You just couldn't resist it, could you Blizzard? Torghast was too good to be true, so you had to add a timer

Even worse is when they add all those stupid effects like the entomophobia spiders that keep popping up on the edge of the screen to increase stress levels, as if you couldn’t already see the debuff increasing on your UI. All designed to ratchet up people’s blood pressure so they hopefully get a heart attack.

Of course we all know the real reason for timers is because they’ll eventually make Torghast runs an esport like the MDI.


With all of the power upgrades that are obtainable, and stack, throughout the course of climbing the floors you shouldn’t need to take excessive amounts of time. If you need to stop for a bathroom break or something you can take as long as you want at the start of each floor.

This just goes to show that it doesn’t matter what Blizzard does there’s always someone who’s gonna get their nose bent outta shape over it.

It would be interesting indeed, I certainly hope we see it iterated on in the future still, it would be a shame for it just to go away, better AI should always be a goal.

I still don’t know why they didn’t use that tech for warfronts, sure it wouldn’t be PvP but it would be better than the hot garbage we got lol.

Not sure how they would get them to realisticslly engage though in Torghast, because the only iteration we’ve seen basically hunt you down, and some Torghast mobs are strong I’d hate to see packs just barrelling down on ya lol

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Good, stick to raiding if you want to spend 20 minutes between pulls.

Even outside of the Shaman class, when it was just clothies and DH people were using drums or of course time warp.

People take away the purpose of WoW as a video game hobby and make into a career expecting 401k, raises and retirement packages. This community never cease to surprise me, ever.

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There’s taking your time, then there’s ‘being slow for the sake of advantage’ and it’s the latter which Blizzard is implementing these timers to stop. Blizzard have already stated that you can take your time, you just can’t wait for cooldowns between every pull because each level will get harder the longer you stay in it.

Which is actually thematic too. You’re in the Warden’s tower. What, you think he’s just going to let you ‘set up shop’ because you want to ‘take your time’ in his tower? No, he’s going to throw more troops at you to make your life more difficult if you decide to wait around on a floor for a long time.

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Make them low damage persecutor mobs with curses and debuffs, put in a few per level and have them actively hunt you down and harass you. Leave the heavy hitting mobs with normal AI. Should make for an interesting experience.

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I think people are just burnt out on timers. Visions, Mythics, Island Expeditions… WoW has entirely enough timer based content as it is.

Like RNG, they’d do well to back off on the over saturation of the concept. It wouldn’t kill them to offer something where people don’t have to worry about some meter ticking down, some clock running out, or anything else screaming, “GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGO!” - even if it is overtly generous on how long it gives you before playing the proverbial “find an air bubble or Sonic drowns” music.


Yeah, it even opens the door for people who want MORE of a challenge to try and get as many debuff stacks as they can while still completing the floors.

I think it’s a great way of handling it instead of a timer that just kicks you out when the last grain of sand in the hourglass falls through.

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That would actually be pretty cool. Like just dump the AI on the mawrats of something lol

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I am one of those lunatics. :smiley:

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Soft timers, hard timers, they are all bad. Powers are too strong? Tune the friggin powers! Nobody is asking to make Torghast easy.

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Torghast is already pretty easy, lol. The number of upgrades and the power of the upgrades you obtain as you climb the floors is absurd.

If you can’t manage to clear floors before a slowly stacking debuff overpowers you then the soft timer isn’t your issue.

Perhaps a more amicable solution to you would be simply removing the ability to use cooldowns over 5 mins similar to arena.

Just flat out no drums, no bloodlust, no lay on hands etc.

It used to be you could play a game and going the slow route was just another strategy to utilize. You take longer but less danger. If people are waiting for bloodlust every time they’re significantly adding to the time to complete. That is a valuable tradeoff that should be available to players. It’s very silly that all of their new content requires a timer. Island Expeditions on a timer ruined it for rp/exploration, mythic+ is gogogo, Torghast having a timer will ruin it for those of us who just want to take things slow and explore and think. Disappointed.


Welcome to WoW.

Where Diablo Developers seem to have taken over and are trying to force everyone in a speedy game play mindset and turn the game into World of Diablocraft, and make the game more of an Action Dungeon crawler, than an RPG.

This fake boogieman of everyone waiting 10 minutes between pulls for bloodlust to be back up is absolutely silly, and sounds like a non-sense excuse to shove timers into the game.

“It gives an unfair advantage to people who are willing to put time into the game and spend more time doing something.” your average player won’t give a damn and won’t wait 10 minutes before every mob pack to pull.

Also mythic raiders have long since been doing silly things to give themselves an edge and a leg up in the race to be the first. (Including ENTIRE GUILDS faction transferring for a single piece of gear, than transferring back)

The bloodlust thing is nothing more than a flimsy weak defense for timers, because people can’t come up with any actual real reason to put timers into everything.


absolutely. I have 2 baby boy twins of 1 and a half that may on a whim require me to stop playing for any given reason for any amount of time. I work from home right now, as a trader. Alt+tabbing is part of my daily life. I may take 15 mins or 1 hour to clear a single scenario depending on my twins not acting up and the market being less or more intense. A timer pretty much forces me to not see the content, like it stopped me from joining any group content. Not to mention, I explore everything in all games I play. I like to see everything, collect everything, find every secret and easter egg. That was the whole appeal of torghast to me, a way to earn rewards by myself, an endgame content for the soloer, and because it was solo, i could do it at my own pace. Now that is ruined.

And because i was in the BFA beta and gave plenty of feedback that fell on deaf ears and eventually made me unsub 1-2months into the expansion, i know that this will make it live, hence i have no reason to keep my SL preorder.


To be honest though those commitments are yours and have nothing to do with the game, that’s just something you have to live with.

The game shouldn’t require to compensate for everyone’s potential eventuality. One of the things involved with having kids is knowing that they will take precedence and potentially interrupt things that you are doing, whether that be in game or real life.

Admittedly though, what would be ideal in conjunction with the proposed changes would simply be a pause function for solo play. During which buffs and cooldowns don’t time down.

I’m sure they could manage something like that, similar to how games like LoL etc pause live games during technical difficulties.

Wouldn’t punish certain classes, as each class would get a certain amount of CDs, based on if their class is designed to use their CDs often or infrequently.

Its a great idea, and a big win-win for all sides, except for the Activision eSports people.