You have failed to convince me on how LFD is bad

Nobody can convice anyone who has already made up their mind. Waste of time.


Plus, nobody can convince anyone without any data that are statistically significant backed by a control group.

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Why stop there? Why not just have RDF for the 25 man raids too. Just queue up for Naxx 25 and have the game group people together for you. Its cumbersome to have to organize a group of 24 other people. We want a lobby based game, where our character only exists in a capital city or instanced content. We don’t want guilds, we dont want a friends list. Just queue up for a piece of content and wait for 24 other players to do the same.

And because we are entitled to a win, no matter the circumstance, make the content easy. If a heroic or dungeon falls apart, and the group has to take a loss, then just abandon group and hope the RNG gods give you enough capable players next grouping. Anytime the group loses is waste of time and is a bad experience. Just let us pull the lever on the gear slot machine and hope we win big this time.


Do I have your permission to quote this post when the subs don’t tank so we can talk about it then? :stuck_out_tongue:

And how did that work out in TBCC when they phase-gated guild banks? :rofl: Where did you get this idea that everything in the last patch is a part of the Classic launch?


I honestly think LFR would have been an OK thing for the game if it didn’t have its own extra brain dead easy version of the raid for it. Like, if it just filled in a raid group, you did your normal mode raid, and could then invite the person to your guild regardless of their starting server because you had a good play experience?

That would be fine.

RDF style systems can promote social aspects in the game. Blizzard’s didn’t simply because you were actively prevented from ever grouping with the people you encountered through it again.


It’s no one’s job to convince you why it’s bad.

It’s your job to convince Blizzard why it’s good.

And you have failed to do that.


What’s your definition of “bad for the game”? Is it less players? Less fun?

Did you enjoy TBC Heroics while we we’re still in phase 1? We’re some pulls required you to CC mobs and some pulls required you to have a kill priority?

You played wrath, so you probably played cata. Did you enjoy Cata Heroics?

TBC Heroics we’re had a degree of difficulty where you couldn’t underestimate the trash.
WotLK Heroics are anticipated to not require any CC even while everyone is not in P1 BIS yet.
Cata Heroics required the same respect that TBC heroics did, until they were nerfed.

So Blizzard designed heroics with RDF in mind. They needed to make sure that group success rate for a dungeon was high with a random assortment of players.

So the game is now easier to accommodate that. So is the game better or worse now that 5 man content is easy? You probably went into SWP or any raid that was the current tier and didn’t expect to clear it the first time through. But you never expect that a heroic dungeon could beat you. Would the game be better if raids we’re tuned down as well so you know you will always clear a raid the first week?

So not only did you not answer either question, you instead went on an overly emotional slippery slope rant. The implications of your rant being that the game will turn into a lobby simulator with no guilds and no friends if dungeon grouping is somehow encouraged and/or made easier?

You don’t need a guild, nor friends to do wrath heroics. You don’t even need a group in some cases, and certainly not a full one. Your friends are also both not required and could be brought regardless. You also don’t need literally ANY communication for them. They are literally intended to be a casual player’s content, that you inexplicably want to try and prevent them from doing.

How EXACTLY is the game better if fewer people run dungeons?

As for your rant about raid level content. There is a difference between 5 man content and raid level content. Exactly zero people are asking for random raid finder. Though such content is already being pugged extremely successfully, most commonly with gdkp runs, something I am against on principle for current content, because of the p2w aspects (not entirely opposed to gdkps for legacy content like say naxx 40 at this point).


Why is there a difference? Why are heroics casual content and raids not casual content? I don’t see how you decided where the line needs to be drawn at? Seems to me if they can create automatic grouping for 5 mans, then they can have automatic grouping for 25 mans.

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The line is drawn upon needing a raid. Please try to not be stupid.

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Right, so the line is still arbitrary. 5 players is a party, but 25 players is a raid.

Every MMO on the market has automated grouping for content, except for classic wow. If automated group content was necessary, then how does wow classic have any players?

Do we think adding RDF will increase the player count from 300k raiders who log back up to a higher number? Do we think a higher player count will give us different content (similiar to OSRS where they have a content development team different from RS3)?

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You are wasting your time, man…

How about you just answer the simple, direct question with a simple, direct answer.

EXACTLY how is the game better if significantly fewer people are running dungeons, and there are less groups for dungeons?


I don’t think significantly fewer people are running dungeons. Sure there are less players, but I can’t imagine the player base is so helpless, that unless there is an in-game system to force a party together, then they never do any content and except sit in town.

Do you mean like “Oh I would have ran 6 dungeons today with the auto group finder, but without that I only ran 2 dungeons today :(”

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So you’re being either naive or delusional, then.

Without rdf the average player will almost never do dungeons whilst leveling… Because it’s not worth their time to do them.

That’s less people doing dungeons and fewer overall dungeon runs

So let’s look at level cap now. Your dungeon run takes 13 minutes because wotlk heroics are a joke. As a dps you might be spamming for a group for an hour or more to get that group. Now let’s be extremely generous and say that’s the same amount of time queuing for rdf would take (it’s absolutely not, for the record), you still have to spend every second you are lfg doing absolutely nothing in game but watching lfg channel, where the rdf option at least let’s you continue playing the game. All that extra time and effort wasted will absolutely make people less likely to do dungeons and decrease the overall amount of dungeons being done.

I can tell you that with no rdf I will do zero heroics beyond what I need for tabard rep on any dps character, and pretty blatantly just jump into naxx in leveling greens rather than wasting time farming prebis that isn’t needed regardless.


I started leveling a warlock a month or two ago that I play from time to time. I’ve found several dungeon runs using the existing LFG tool. I just queue up for one and go about my business questing and at some point I’ll get an invite. People use the existing tool now.

I really don’t see how this metric even matters. The game isn’t dungeon simulator. So RDF makes more dungeon runs happen. Okay and what does that solve? You run a dungeon a handful of times and you dont need anything else from it. You run dungeons for badges. Honestly, a better fix would to be add more systems that grant badges, not just heroics. So if they added another avenue of collecting badges, then there is less of a reason to have RDF.

You really don’t. Not only are their addons like bulletin board that can ping you when a a dungeon you are interested in is talked about, you can also be the party leader and just send out messages.

On the warlock I’m leveling, I have bulletin board just listen for Kara and ZA runs. When a message pops up of one of them looking for a healer, I just whisper them on my lock and ask if they need a resto druid. Easy.

Yeah, that’s not an RDF problem, that just an incentive problem. I imagine you dont run heroics right now. Once you start raiding, there really isnt a good reason to do any heroic.

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I did them regularly in Wrath, especially on my main tank and healer toons even after they were fully ICC-geared, for fun’s sake and to help others get them done.
To me, that’s a good enough reason, and I would expect the same from all “community-oriented” players.


It looks like they defended their view points pretty well tbh. Sometimes its better to just walk away when people start busting out the broken record.

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The only thing I dislike about LFD is auto-tele and RDF’s ability to play you in a heroic you already did. Those are both damaging to the game.

Queue for Dungeon system within is the most fair system though.

If you want to be behind the people who do dungeons, sure.

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