You like money, and i like content. Lets do business

Oh hell no. Do NOT give them that idea. Blizzard already has way too much stuff in the store that should only be accessible via in game means such as pets and mounts, and I do not mean with WoW tokens, they do not need to add a basic game feature to that list.

I don’t mind the current state of flying unlock, though it’s certainly not perfect, but I am open to other methods of dealing with flying, EXCEPT for this. No matter what becomes of flying, paying real money for it, even if only as an alternative unlock option, is unacceptable and an extremely dangerous precedent to set.

You let this happen and next thing you know you’ll be able to pay for a profession boost, or rep boosts, or just for an entire set of gear! And no, this isnt dissimilar, it is a form of pay to win. Spending real money to have instant access to a feature that grants you a noticeable advantage over anyone who are still working on unlocking it is textbook pay to win. Bad enough we have a level boost option that is also grossly overpriced,

The answer is no. There are already too many things on the store that do provide advantages that shouldnt be there. The precedent here is that we havent added any new services for years. Why start now?

So what about players that do not have boosts? They dont have them to use thus it counts as a disadvantage?

And do you currently have flying??? NO you do not and when will you have flying??? probably lets see 12-13 months in. Look forward more not down at your feet.

So a boosted character is not cosmetic, but you feel that its not an advantage or a p2w ideology.

Edit: BTW to be clear i could care less if this is added to the store as i already have my grind done and wouldn’t pay money for such a lack luster QOL change. My issue is people considering this of all things pay to win.

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It wouldnt be available to me any sooner than it would be to you. It is NOT an advantage. Seriously anybody saying this is P2W is just mad they already mindlessly grinded pathfinder and the thought of someone just dropping $20 on it after they already did annoys them.

Still it’s borderline-- It’s similar to complain about class that have water walking abilities when the majority of classes don’t.

It’s a clear advantage, Yes. But Stealth is also a clear advantage because you can “sneak” past mobs and go directly to Herb/Ore nodes without having to engage Mobs.

The only real advantage is the amount time consumed.

Dont mind the multibox account on the brain mount farming herbs

Nope nopeitty nope nope nope
didn’t even read the rest

just a whole lot of NOPE

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You can bet, if Blizzard ever decided to do this, it would be more than $20 bucks.

It will be like Character boost-- $60.

Incorrect. Let us presume someone starts playing the game for the first time ever right as 8.2 hits. Do they have access to flying in BFA at the same time you or I do? No. It will take them substantially longer because they will need to hit 120, grind all of the current reps to Exalted, and grind all of the 8.2 reps to Revered, in order to get an ability that greatly enhances their ability to play the game. OR… they could just spend $100 or so to get to level 110 and have immediate instant access to flying.

Yes, they are not getting an advantage over those of us who already would have flying unlocked, but it IS paying for a substantial boost in power. That is textbook pay to win.

However even if you continue to disagree about it being pay to win that doesn’t change the fact that this is still a TERRIBLE idea that would pave the way for Actiblizzard to monetize damn near everything in this game while STILL being a subscription based game with a full game price entry fee. Give Activision an inch and they will take your entire house and everything in it.

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Id pay $60 to be able to fly. Its money for a hobby, no different than buying clubs for golfing. I think its absolutely insane that character boosts exist personally. I mean the heart of the game is leveling, if theyre just handing levels out for money, let me fly around on my flaming bird already.

If you’re that eager to give Blizzard money,

you could donate to them.

I’m fairly certain they wouldn’t decline your offer.

The simple question is:

If Method did not go 100M gold in to debt to other players and guilds. That is, if Method did not spend 100M gold at the start of BoD, would they have got the world first. I don’t know how much, if any, other groups going for world first did or didn’t spend.

But Method supposedly dumped 100M Gold, buying mats among other things, leveling professions, in to their prep for BoD.

Next, if that 100M gold DID significantly empower Method for the world first, then does that make WoW Pay To Win.

Not saying right or wrong–

Personally feel like this is one of those Borderline areas that if they toed that line, it would be a test to see what other Pw2 things the could get away with.

I think that’s what the character boost service was.

So until they make the leveling experience more meaningful and stop giving away free boost-- Character boost are just like purchasing flight for cash.

The only real advantage is the amount of time consumed or the lack there of.

I could live with this, then I would just unsub until they put it in and use the money I saved on sub fees to pay for this.

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I agree with the OP. Let us buy it with real money, those who do not want to buy it can continue with their Pathfinder.

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You can’t earn it without paying a sub fee whether cash or via tokens bought by someone originally with cash, then sold for gold.

I have a friend who’s parents are millionaires and he will routinely buy hundreds of wow tokens and buy heroic and mythic level boes without stepping foot inside the current raid. It is literally not humanly possible even if I farmed every second of everyday to accrue the amount of gold needed to fully deck myself out in high end current raid BoEs.

But sure, not pay to win.

He has over 100 mill gold and doesn’t farm anything but mounts.

I agree with you for the most part, but I know my friend isn’t the only one who does this.


Method didn’t. Limit did. And Limit lost.

Method claimed they did end up borrowing millions of gold from other guilds.

Josh just said on stream they went 100m gold into debt for progress

Flying should be available after Pathfinder Part 1 and this would make a lot more people happy.