"you have no gear at all!"

You said trials were in level 20 bgs verbally abusing other players. They are not. Trials aren’t twinks. They are very restricted.

Veteran accounts are accounts that reverted to starter restrictions after gearing up alts to bis. Those are the people you ought to be upset with, not trials.

starter account and trials have the same restrictions. They are both starter accounts. What kind of argument is this? I don’t care if they are veteran or not. Anyone bashing anyone in randoms is terrible (That is what this thread is about). Trial, starter veteran, trial veteran, whatever you want to call it. Being nasty to other people is dumb and could be avoided if Blizzard would balance item levels in BGs with templates and not just abandon the idea.

Randoms should be templates.

Don’t these people twinking want to one shot people just leveling regularly? They already proved twinking brackets don’t work because we have that system in game now and no one does bgs with locked xp.

Twinks as a whole is stupid. And they have no right to try and push people out of 20 brackets because they locked their account back in starter mode.

I’d advise not to enter BG’s if you aren’t 240+ ilvl.

Eh, I think that it depends. I know that I was able to offer very significant value in epic battlegrounds on my little shaman despite being 180ish item level when I started.

So you claim.

Nah low ilvl competent players can still offer a lot to a team

But the average random bg player is not competent and should indeed get more gear

Again, it depends. Grounding Totem, Shear, Skyfury, etc, all offer the same value regardless of ilev.

Yes, precisely. Some people may figure out a means of contributing despite their gear advantage, but not all.

The actual number of people who can find means to contribute despite a gear disadvantage is essentially non-existent, similar to a big jackpot lotto winner. So for someone to come out publicly and claim to be that player, every time this subject comes up, is cause for eyebrow raising… and yet everyone gets defensive as if it isn’t an anomaly being pointed at for questioning.

That’s luck, though. This is class knowledge with a bit of awareness.

A Beast Mastery Hunter for instance may struggle to offer anything, because the spec is basically just pve damage to a single target. Knockbacks in a few oddball locations, perhaps?

Here’s an example for Arms; you sharpen, bolt and/or spear people that you perceive as out of position, then fall back before you’re taken advantage of. Spend most of the game near backline/healers to disarm/stun/intervene the rogues off them.

Is having gear better? On anything? Absolutely. But there’s usually ways you can contribute despite not having any. A death grip on an immobile priest into the deathball is the same regardless of item level.

Or lucky there is an angel on your shoulder or no monkey on your back… or that you haven’t been caught yet.

What are you talking about? Please stay on-topic.

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Are you not American, do you not understand the figures of speech used herein?

What does that have to do with contributing to battlegrounds despite being at a gear disadvantage?

Again, please remain on-topic.

YOU are clearly unable to comprehend me and we should stop now.

I’m not american and i don’t know what this means

There is no luck in mechanical pvp success though. You play well and you earn your outplays and victories due to contributing

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Okay then, I am not interested in making a connection and I am not going to explain or repeat myself thus there is no reason to continue and you should stop.

Solution: Make a macro that does /flex, select them and hit the macro until they go away.

Yep. its pug. YOu get what you get.

Many fresh 60’s don’t want to be there either. I don’t.

But…I am there on fresh 60’s. I will brawl till I get something dfferent done on a win.

Its conquest. Part of my strat to get 2 220 trinkets week 1.

Strat in full. Wintergrasp 250 conquest off of 10 kills. Pray for commander kill in ashran, 250 again. weekly normal and epic quest(s) at their reward on complete EPic daily win for like 175(?).

I just don’t like dumping honor into these trinkets knowing full well these are always going to be 100% for sure 220’s.

Normal random, If its either 4 wins or the 1500 quest as the weekly I am there. Need the conquest. No grand scheme to ruin peoples days. all those 2100’s can go to, well, they can go to RBG really.

100% agree. any other idea is wrong

I always tell them to blame Blizzard and ignore them.

Not my fault that in full honor gear I am still worthless in PVP.
Oh, I’m supposed to upgrade my full set now that I’ve purchased it? 7 times per item?

And even then I’m still behind the curve to a significant degree?

I don’t support animal abuse but the ape who designed this system needs a good kickin’

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