You like money, and i like content. Lets do business

Yeah you gain advantage over someone who dont pay, if i have to farm 5 mil gold for Brutosaur and other can just buy it with irl money that’s pretty much P2W for some people.

If in arena someone got beaten by a guy who pay BOE and Mythics run, he lost because the other guy pay for that win.

So having a brutosaur is winning now?

And I’m sorry, but skill matters in arena. If someone loses and blames gear, that’s just ignorant.

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Paragraphs D:<

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It is winning to some people, just like having extra slot bag is considered P2W in some games.

Does having extra slot in your bag “winning” for you?

This is a yes and a no for me-- if PF is still available in game, then it’s a no.

If they move flight to be only purchased with cash-- It’s borderline. Since I do have the ability to farm gold and rick roll it into bnet funds to purchase flight.

Will just take me a lot longer than just paying with cash out of pocket.

Hmmm, it seems like it wouldn’t be considered winning to buy enough currency to get it in the circle that it would be considered winning in. The win is in the achievement of farming/flipping that much gold.

And no, it doesn’t why would that be winning to anyone?

Another vote for NO.

I’ll bite one last time…

Sorry honey. But your one definition found on a wiki doesn’t cut it.

Here’s another one for you, found in a textbook and in a gaming class, while also seen in some gaming magazines:

Any game policy where specific content needed to win is locked solely behind pay walls. Forcing people to pay, in order to access said content.

Now go play a real p2w game.


Funny because that’s what considered P2W in Asian MMO, you having extra slot bag, pet that loot item for you, craft with higher success chance, and mount that move 20% faster.

Using your logic, no game that has been released until now is P2W.

Yea and your textbook in gaming class doesnt cut it for me too.

If it goes to Paying RL cash for it, it’s pay to win, because, again, it gives players who can afford it an advantage over those who cannot.

If they made it strictly gold, like it used to be, then that is fine.

Even with tokens, it isn’t pay to win. The only time it will be pay to win is if it is offered strictly for real currency. Because (again) it gives whoever buys it an advantage over those who can’t via world pvp, farming materials, etc…

I don’t care if they use pathfinder, or gold again, or some new scheme to keep us in game longer, just not real currency.

But you are comparing an outside source, versus the actual company.

This “p2w” mechanic you speak off is outside the hands of blizzard. They try to ban people but it is what it is.

If you could actually pay for these things directly from blizzard, that would truly spell disaster for the game.

Well since there is no specific definition as to what “pay to win” is, outside of a Wiki, what gave developers and analysts say, and urban dictionary, I am more inclined to believe those in the industry and their definition, than I am of a Wiki that can be changed by anyone at anytime.


I think the only way WoW could ever be an actual Pay to Win game would be if you gave them real money to purchase high end gear & / or achievements for max tiered content. Gaining lots of gold through the token only to buy content runs ins’t really Pay to Win, it’s more like Pay to Participate. P2W removes RNG and gives you the best…
WoW has too big of an RNG wall to hurdle regardless of how much money you throw at it.

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Also nobody was saying remove pathfinder either, i said let both exist. Its not pay to win if you have a free way to obtain it too. Like i said i can already buy an almost max level character now…how are people fighting flying so hard but okay with that?

In reality the “people” that’s inside the industry are the one who try to shift the definition for profit, i mean EA even said Battlefront 2 isn’t P2W because you can earn everything in the store via ingame mechanic, when in reality it would require you years to get what people would get by paying 200$.

Just in case you didn’t know, Battlefront 2 is considered P2W game by most of its player.

My point is-- is it really pay to win if you can earn the gold, purchase Bnet funds, and then purchase flight with a cash value?

It’s very hard for me to call it p2w if I can in game earn cash to purchase anything offered in the Cash shop.

So you currently will acquire the requirements to fly through questing, and through this addition you will still be doing the exact same thing. The point would be to save time for players that have the money to do so. This would be no different then current character boosts. Also if you have in game gold you can purchase it via tokens.


yeah…go figure. This is now the ONLY company Ive ever seen that seems literally bent on driving paying customers AWAY.

And i just threw up a little from reading the title and stopped reading from there.

:face_vomiting: :+1:

Interesting are those things regularly obtainable in game, or is paying the only way to obtain them?