Deep breaths, everybody.
Checkmate? xd
I’m obviously just quoting out of context, but it will be kinda. Just another way of doing it.
I’m not purely agaisn’t those, but I feel as a “mandatory” part of gameplay pushing that is kind of annoying for a lot of people.
A bit why I would want M+ timers to only start at +10 level.
These people can’t even put 20 minutes into a Tol Dagor run without quitting.
I don’t even have to run the tower to answer. The very thought of having something ticking in the background while I am attempting to think or away from keyboard for a few is like a beating heart under the floor boards that will slowly drive me mad.
Please link the cooldowns and torments to combat only. Then allow us no ticking clock of any sort while out of combat.
Your cooldowns should start back up again and decrease while you are in combat. This way no one can wait for bloodlust while out of combat.
Don’t go afk unless it’s between floors and you’ll be just fine.
YAY!!! That’s wonderful news!!!
Blizz can never win sadly. This is ok with me. Like mentioned before these torments occur on the higher floors and makes sense with their view TO ME ATLEAST.
I’m hyped for Torghast to be honest, was hesitant at first but the more I see of it, the more it interests me… It’s the rest of the gameplay that has a big question mark.
oh lord please don’t let blizzard listen to these forums for game design input
Everything out of combat should be a resting area.
Challenge me while I am in combat. GREAT!
But don’t time me when I’m exploring! You take all the fun out of exploring then.
I’ll just be happy to actually play Torghast when it comes out with Shadowlands. Whatever they do with it, I’ll adapt.
Honestly I’m not sure there’s a better setup possible. The first 9 floors have no torments and thus zero pressure, giving players a healthy opportunity to get used to how things work in there and to gauge where they personally sit versus the tower in terms of gear, skill, etc. By the time you’ve hit the 10th floor the very light pressure applied by torments should not be much of an issue.
You have plenty of time to explore. You will not face any timers, as you won’t make it to the higher levels.
Torghast being a rested area would ridiculous.
Honestly I like it, if people wanna stay days in the place for whatever reason killing mobs then that is what the outside world is for. This I see is more relatable to how horrific visions worked for the first 6 ranks (not literally but the premise was that you just went for thrall/alleria) to get used to it then you’d venture off to do more of the vision.
That’ll change when all the mythic invitational players complain about it.
- It won’t change. They’ve made that very clear.
- Players of that skill level are smart enough to tell the difference between M+ and Torghast.
That means you’d have to be in combat a hell of a lot, it’d be exhausting if the clock was combat only, it’d take forever for cool downs to come back up.
Unlike the current implementation, this would actually penalize tank/healer specs (or just the worse DPS specs) for their lower damage output and longer time in combat.
At this point it doesn’t even matter. I’m so tired of being excited for new content then having that content ruined. I regret reinstalling. I’ll go back to playing other games, and SL will finally be the first expansion I’m not there for. I’m not part of the Dark Souls/e-sports crowd, and it’s pretty clear that’s who WoW is trying to cater to now.
You could just remove hero from the table all together and let classes play like normal.