You have failed to convince me on how LFD is bad

Last time I kicked around in retail I ran a group on my trash geared priest and a random mage in the group volunteered me all of their PL cloth loot to boost my ilvl for LFR.

Was a nice little gesture.

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At the end of the day it really depends on the system people are going to be people LFD doesn’t make people toxic if anything I don’t make an argument with things like mythic plus make people more toxic why because the penalty for failure is so severe.

If somebody messes up and you get no loot because of that particular person you’re gonna be livid with that person therefore you’re going to want to get the most skilled players possible thus cutting out a large amount of the casual player base it’s literally kicking casual players out of the game.

If those are the type of things that increase toxicity not things like LFD And I think it’s silly that people Don’t see that.


/10 char

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Ion is looking into that.

TBH…I hope he does ML of some kind again that reaches dungeon. which it have to…dungeon is now equal if not greater then raid at this point (depending on who is asked) the rant threads on retail gdkp would be entertaining.

so would the gold amounts involved really. lots of people have millions. from wod/legion phone in table gold alone. How fun this could get…so much popcorn needed for thread flames.

They intentionally phase-gated guild banks in TBC Classic and planned to do so from the start.

So no, not all systems and features are included at the Classic release just because they were present in the last patch of the original content expansion. That’s not how Classic works.

Yeah because Blizzard never lies. :rofl:

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So when you didn’t think Blizzard made a statement, they didn’t include guild banks at launch because of complications. When I straight up tell you that they explicitly stated this was intended, you think they’re lying?

I have a strong suspicion that you simply struggle to cope with the reality of things you dislike… :stuck_out_tongue:


I never said they didn’t make a statement. I knew they made a statement. I just didn’t believe them back then and still don’t. Because their plan and implementation made no sense in the context of “no changes” OR their planned 2.4 patch systems, and like Wrath, they had struggles at the start of TBC getting everything done.

The same situation is true right here, with Quest Helper not in yet, and likely LFD struggling to be completed, so they discarded it for now.

Actually no they never stated one way or the other why guild banks were delayed.

I had a theory a while back that it would get more and more technically difficult to make these classic recreations as the eras progressed because the unique mechanics that define those experiences just get layered on top of each other and consist primarily of old ideas that aren’t used in retail anymore.

Classic also peaked very early, and so the business team might not be allocating the extra resources that their dev team needs. They might even be cutting back resources.

While I don’t agree that they are not doing this because they aren’t capable, they probably are working around some resource limitations.

As far as Blizzard ‘lying’ - there’s always going to be information they withhold from customers. I don’t think they are explicitly lying though because there are many facets that go into decisions to green light new development and all they have to do is reveal one of them in order to be “technically” honest.

They’ve specifically stated that things like LFD are not included because of “design decisions”, and guild banks were a “design choice” delay. If that’s actually because of resource limitations, they’re not ‘technically’ honest, they’re outright lying.

Of course. The technical capability exists because they already did it, and by Wrath, they did have sufficient CMS to ensure they still have the original code. So they know what they did then, and they have a working RDF right now. But the bulk effort to make changes to TBC that they made back then such as moving quest givers inside dungeons and changing the way some of the quests worked, are effort they’re more likely unable to complete, given that they still haven’t completed features they said they were bringing such as Quest Helper. It’s purely an “Insufficient manpower” issue.

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It can be both. They have a bunch of stuff to get done and they can’t do them all (resource limitations) so they have to rank them in order of priority. So the reasons they are giving are the reasons the feature doesn’t have high enough priority.

The fact that they are operating under some kind of constraints isn’t revelatory it’s just a fact of life. That they aren’t communicating this to us isn’t exactly lying.

Honestly I haven’t seen the community this united against a change Blizzard is making ever since the protest over the original Real ID, which replaced your character names with your real life billing address name in-game.

Thankfully there are a slew of private WOTLK servers launching soon, so we get to have our automated dungeon finder either with or without Blizzard. The big question is, does Blizzard still want our money?


Either way my point still stands. You don’t seem capable of accepting the official story, so it must be some conspiracy to cover up the “complications”. :stuck_out_tongue: And either way, it makes your “It was in Wrath’s last patch, so it belongs in the game at release” argument seem even more desperate.

Guild banks weren’t “delayed”. They were planned to be implemented after TBC Classic’s launch. Unless you’re talking about original TBC?

If they’d said “It will be released in a later patch” like they did with Guild Banks, people would have far less of an issue. Their reasoning is as absurd as the tool they think people will use (so they’re forcing it).

So either they’ve lost touch with the playerbase, or they’re not telling us the truth.

I’m giving their intelligence the benefit of the doubt by saying they’re lying, because if they can’t comprehend the level of disagreement in the community to this decision, there’s a massive disconnect that will cost them most of the playerbase.


you think any of these anti RFD people would go back and help others out once they get their gear? no, no they won’t. they say they are all for the ‘community’ but they don’t actually help it improve, just try to hold people back b/c that’s what they enjoy. rest of them are booster employees so ofc they are going to be against it since they might lose their jobs.


Blizzard never specified why they decided to delay guild banks in classic just that they were delayed.

And if that was the case with LFD there wouldn’t be massive threads about LFD. People would handle the same as they did guild banks, namely that it’s stupid to delay it but whatever.

That’s the thing though; they’re not planning on releasing dungeon finder in a later patch because they rightly deemed it to be bad for the experience. But you’re getting off-topic. The fact that a feature was in the last patch of an expansion does not mean that it belongs in that expansion’s respective Classic release at launch. They’ve explicitly stated this on Twitter and we have proof of this in guild banks.

Either-or fallacy. Nice.

Giving their intelligence the benefit of the doubt with an ad hominem? How kind of you!

It’s a good thing you’re the definitive expert that decides who is intelligent or not, or this would also be an argument from authority fallacy!

I’m gonna go ahead and bookmark this post and bring it up later so we can have a laugh at whoever was wrong here. :slight_smile:

They didn’t “delay” guild banks, they released them early. Where are you getting this idea?

I think you massively overestimate how mature people are. Let’s remember that this community still spams the forums with threats to unsub when scheduled maintenance goes an hour over plan, even though they’ve played this game for nearly two decades. :rofl:

i support adding rdf, please its good for the game, easier to find groups and level characters, its fun.


Regardless of whether I think it’s good or bad, I think it makes sense to include it and let us see the effects it has…

A Classic expansion doesn’t last forever anyway.