"you have no gear at all!"

Just ignore the people taking it too seriously. Random battlegrounds always have a certain amount of people who are just gearing up like you, and some, whose personalities are so dire that nobody will have them on a rated team, that can’t handle it.

The same pvpers complaining about your lack of gear are the same ones who cried nonstop when blizzard tried the template/scaling thing so lower geared players had more of a chance.

big waste of peoples time if you just int though

Not even close. People whining about not having massive stat imbalances in PvP are carry service gaslighters. People annoyed at massive stat imbalances are normal everyday people. There was like maybe 50 characters shartposting about templates on the BFA GD forums, probably 10 people total with 5 alts each. If Blizzard made changes based on that then they’re totally incompetent. GD nonsense had nothing to do with it, Blizz wanted to sell tokens.


i am doing bg’s/brawls today to progress towards my mount/collect bloody coins…and wow…

i hardly ever see this so called toxicity in my M+ / timewalking dungeons/raids…but idk if a bunch of classic players just recently switched over cuz TBC is boring or what, but the way people treat each other in this content is crazy.

the bullying of people just trying to gear up or farm honor was in every game (even when we won).

even I got a labeled as “The PvE druid” today, so nobody is immune :rofl:

I certainly hope this game never ever goes Free to play, cuz it’ll be wayyyy worse

I played my Alliance the other day and was told to “Go back to Horde” because I queued with a 213 item level. I know it’s low, but that’s how I get gear. It’s so toxic.

The gear gap exists because there’s, you know, a lot of levels of content at endgame. Has nothing to do with tokens and boosts.

It’s just that OP is the ilvl I was week 2 of 9.1 on a character that I hit 60 on… in 9.1. 'cept it’s been like 7 months since week 2. ilvl trends upward over time. OP may not be so undergeared that they’re behind the patch, but they ARE undergeared compared to basically anyone who’s been playing this whole time. (or even a few months of the patch)

You have to do rated content if you want to do unrated content.

I know, it makes no sense

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Weekends tend to be rougher. People power cramming points in and losses crimp thier style.

Why I tend to iron out my pvp must do’s during the week. better class of people then lol. its pvp, you can lose it. It happens. More during the week accept that. Many cases its the result of good fights. I don’t mind losses when the fight is good. we played well. other side played better. More in the week days seem to get that bit.

Eve taught me over many years you can learn more from a hard fought loss than a roll stomp win.

While, yes, lower gears does not help wins greatly. Many things beside it make losses happen.

LIke mid mashing. it is fun, yes. Swing and swing, kill em all and let elune sort em out.

BG’s…generally does nothing to help win the match. some people have to accept warsong cares not if you killed 1 million players or 0…3 flags points wins that one. only 1 player dying matters in warsong. Enemy flag carrier. Usually…efc’s don’t walk through the mid mashing part.

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This is why I don’t pvp unless I’m geared. Pve to pvp

and here we thought you were doing it for fun, mounts and transmog. After all this time of people telling us the falsehood that casuals dont need gear, it seems they do. who knew? They need to make m+ and raid gear be at a baseline while in open world. they should have to do the hardest pvp to have the best gear in pvp.

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Do epics and go as DPS. No one will care and it will be faster.

Which Developer are you?

Ignore them, they are tryhard elitists who think only mythic players should be allowed in bgs.

Random Battlegrounds are for everyone, well geared or not. People are always going to find ways to make others feel bad or to pass the blame to someone else.

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People complain about anything and everything in casual queued content.

This has nothing to do with Max level madness but if you pay for this game don’t queue in 20 brackets leveling unless you’re a Twink. All the trial kiddos that can’t get their mommy’s credit card are pretty mean. LOL

Those are people who know how to get bis gear and are willing to do whatever it takes, spend however much gold they need to to buy rare items.

It’s all part of the system they designed that clearly would result in boosting.

Every time I read the title I can’t help but think of the level 10’s I see running into Orgrimmar with an ilvl of 0.

If they were really that worried of their teammates gear, they would make a team instead of going into a random pug.

But that would require friends…

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I don’t care if you’re under geared in a normal bg unless you are a tool taking up the healers spot. Then you are the scum of the earth.

looks like he’s making gravy in them draws, huh?

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