You have failed to convince me on how LFD is bad

I decided to spend yesterday working on my alt Spriest. A full day of staring at the LFG buletin board for anything of interest. I ended up doing my 2 dailies, a Hyjal GDKP, and a ZA bear run that fell apart on Hex Lord. I netted all of 20 or so badges and no worthwhile drops for my 8 hours played. Most of my time was sitting in shat in a partial group looking for a fill of some kind.
My memories of the end of Wrath I would have cleared every Heroic dungeon, flipping seamlessly between dps and healing as required, and probably have had time to max out badges on more than one alt with fast queues by signing up with tank/healer specs.
I loved LFD in Wrath. Outside scheduled raid times I lived in LFD. World of LFG Bulletin Board is decidedly less fun.


It’s like watching a kid burn their hands on a stove and a week later they try to touch the stove again, but you tell them not to and they look you dead in your eyes and say “Please explain to me why it’s so bad”.


The vote kick system that comes with RDF is awful.

except everything that is “wrong” with LFD is already in the game right now and nothing would change.

  • fear that randoms are going to ninja loot the items? already happens and no amount of “server blacklists” will stop it.

  • no one will socialize once grouped up via LFD? no one socializes now as it is.

  • people lose their immersion of being teleported into the instance once the queue pops? they already get teleported to the instance via the summoning stone.

  • people would just sit afk in dal while in queue rather than being out in the world? people already sit afk in Shatt so they can scour LFG and Trade chat for groups, a queue actually lets people go out in the world and do things while still getting into the dungeon

  • questing loses its sociability by making dungeons the fastest way to level an alt? boosting already exists and is the fastest way to level up, and questing is already the least sociable part of the game due to the tagging system and drop rates, and how it promotes you to be by yourself

as opposed to the group leader having all the power to just kick you on a whim.


You’re proving my point, you have no idea why LFD is awful for the game and is part of the slippery slope we saw in retail.


Why is this always a point people bring up? You can go out in the world and still look for groups now. The LFG channel is global and not locked to a city.

Anyone posting a LFM style post in trade chat is also posting it in LFG channel. You are not missing out on any messages not being in a city. I found a group this weekend for my healing druid while leveling in STV on a warlock alt.


But what has been said against dungeon finder is no answer. It’s opinion.

  1. You interact with the same people going to and coming from dungeons? Horse Pies! You wait for a summons. You don’t travel there. If you can fly there, you fly there.

  2. Social Community is destroyed. Horse Pies! There is nothing social about finding out what class and spec a player is, or if they are an experienced tank or not. Nothing social about spamming LFG. Nothing social in the dungeon if everyone knows what they are doing. Social is with your guild and friends. And believe it or not, you can make friends with RDF / LFD.

  3. You can’t experience the WORLD of Warcraft? Horse Pies! Ever heard of questing? Ever heard of farming? I see more of Azeroth due to farming than anything else. Teleporting to a dungeon does not prevent you from seeing the world.

Is there another reason I am missing?


Do you think blizzard should add in LFR to WOTLK?

I mean there are plenty of threads of the slippy slope that happened from the last 2 decades of wow classic → Retail that destroyed the community\social feel.

Maybe blizzard want to keep the games seperate if people like Theme park MMORPGS you play retail and if you like hardcore oldschool MMORPGS you play classic. I didnt play tbc but i did play classic and the difference in community compared to retail is real and brought me back to the old days of wow that is fore sure.

I am sure if you slapped in LFR,LFD and all the retail features WOTLK would just turn into Retail but with WOTLK classes and raids. What is the point of splitting up audiences, keep the games separate.

If they ever release classic + properly with updated graphics, balanced vanillia classes and new dungeons\raids i would play it in a heartbeat over retail and i hope they dont bring in any of those QOL features as much as some people want them.

TLDR - Keep retail and classic as seperate games. If you want retail stuff play retail and wait for WOTLK timewalking.


“convince me” …
“X is untrue …”

Lol. You’re not open to be convinced or even bothering to think about the other side. Which is fine. Most people can’t, or don’t care to - about any of their opinions.

Wow a lot to unpack with all your responses but as I stated in my post please try to convince me.

None of you have stated any factual things. You are inserting random statements and scapegoat arguments like “let’s add LFR to wrath then”

As a matter of fact a majority of the pro LFDrs have illustrated great points on how it doesn’t ruin anything like that is t already ruined by blizzard.

