You like money, and i like content. Lets do business

Can you please for the love of god make flying able to be purchased with real money? Not sooner than anybody else can use it, just a second way of obtaining it. This model is used in virtually every single game out right now. And before someone whines wahhh its pay to win, no it isnt. First of all im not WINNING anything, its just allowing my own PERSONAL experience playing the game to be better. Second of all like i said before, all games use this. Its not pay to win, its pay to grind less. Not everyone is a 12 year old with infinite free time every single day to grind out this nonsense. Some people have jobs and lives outside of the game. Look at a game blizz also owns, hearthstone. Sure you can play the game free and have every bit of content available to you. But you can ALSO pay money to buy packs if you’re one of the people that dont have infinite free time. I dont see whats wrong with the idea of you either invest time OR money into it just like hearthstone. Both options can coexist in the same game. You’re already letting people buy the most important and core feature of the game, levels and gold. So why not something as trivial and individual as flying? People buying it is extra funding for the game that the “free” players get to enjoy. The game is a business first and foremost, take my money blizz.


No thanks, I’d prefer to stay away from the pay to win model.

Even if you say it isn’t. The line needs to be drawn somewhere.

Whats next? Purchase curve when the raid comes out ? Its the same thing.


You didnt real anything other than the title. Im not winning anything by being able to fly. You can also have flying if you want. Im not talkin about being able to buy godmode for pvp.

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Nope. It just needs to be available after Pathfinder part one. Part two needs dropped.


WOW is already P2W.

No it’s not. :roll_eyes:

Anything you can purchase is available in game to farm or buy for gold earned and not bought.


Then make flying available in game to farm too.

Logic, use it.

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I get it, but for the sake of the topic,lets say they added that.

It becomes popular. Next, lets try adding titles, maybe achievements? Dont underestimate the greed of a corporation


It already is. We farm the rep.

Logic, use it.


Then you have no point?

Why bother replying with this?

For the record im exalted with all 6 factions, and have all 6 areas “explored” as the achievement. What does blizzard gain by me having to do 500 more quests? Its not adding to the immersion, id just google where the quests are, what to do, and go down the list banging em out. That isnt fun, thats a job and a chore.


The game is dead, just sell pathfinder 2 on the store as an option.

First of all, I’m not a 12 year old, I don’t have infinite free time every single day, I have a job and a life outside of the game.

If I can do it, you can do it. I personally don’t know a single 12 year old with flying.

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You’re the one who has no argument.

To tell you that you’re wrong and the game isn’t pay to win. I thought that was obvious. Do you even know what you’re trying argue?


I don’t pay $15 a month for the opportunity to spend more on pets, mounts, and content skips.

I pay $15 month for the content. We’re already doing “Business” and IMHO Blizzard is already double dipping in the revenue streams too much.

There’s plenty of games out there where you can buy your way to the top if that’s what you’re in to.


Yup. So dead that they dropped all esports, went down to one server and made the game free to play.

Oh wait…


Do you?

Argue bought gear is not p2w because you can earn it ingame.
Then argue pathfinder as store option is p2w when its still earnable ingame.

:brain: use this.

You’re not gonna buy to win anything in the game that actually matters.

Buy yourself all the BoE you want, let’s see how you fare in raids and m+.


Please show me where I said buying Pathfinder was pay to win. I’ll wait.

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You’re quoting my response to someone that argue flying is p2w, do you have any idea how conversation work irl?

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