"you have no gear at all!"

Sounds legit…36k+ achievments points…and no gear…we believe you ^^

honestly for many years now the only places to get gear is raids, m+, and rank pvp.


Yes, I do love my achievement points.

They let me skip gearing when moving from Battle for Azeroth into Shadowlands content.

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Pretty much what I see from most Horde mercs. They are all under geared players who are just trying to farm losses for quick honor. Part of the reason that system blows…


lol…I stopped running BGs a long while ago over that very crap
“Hey man, can you sit at X keep it clear and we’ll go Y”
uh, ok.
I thought they had a plan so I did what I thought the group wanted me to do.
Nope…they started getting roasted, lmao…and the twit who literally asked me to sit at X and keep it safe is now screaming at me in the chat for not helping, L M A O.
Everyone else saw what he asked then how he started behaving and 2 or 3 of them tore into the guy, rightfully so.
screw it. I’ll just run solo content. Less irritating. lol

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Solo content is nice for relaxing downtime periods when you either don’t have something scheduled or can’t really commit to group content for whatever reason, but just solo content?

Sounds kind of unfun, and I’ve done most of it.

They are capped at like 1k gold on trial accounts correct?

nope. Im running a new Disc priest thru Winterspring right now and loving it.
Been thru it 100 times or more at this point.
Players have made me hate the ‘mmo’ in this game, lol.

Anyone who says this just doesn’t remember that bg’s are a casual playground overly infested with higher rated players due to our terrible gearing system. If Blizzard would address it, both parties would be much happier, but that won’t be happening this expansion.


Huh, that’s a lot of alts.

Doesn’t seem likely. Curious as to how it’ll pan out in Voidlands or whatever is next.

If Blizzard repeats the same mistakes this expansion involving PvP, it’ll be horrendous. No one knew how bad it was gonna be in the beginning, but now that we know how horrific this insane honor grind is, and the impact it has on both player bases, Blizzard has to respond next expansion and do the right thing. One honor set. One conq set.

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lol. I think my favorite part about the game is leveling and farming.
I used to love running random 5 mans, but as I said…players made me hate the multiplayer aspect of the game with crap like I mentioned in the story above.
I play to enjoy myself, not deal with tantrum tossing sorts which happens just often enough to have to second guess it every dungeon/BG I’d run.

That’s what people said about BFA, so they listened, removed scaling, added vendors, etc.

You’ll always have a lot of people unhappy with the current system.

Probably the best for the most people.

You are mistaking trial accounts for veteran accounts. Players start a new account, roll a character and level them to 20, get them the best gear possible, gems and enchants, and let the time run out. The account reverts back to starter status. They can play all they want and never level up.

A trial account is one where you roll a high level character (though not max) to try out the class.

ohhhh okay so they have a right to be awful to players who just want to do some bgs in the 20 bracket. Gotcha.

An actual new player in a starter account is going to have bad gear. They can’t buy anything or trade with other players. But it’s free.

So the people on trial accounts have rights to bashing people telling them to leave the random bg because they haven’t put hours into playing a useless twink with like 5 skills?

You need to at least use two pvp trinkets so you get that versatility bonus. They are necessary. You can look online to see which trinkets are the best for warlock, but generally you want to have the insigna, and another pvp trinket.

You will be terrible at first, but it’s part of the process. PvP in WoW is not how it used to be, you really got to know a lot of things to be able to perform. But it comes with experience.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions and look online for tips and tricks about your class when it comes to PvP. A lot of things have already been figured out, and you don’t really have to figure these things out on your own.

Best of luck.

A starter account can level players up to 20. After that you must pay for gametime to level higher or have normal features.

A trial account is only for testing high level potential alts. You have a very limited time you can play a character after rolling, and must pay for a boost if you want to continue playing.

A regular account reverts to starter status when it expires. You can only play level 20 or lower characters. Higher level characters become inactive unless you pay for a sub or gametime. Trial characters cannot play in low level bgs.

Why are you explaining how trial accounts work to me vs answering my question or addressing my statement.

Just because they are twinking doesn’t give them rights to bash plays for joining a 20 bracket.

It sounds like you are one of those people because you are just going in circles.