You just couldn't resist it, could you Blizzard? Torghast was too good to be true, so you had to add a timer

it wouldn’t be blizzard if they didn’t immediately shove their heads back up their own rears after peeking out for a moment.

hopefully the infinite cosmetic mode won’t have this crap at least.

man, it sucks not being able to curse in this hugbox.


Claps Amen.
You said it perfectly.


Don’t worry i’v been silenced for calling Blizzard horrible stuff.

You think they’d learn from the feedback they receive but their pride is so big it could fight godzilla in a one on one and win with its hands behind it back.


I mean they spoke about a soft timer weeks ago so this isn’t exactly a new thing. Its to stop people waiting for bloodlust or drums before they pull the next mob

Yep, its totally just a coincidence that they just registered a new twitter account called wow esports


e-sports is killing this game.



can’t see (kek) why demon hunter would have any troubles with timer

Funny how their only defense for it is to justify telling OTHER people how they should play.

That’s why you keep failing. Force, force, force. Fail, fail, fail.


Put a debuff on each floor that lets each class only cast their big CDs X amount of times on the floor. Problem solved, win-win.


But that would be too rational and logical, you cant expect Blizzard to come up with good solutions like that.

I’d heart/like your response, but I’ve ran out of them and have to wait seventeen hours. You’ll have to settle for an /applaud and a /cheer.


I agree. Blizzard should not be endorsing the “googogogogogogoggogogogo” crowd.

Personally, I don’t mind the Sanity bar in visions. Screw ups make it run out faster, items and progress make it refill or drain slower.


I can’t wait to play the finished product. :slight_smile:

If I feel like standing on my head and playing with my feet for 50 minutes that is up to me. If I suddenly have to get the door (because some of us actually have real lives with real things to do unexpectedly) I should be able to do that.

I don’t “feel like I have to wait around” I feel like I have the choice to play however I want… until a TIMER forces me to play in a way I absolutely hate. I don’t do visions because timers make me feel awful inside, I have an anxiety disorder, I can only speak for myself but you get that knife twisting in your guts feeling as the timer ticks down.

I guess the headline feature of the new expansion is now a complete failure for me and I should consider a refund too. Mythic + players are not the only players in WoW and blizz needs to stop ignoring people that are either disabled or just don’t feel like making this stupid game their second job.


This sums it up perfectly


And you’ll literally have time to do that. The timers in Torghast are not ‘hard timers’ that force you to finish the level or you die. They’re soft timers. The level gets progressively harder the longer you stay in it, which makes sense thematically and is a lot fairer than what Visions do which give you an extremely small amount of time to get everything cleared before it’s ‘game over’ and you have to start all over again.

Hell, it’s been known since before Torghast was available for testing that there would be some kind of timer involved. Blizzard made no secret of that. But they stated that they didn’t want to replicate the timers of Visions, so these timers are extremely generous and they never make the level impossible to complete.

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The addition of a timer, even a soft, easy one, has shot my excitement level for Torghast from 100 to zero. So what of people are silly enough to wait for blood lust every pull? If they really have that much time on their hands, then let them do it.


[quote=“Byucknah-agamaggan, post:14, topic:525819, full:true”]

As someone who is on the Alpha I have no idea where this logic even comes from.

What exactly are you waiting in one spot for an hour for? At most its people waiting between pulls for something like Lust, but that’s not an hour. Even then, why does it matter if a few people choose to spend four hours in a single run?

There are plenty Rogue Like’s, in fact pretty much every Rogue Like, that do not depend on a timer to make their game work. If Blizzard can’t fix what is broken with their system without tacking on an arbitrary timer then they shouldn’t be making something like that to begin with.

This is Garrisons all over again. Blizzard coming out and going “This is our version of a Roguelike Experience in WoW!” only to absolutely flub it by getting the entire focus/experience wrong.

The difficulty should be climbing the tower, not rushing through it.

Again, having played Torghast on the Alpha there is a lot of “exploration” ideas built into each floor. Dead ends that reward you with power, breaking pottery for currency/rewards, etc. All these debuff “timers” are going to do is change it from a fun, exploitative, push as far as you can by any means possible experience into another “Go, go, go” race of run through as fast as you can.


This is the biggest tragedy of it. The timers take away a lot of what Torghast was meant to be. Sad.


Because it’s alpha and intentionally broken. Do you think a streamer is going to bleed viewers waiting ten minutes between pulls for lust or bubble when it’s live and anyone has access to the content? Do you think the average player will? Why do the devs continue to design for the lowest common denominator? Why do they continue to fall back on this crutch of timers? Do they not know how to do anything different? Islands, one of the features I was looking forward to the most, was a hard pass as soon as they said “it’s a race”.

Why do they even give players abilities like heroism and bloodlust and bubble if they don’t want us, the players, to choose when we use them?

If timers is all they can come up with to keep us from using abilities they have had in the game for 15 years, then maybe either A. They are designing for a different game than I am playing
B. I need to be done playing this game.



The funny thing is that I’ve been watching streamers play Torghast, and they’re not really playing it any differently.

If anything, they’re playing it properly. Now they’re thinking about which Anima Powers they pick in case they do end up spending more time than they need.

This is really a non-issue, unless you’re someone who for some unbeknownst reason cannot finish one floor in 10 minutes or less.

It was a cool idea that fit the theme. Doesn’t mean it needs to be copy pasta’d onto every single activity in the game. In particular, solo content that is supposed to reward exploration.