionally, playing Classic World of Warcraft is pointless as all the game’s content has been exhausted. Likewise, the friends I played with in Classic WoW are starting to switch over to Shadowlands because of this, so not only is there nothing to do, but there’s no one to play with. The combination of these matters incited me to write this letter because, at this point, you will lose my business.

I ask you to bring back the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur mount or release a new mount with an auctioneer on it. The beauty of the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur is that it’s a mount. I won’t have to respawn it or wait for a cooldown, and it will be available for as long as I stay mounted, meaning others can use it if I’m away from my computer or tabbed into another application. The Black Market won’t always have the mount, and because it’s discontinued, people will pay an absurd price for it—a price that I’ll never have in one sitting.

It’s your game, so I have no control over it, but I see no reason to continue my subscription if the one item I was working towards can no longer be purchased, so I’ve canceled my recurring subscription. I’m not sure how you’ll handle my situation, or if you’ll handle it at all, but I would like to hear back from you on this matter as I’ve been with you since your first expansion and feel I’m owed some form of acknowledgement.

Mountain Drew

I expect down votes and hostile comments telling me I’m entitled, so thank you, Blizzard, for this being the only place for me to share my private matters and only hope to get a response from you. This post is going to go down the drain, just like my subscription.


You also expected a mount that’s essentially been removed from the game, I don’t know what to tell you.


Bye Andrew


it can appear on the black market now but the starting bid is 5 mil iirc


Downvotes don’t exist.

What happens once you purchase it?


I can respect your decision, Andrew.

In general, I find it distasteful that items like this continue to be removed from the game. There’s no good reason for that other than to punish players for not being persistently subscribed.

@Fenja - OP actually addressed that point; part of the issue is that they don’t want to put in all kinds of extra crazy time and effort to try and get it from the AH, especially because the price will always be more than just the base 5mill because there’s likely always going to be other people bidding on it.


You could do the Hamstar special. Get a garrison AH and use your garrison hearth stone to get back there quickly. While not the same as the mount, it also costs far less.

P.S. I agree removing something like that is scummy.


How did you not know about the Bruto mount at the start of BFA? It was there since the beginning. You literally see it right after arriving in Zulduzar, along with a couple of other mounts you can buy. Not only that, Blizzard announced a YEAR before Shadowlands launched that it was going away.

There is no one to blame but yourself.


What I don’t get is why you waited so long to go back to BFA for a mount that was in the game from the beginning. Was it only the prestige of having something that would be discontinued that made you start farming gold?

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Quitting because he can’t afford the Brutosaur mount hahahahahahahaha.
There’s plenty of good reasons to quit during Shadowlands but this is one of the stupidest.


He didn’t even know it was going to be discontinued. Like many, he probably just assumed that it was the same as the other NPC mounts and would be able to work towards it whenever he wanted.

Getting rid of it was dumb. But quitting because of it? I mean… what was his plan after he got it? He’d be in the same position he is now.


Where did they announce this? They confirmed in a player created post that it was going away, but never really made it clear it was going away. As odd as it seems not everyone lurks on the forums. Even those of us that lurk get caught by Blizzard doing this crud. They replaced the old pet charms in BfA pre-patch and they never mentioned this out side of the beta forums. When called out on it their response was “oh well”. I was stuck with about 5k of the old ones which couldn’t even buy the same items they could before the prepatch.


But OP said he enjoys farming stuff, unless I misunderstood what they said. Most people who wanted the brutosaur wanted it from the beginning of BFA they just went into gold making overdrive when it was announced it would be removed.

The mount is still attainable from the Black Market AH, so keep crying.

Lmao this is why you’re unsubbing, one mount. Tons of mounts are unavailable now, some are only useable by one person. How about the innumerable Sign-Up-A-Friend mounts, or the Blizzcon mounts, I want the Stomwind Skychaser but I’m not quitting the freaking game over it.

They won’t handle your “situation” because they don’t cater to entitled children.

Bye Andrew.


OP can still get the mount if he’d care to do a bit of research, it’s up on the Black market AH for 5mil gold.

They aren’t going to give someone a direct answer when they ask for it. Especially not if they never responded to the mega thread of people requesting it to remain in the game.

Also you aren’t really owed a response. You ought to rephrase this and acknowledge that you would like a response, but understand that you’ve made your decision based on the information you have now.

I can sympathize with feeling lost if you don’t have a direction. Take a break, or step away from the game, and see if there’s anything else out there that will fit your fancy. Or find something else in game to pursue, there’s always that 2 million spider mount. It doesn’t have an AH, but it is a good sink.

Consequently you could put that character in a guild and shove the stuff you gather into the guild bank, then take a break and log into a character in Orgrimmar to post it. I’ve done that before during long farming sessions.

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Actually I never really wanted the mount. I thought it was overpriced. I just set my hearthstone to Thunder Bluff so I have access to the AH whenever I want. Or can set it to Org and be close to the portal back. Plus it really pisses me off when I’m in Thunder Bluff and there are 3 brutosaur mounts blocking the mail box. Just there as an ego thing. I rarely use the AH anyway and I would use the one in Org or Thunder Bluff before using someone’s brutosaur. I have better things to do then farm gold for an overpriced mount.

Okay? I’m not sure I follow where you’re going with this.

I figured I’d work towards it as I played, then get it an expansion or two later, like I did with the mammoth and yak. When they announced it was being removed, I just said screw it.

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5M is the starting bid. It’ll never stay that way.


Cool then he can quit crying he missed a limited edition mount, but it’s still attainable

He just needs to put a bit more work in, but instead he thinks crying to Blizzard to make an exception is the way to go.