You Lost Me, Blizzard

The problem is, this is a General Discussion forum. This isn’t a place Blizzard is going to respond; this is where players discuss the game. If you wanted a one way communication with Blizzard, this would have better been placed in the suggestion option. They don’t frequent the forums outside of seeing what players are discussing about; they aren’t going to respond to most directly. This is for the players to discuss first and foremost.

Of course, but before posting this, I checked the Blizzard Tracker, and there were quite a few of responses to posts posted in the General Discussion. If there were none, I wouldn’t bother with General Discussion.

The mount leaving was announced, you sound super entitled demanding it theres not much discussion.

Beside that point I feel it should have never been removed but everyone is a sucker for the “Limited time only” Its unfortunate they put a AH on the mount and didn’t offer one in orb but hey, if this is what broke the camels back Ill see you next xpac.

This was my EXACT mindset on it. I figured I would save up over time and then buy it late once I had reached 5m (at about 4 million). I had some serious misgivings over their reasons for doing this as well.


So you’re quitting because you no has longboi?

Bye Felicia.


They post updates to the game mostly, and clarify when a large number of questions.

Personal requests are rarely if ever responded to. It doesn’t matter if you’re a long time player; I am as well, 15 years and counting. But they don’t show preferential treatment because you’ve been here for a long time, so that’s why I originally said it would be best to adjust your OP and don’t make it sound like you feel yourself entitled to a response.

I hate when they do that lol

“He’s satisfied”

Uh excuse me sir/ma’am/both/undetermined, no I’m not

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1… Blizzard told everyone many times that the mount would be leaving… like… i got a few emails from them about it.
2… you can still buy it(technically) from the BMAH… but you’re going to be paying more than just 5 million gold for it.

I will take one with swiss cheese, heated and a side of fries.


praised by all Kyles worldwide


He finds something else to write a long winded post about his fake outrage over.


Stupid sexy Kyles

We’ve seen this exact post from hundreds of players and the response is always the same. It’s just a fact.


I’d like a big flying mount with an auction house on it and xmog vendor.

Outraged? No. Upset and disappointed? Yes. Done? Absolutely, unless Blizzard does something about this.

The ball is in their court, and whatever they do or don’t do is rightfully their choice.

OP, a little RP can solve this. Im surprised nobody hasnt mentioned this hack.

Me: hey man, nice swift gryphon.

OP: what’s that? Youll have to speak up. Im way up here on my Mighty Caravan Brutosar.

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Why is someone commenting this only now? This is the solution I’ve been waiting for!

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Yeah bro. Its why I dont even raid. Farming is for the drama challenged.

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if/when it ever comes up on the BMAH it will sell for gold cap, rofl


This is a non-issue.

You missed the window, like everyone else who had a window. Be an adult and deal with it, or you know take this approach.