You have failed to convince me on how LFD is bad

well your analogies are terrible then. simply awful.

You just tell the party what they need to do and it gets done. I didn’t mind helping people who are new to a dungeon with pointers.
By the way, that’s part of socializing. Try it.

That’s where I got mine, loved the tanking bonus bags as well :two_hearts:


Maybe you should try socializing with your group and teach them how to do Oculus. Since you anti-LFDers are all about socializing, right?


Well that’s okay, analogies are rarely perfect :slight_smile:

It’s bad because people won’t buy the paid level boost if they find leveling accessible and enjoyable. It’s not rocket science. Rfd and in game boosting threaten the paid level boost so there getting rid of both at the same time they bring the paid boost in. It’s pretty straight forward really. Remove the competition and monopolise.

If they really cared about the game they would ban bots and police rmt but the bots pay subs and blizzard want to become the rmt provider
Not police against it.

what do people who like wpvp think?

it’s because you are a tank

RDF is garbage because you can’t ignore the bottom of the barrel players who don’t put in effort to learn their class and gear/play appropriately. 10-15 minute dungeons shouldn’t take 20+ minutes because of tourists.

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I helped carry people all through Wrath. It wasn’t a big deal at all. One day I carried them, the next my alt got carried.

Literally nobody I know cared. We liked helping people out. Aside from you I guess… you sound selfish not wanting to help a newbie get geared. So not cool on your part.


It’s bad for their level boost sales.

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Jokes on you, i’ve helped people who others wouldn’t even bat an eyelash at. Even with immense language barriers (google translate ftw!). I refuse to aid those who are notoriously crap players that I would just DC’d out of the dungeon for in a heartbeat. And I don’t want the “carry me through a…” dungeon finder to give them an edge. Knowledge and parses prove your worth. Tourists are not welcome.

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So… you’re willing to carry players. But not if they’re “Notoriously crap players”?

How do you even know that they’re notorious crap players? How would I know the difference between an undergeared noob vs “Notoriously crap players”? Is there a list of Notoriously crap players so that I may avoid their crap notoriety?

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Your notoriously crap player list can be found by playing the game with others and finding the ones who fit the genre sir. Maybe you give everyone a handout but I like clearing content in reasonable timeframes.

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I can give you the name of one. His/her name is Promaori-Aurgal.


You have got to elaborate here. I’ve been playing a long time and I never ran into a Notorious Crap player in Randoms. In raids? Yes. On my server’s chat room? Yes.

But in a random pool of millions of players, not a single one has arisen to the rank of notorious crap. So do tell me about some random crap players you’ve identified in RDF and tell me how to spot them.

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Grouping with players who form groups via LFG in TBC… not specifically RDF but RDF makes it easier for casuals and tourists to find a group and for them to filter in with people who want to clear the content. Or farm it…

The fact that I had to explain it further shows how vastly different our server communities are.

Tourist confirmed.

Running dungeons is one of the ways players exert effort into improving their character.

Like I get if they aren’t playing their class properly that’s a lapse in their level of effort, put surely you can appreciate the irony in criticizing a player’s gearing effort while they are in the process if trying to get gear.

Good thing we dont have to convince you rdf is bad. Just blizzard. And they agreed that rdf is bad for classic wotlk.

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It’s got nothing to do with gear. Basic mechanics being ignored because someone is there to carry them. Interrupting heals, crowd control on dangerous mobs. Raids are not where you learn how to perform these simple tasks.

RDF is random dungeon finder. Not raid finder.