You lost a potential new player today Blizzard

Yeah. Any new player would quit if they were forced to go through the abominable story of BFA/SL.

Iunno, drustvar was pretty cool. I’m happy to complain a lot about BfA, but I’ll always add the line
 “except Drustvar” to it. Loved that zone
 loved the quests
 loved the music.

Pretty sure I get a forum vacay if I name specific people :stuck_out_tongue:

You sure?? I am delicious and nutritious!

The overall point is indeed valid :heart:

So you’re basing your assumption off an armory profile that 404s? Got it.

A hunch based on another account that consistently makes up stories of “friends having X problem” quite often :stuck_out_tongue: It’s not so farfetched, really. Also, my request really wasn’t aggressive by any means. Not sure if the sarcasm is necessary here, but it’s cool

why would they do two characters in cataclysm?

It makes sense to funnel new players to Zuldazar because those maps are populated. A new player with a question, or having trouble with a quest, is almost certainly going to find someone to engage with in the zone chat.

Leveling in other timelines can be a very lonely experience.

wow download should have a lore disclaimer: If you want to know whats happening go to youtube.

I think people make the mistake of thinking that because they’ve been invested in an ip for awhile, any potential newcomer needs all the lore dumped on them immediately or they can’t understand a thing. And thats like, not at all the case. You can pick up almost any megaman game and understand that megaman = jumpy shoot robot man who consumes the powers of his victims. Anyone playing castlevania understands that you are person who go into castle and punch dracula. Anyone reading the latest part of jojos bizarre adventure doesn’t need to know about kars, or dio, or italy existing.

RUN AWAY OP! You’ve aroused the village people!

I get the start from the beginning thing. Couldn’t your friend just level through bfa and remember the story. Then go back and do every quest in every zone ever made and get lore master also?

I mean if the story is that big of deal I would have sold him on that achieve and that one alone. So I’m going to call bs on this thread.

Ff14 does it right. Experience the whole thing from start to finish.

Yeah, they do have that. I like the story but there is just too much of it. The game is good but sometimes I want to kill things and that is 30 mins away because of story.

I forgot about that! You can’t actually play true vanilla in retail because it’s all post-Cata content now. If OP’s friend wants to give it a second chance, WoW classic would be the way to go for the authentic experience.

they don’t go omg
player x let their kid, other half, friend use an account to try wow for hour or so.

The sharing they care about is when you are west coast (ip logged). and for reason mysterious you are now a not west coast IP. For a week. and you are spamming 3 vs 3 hardcore. and you’ve never really done this. and damn
your win rate is most impressive.

either we got a natural here who is getting lucky with pug 3 v 3 partners. Or
someone paid a piloted service and is sharing.

is players getting picky stupid crap really. Many have done this in their home. I wasn’t going to spend the 80 to get my son started up on wow. He had the freebie. hey son want to try a level 60 in better gear before you spend the weeks to get here? I got to do dishes and laundry
I will just leave my puter here, not locked. gold better not disappear lol

For blizzard this works out. My son is now a real SL buy on own account
with a month of sub. I told him you got a month of real wow now. If you really like it we can work out terms to get you more sub time and not kill off all your allowance in the process.

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Troll post or not I agree the leveling rails they force you onto are dumb and need to go away

Not only does it force you to essentially “waste” a character if you have no interest in BFA or shadowlands, but it’s pretty obnoxious to tell new players “You have to play the game the way we want you to before you can do what you like.”

It just needs to go away. Let people enjoy the game and they’re more likely to stay

I also think the allied race restrictions need to go. It’s very off putting to new players.

I tried a while back to get my husband to play the game. He played on my account, made a Vulpera death knight and messed around for a bit. He decided he liked it and wanted to make an account.

So I got him all set up, and he tried to make a HighMountain Tauren
. Then I had to explain how he can’t play that because he needs to unlock it first. Then I had to explain that “unlocking” means he has to level an entirely different character, and then grind out the requirements for the race, and THEN he can finally start leveling the character he actually wants to play

He quit on the spot

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I mean in retail the lvling experience is not there, mostly focused on end game
 Classic servers is the way to go for lvling experience

I take " if i didn’t see it didn’t happen " for 100 Alex.

Yeah, this is one thing that’s egregious at this point.

What do you guys keep going on and on about story for?
How about you read a book?