Like teleportation to dungeon is bad, meanwhile we summon you to the stone.

There is no social aspect of LFD, meanwhile you get invited to a group now with a few simple words and never speak again in group.

It erodes social fabric, but getting boosted doesn’t?

And my personal favorite: teleportation to the dungeon is terrible, but it’s ok for PVPrs to get teleported.

Not only do you guys blame LFD for the downfall of wow incorrectly, you simply ignore all the breadcrumb quest features that tell you what to do, where to go, and the quest lines that move from sandbox vs holding your hand.

So I’ll ask again instead of reducing your responses to meaningless baseless statements like LFD is bad, it ruined the game” please explain WHY and HOW it ruined the game.

Yes I’ve played cata yes I’ve played wrath, for those that were asking. I was active and pretty sweaty back then and don’t see LFD as the downfall to retail. I’m fact it’s let me play the game instead of spam the game.


I don’t believe LFD is bad at all for Low Level and Past expansion dungeons since they will already have greatly diminished number of people looking to do them.

I do believe LFD can be problematic for normal dungeons in the current expansion, and a greater extent heroic dungeons.

If LFD were to be implemented I believe it should only be for TBC normal dungeons and Vanilla dungeons. And later towards Classic+/Classic Cata Normal Wrath dungeons to be added as there will be a lul.

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actually there is a point, one of the classic devs stated it it’s no longer “never” but is actually closer to “not never” than ever before and it’s specifically because of the unexpected backlash. Keep it up folks!

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The amount of mental gymnastics people make against LFD Tool in this thread is pretty hilarious. :rofl:


Honestly, not much, however the devs (and alot of the player base in Classic prior to TBC) thought LFD was horrible and never should be implemented.

I think the modified Retail LFG tool being implemented is a good middle ground and that we should see how that goes. If there is still a need for a LFD (RDF) come time Ulduar or just before it LFD (RDF) should only consist of Vanilla/TBC Normal dungeons and see how that goes.

Because once you implement something like LFD (RDF) it will be near impossible to remove it. Best to do implementations in small components.

After seeing how poorly designed the new LFG tool is in beta, I’m strongly leaning towards the team is too incompetent to make RDF work in new client.


Between these forums and Reddit, I have yet to see a cohesive argument as to why RDF is a bad thing.


Its not a bad thing and there really isn’t an “anti LFD” crowd, there is however a loud vocal minority that are not happy with the decision and won’t stop asking despite there being clear evidence from the devs that the automated LFD system isn’t coming to classic.

Most people in game (or at least most of the players I’ve interacted with on my server and guild) admit it would be alright if it was added but aren’t at the point where they are going to tear down the forums every day trying to get it.

People need to stop painting others who aren’t upset as boogeymen and stop politicizing the argument in general and then we might be able to entice the devs to communicate with us more once we appear more civil in our approach. Right now every announcement triggers an angry mob and there really isn’t any way to communicate with one.

I would really like to see it added in but realistically I don’t see that happening. Sorry if my personal viewpoint and stability in the issue upsets anyone but it is what it is.

Yes I want that power. More importantly I don’t want someone to have vote kick power over me.

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The reason why this isn’t a problem is because the devs aren’t openly communicative at all. It’s not because of us, it’s because of their hush hush design philosophies.

Then you hit a critical mass where the devs in every interview they do say:

We are listening to player feed back and will make changes where it makes sense.

It’s not our fault the communication is bad, it’s entirely theirs. And that’s why these discussions need to be made because they are very out of touch about dated opinions.

For example: when is wrath dropping? Anyone know? NOPE because of zero communication.

Did you know when swp was dropping? NOPE because of zero communication. Oh wait we knew a week or two in advance.

If they view that as proper communication then they need a reality check.


I’m sorry but no. The way this community reacts to any piece of information or any announcement is beyond reprehensible. There is little reasoning to communicate when you are inundated with hostile snark and downright rude comments at every single turn.

Giving dates for any company is historically a bad decision and unless its some new release with a price tag tied to it most companies will opt for a vague timeline because the second you deviate from one the players will destroy the forums with outrage. Just look at the Joyus Journey buff, people wont shut up about it and there is a doom and gloom post every single day.

No the player base totally deserve the silent treatment at this point. I do not blame Blizz one bit.

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