You like money, and i like content. Lets do business

Do you know how conversations and quoting work? I quoted your false statement that the game was pay to win and said so. Never had anyone interject a comment into a conversation to point out a fallacy? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Seems I’m not the one who can’t follow how things work.


You are winning though. Consider farming materials; being able to fly between nodes without having to avoid mobs and fight to get to them will give you a first attempt at every node on the map. Consider quest targets; being able to fly between kills lets you move 300% faster than everyone else. With this request, you’re essentially saying that your time is more valuable because you’re paying extra to play. That is THE foundation of a P2W model, and it has no place in WoW.

The solution is just that they need to release flying. Don’t ask to pay more, ask to be given what you’ve already paid for.

A side note, this seems to me like you’re buying a car, then offering to pay extra for a door that you can close while you’re driving. They should have included the door when you bought the car, why would you ask to pay extra to get what you should already have?

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Im certainly not against this idea either. lol Sure, making flying obtainable by gold like the other regions. This guy for president.

It is. You farm/grind your way through the achievements that unlock flying.

LMAO false statement, stop assuming your opinion is the correct one, i mean i respect your opinion even if its stupid.

Read the whole post so you get the point, there’s so many people like you in this forum it hurts my brain.

Then maybe this is a you thing and you shouldn’t be here reading with your substantially higher “IQ”?


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No you need to learn, im helping you here.

You can buy a run from one of the many people spamming trade chat and group finder with the gold you bought from blizzard with tokens.

I like my idea more. A player could buy flight privileges FOR A SINGLE expansion, for the low low cost of max gold cap.

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Nah-- your not. Your just being condensing because you posted something without real context and expected everyone to “get it.”

I don’t even know what the gold cap is anymore.




It’s not an opinion. Pay to win is having an advantage over others by buying things in a store that cannot be obtained in game. Go play a real pay to win game and you’ll understand. The only thing you can consider most MMOs with a store is pay to skip. Which is entirely different.

And nice way to throw out insults. Good fallback when you lose an argument. :roll_eyes:

I’m done with you now. Not worth my time. :wave:



I never insulted you? :rofl:

I just googled it. it’s 9,999,999.

And you can either run that for free or use in game gold you earned. Still not pay to win.

No one would ever fly. lmfao

Edit: Oh, I see how it is. lol

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Looks at title, then looks at this statement, then back at title

Say it with me now, “flying is not content, it is a mode of transportation”.


This is wrong

According to Wiki

In some games, players who are willing to pay for special items or downloadable content may be able to gain an advantage over those playing for free who might otherwise need to spend time progressing in order to unlock said items. In general a game is considered pay-to-win when a player can gain any gameplay advantage over his non-paying peers.

You dont get to dictate what P2W mechanic is, it doesnt work that way. :rofl:

The key word there is “advantage”. You don’t gain an advantage from purchasing a carry.

When you start using Wiki-- which is user defined, you lose credit on your argument.


Yes it is. It gives you an advantage over those who cannot afford to pay real money for the ability to fly.