You lost a potential new player today Blizzard

BC had a story?

I mean, it did when yiu were doing your attunement, but other than hfc the broken chain there wasnt really a coherant story of any kind.

Same with cata i dont remember any semblance of a coherant story there till endgame.

Good way to never retain a real new player again. But I know there are those who think that the best way for new players to learn is to die horribly with no explanation over and over again. There are a lot of those, and some are game designers. There are also very few new players who even reach max level.

You know what happens when we assume right?
BFA segues into Shadowlands and introduces players to the basic faction conflict and most of the major players.

I hate to break it to you but new players brought into the game by their friends want to play with those friends. I don’t know where you think that means sticking them in a plus 20 or a Mythic Raid after a day. That’s insance hyperbole.

This is true. I got back into the game a few months before Classic Launched(I quit in Cata) and I loved the BFA zones and story. It was cool. Especially Dazar’alor. Best city Blizzard ever made.

  1. giant sword you have no clue about due to not doing Legion, 2. character conflicts that make absolutely no sense whatsoever, 3. literally anything else that happens in BFA

It’s basically starting a book (or movie or anything else) from the next to last chapter/scene

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I was just thinking that’s how I started in Mist’s. I had my sons to show me and tell me ‘some’ story, but just moving was first, and having fun in this fantastical world that started on a turtle shell!

Everyone uses Wowhead. I had to, any noob needs to, we all still use it. For a generation raised on social media I don’t see how YouTube isn’t a go to for your friend.

I spent hours (at least a year, but I’m older with limited game time), just learning before I even dived into story. Then I used the books or Fandom.

Nobody knows everything about this game, and everyone has to start somewhere.

Why would the sword being there make players assume it’s a recent addition? It could have been there for 10 years and new players wouldn’t know any different. It’s up them to find out the circumstances.


Yes. It’s a no stress way to experience the core gameplay of WoW with no barriers on player power. You can also carry your friend through if he’s having trouble acclimatizing. There is nothing confusing about Torghast. You go in, kill the dudes, get out. It’s not Torghast’s fault Blizzard turned a fun alternate game mode into a chore.

I didn’t play World of Warcraft until late in Legion. But my comprehension of the game really came from my years playing the RTS.

I’m not really sure how a true new player would handle this game. I knew the lore enough to figure out what was going on at least up until Wrath having been a Frozen throne junkie.

I think chromie time should be opened up even for trial or new accounts. Expecting them to understand BFA is pushing it in my opinion.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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If they’re a real friend you take them through Level One and teach them.

I just spent a few hours the other day helping my friend get into healing. We set up addons and macros and his UI and then ran some M0’s with me Tanking on my geared Monk. He’s comfortable enough to start doing baby keys now.


Here’s the reality.
Your friends experienced was ruined because you threw him into a level 60 and then probably tried to strong-arm him into what class to play, how to play, etc.

No new player sits down and says “Ok. I absolutely must play TBC first. then WOTLK.”
A new player is going to be lost - and simply follow the path Blizzard leads them down.


I mean, it literally says “The energy from the sword is poisoning Azeroth and will kill her quickly, we must heal her woonz!”
 the sword is just (literally) the biggest example of things a new player wouldn’t understand
 there’s several lesser examples of dialogue and cutscenes which make no sense throughout BFA without prior context from previous zones
 notably the ENTIRE Kul’tiras arc from Boralus to Drustvar/Stormsong.

Lol you are not forced to do anything.
If you want to use Cromie Time it is a quest line. Not required.

New players can not use Chromie Time. They MUST play BFA to level 50 before it’s unlocked on their account.

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If you’re going to make a fake troll thread at least make it believable.

“I want to experience the story” During this 50% exp boost period? Bruh you’d get like 2 zones done, MAYBE 3, in each expansion at most per character. Leveling been cut so badly like they trying to hide the old writing.


They should make an optional (even for new players) “gimme the lore/gauntlet” leveling mode where it takes like two dedicated months to level a character and it takes you through every single expansion in order. They could give exclusive cosmetic rewards for doing it too.

It would have to be fairly difficult as well, and ideally frontload some talent points so players can actually learn how to play their classes better before hitting max level.

I think that would be a big win for new and existing players. It would have to be 100% optional though.

And the unrest of the defias in the human starting zones for vanilla was no different. You had to find out why on your own and then uncover that it was the black dragonflight.

I see no difference between being thrown into unexplained circumstances and having players figure it out on your own.

Plus also the heart of azeroth aspect is not even brought up until level 50, so the importance of that event is lessened (vs when we went through a bfa launch).


Bfa story is good tho.

I don’t believe this story.

no new player is going to be so invested in the wow lore that they have to play through the expansions in order.


What it looks like is OP doesn’t like it, has probably complained to said friend along w/the possible refusal to play content and friend doesn’t want to play alone, which has pre-conditioned friend to not like it, therefore OP is the cause of the friend quiting.
Seeing an opportunity to complain about WoW/ActiBlizz inadvertantly by using friend. Classic.

Also ^ this.

And this ^ (Unless what I previously stated is true, that YOU, OP, pre-conditioned your friend to dislike what you dislike, since they’re “new”, they’d go by your guidance.