You have failed to convince me on how LFD is bad

They’re literally “pleasing a fringe group on the Twitter” by removing it. So I don’t know what basis you’re using the determine they don’t listen to random minor sections of the community.


Maybe the fact that you guys have been complaining for what? A month at least? and instead of caving and reversing that decision they have decided to make an entirely new tool instead of giving in to your demands.

Pretty good basis for me to assume you’ve lost the war and the magical automated dungeon fairy isn’t coming to WotLK tbh.


Right. So “ever since the announcement.” Do you know how many years the anti-RDF crowd has been yelling about it?

No, they didn’t. They spent 5 minutes gutting the Retail Mythic LFG and tossed it into a build for “feedback”.

Assumptions like this are how you lose wars.


and you have devolved into “nuh uhhhhh” posts so I’m not going to waste any more time with you.

Have a great night. Thread muted so please don’t bother blowing me up any further.


Hahaha, your opening statement was “Nah uh, not getting it, give up”. Nothing devolved, except maybe we came down to your level.


Personally I think the positives of LFD outweigh the negetives, people who don’t want LFD are just fearmongering doomsayers.


what is the difference between LFR. Why not add that to WOTLK.

I mean you can apply it to a bunch of different “Quality of life changes”. Lots of quality of life changes added to wow have positives and negatives. Some people think that over the decades from bc → all the quality of life changes removed the world\social aspect from the game while also providing lots of positive things that we are all use to now.

I honestly dont care if it goes into WOTLK or not as i wont be playing it as i played it nearly every day when it released. But i am just saying, that maybe blizz wants to keep classic in the same idealogy instead of classic slowly slipping into retail, keep them separate for different audiences. People that like theme park MMORPGS can play retail and people that like old school hardcore MMORPGS can play classic.

If they did classic +, so original vanilla with new dungeons, new spells, new content new raids would you want them to add LFD\LFR? I mean what would the difference from retail be if they added everything from retail in classic +. Might as well make one more old school\hardcore and let the other one go the other way they both seem to have strong audiences.

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Said tool actually makes it HARDER to form groups on beta, not easier.

You can’t filter groups, you can’t see whether people are forming groups or a group LFM or just some rando off questing…

The system is literally worse than just spamming the LFG channel… which by the way you also can’t do anymore unless you first make a listing in the gui.

Oh… and the list of groups doesn’t update itself. You have to manually refresh the group listing.

It’s straight garbage.

I’d add, ZERO of you anti RDF people have yet to answer these simple questions… Why exactly is it better if grouping for 5 man dungeons is significantly more cumbersome to the point that it discourages engaging in the activity at all? How is the game more social if significantly less people are grouping up?


Ladies and Gentlemen - The “wonderful community” of WoW. :tipping_hand_woman:


Tell me how it’s good.

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LFD is more for the 1-70 experience IMO, it allows alts and newbies to run Deadmines, BFD, Gnomer, SM, Ulda, etc in a timely and possible manner. Once you get to 70+, there is usually groups forming for lower lvl content but even then it helps players after the initial phase 1 hypes clears out. You don’t have to use it if you want to form a group, you’re more than welcome to invite your guildies and some randos. The LFG channel doesn’t just disappear.

LFD will be added by P2.

PServers have been through this before, thought removing it would be immersive and it turns out it’s only immersive for 2 weeks then people miss RDF

Classic TBC is furthering the point now. Even if you have a tank/healer, filling groups is a headache and tiring, let alone flying to the exact same spot for the X time isn’t fun anymore. It’s just time consuming.

Hell, even the Beta is already demonstrating the need for it. The LFD Dungeon Tool is awful and it’s one of the main complaints.


The game before LFD / LFR was about finding a community of like-minded individuals in the game pursuing a common goal and creating a guild. The guild acts as the quick path to grouping and completing content with like-minded people and over time they become a part of your online social group which starts to build memories and experiences together.

In rare instances these interactions were made entirely by chance in the open world. You’re in a zone questing and someone whispers you if you want to be their fifth for a dungeon, if you wanted to team up and complete the more difficult content together. You play together for 1-2 hours and make small talk and then sometimes you add each other to your friends list to play together later, or you go your separate ways and you may think back from time to time about that one person / group you met.

But there are plenty of counter-arguments to these scenarios, that’s just the evolution of the playerbase from 2004 when the gaming was different and the lack of efficiency or wasting time wasn’t seen as detrimental to one’s user experience.

To TL:DR my opinion for criticism. LFD should exist for everything below Heroic Dungeons. Given today’s Battle Net tech I think having cross-server would be fine too in LFD.

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lol just like how classic wow, playable alliance high elves, and cross faction were all “never coming” and people needed to stop making a fuss over it?

“i have no way to defend my viewpoint so i’m just going to mute the thread and ignore everyone else who disagrees with me”


LFD isnt bad. The players are. Or at least, they are not suited for an LFD system.

LFD would be a great way to meet new people and help each other out but no one who professes to be pro LFD is interested in that. In fact, they’ve repeatedly stated they dont care for or want socialization and its not necessary one bit in the dungeon environment.

Since that’s their take LFD would be wasted on them and probably a large reason why its not coming to Wrath Classic.



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socialization gymnastics version 367, “a large reason” that lfd isn’t part of wrath classic is because of the words the pro-rdf people said after it was removed, so before those opinions…it would have just been good? but it was removed because blizzard are psychic? that is quite a theory

People are more concerned about the benefits and perks than they are the people they are likely to encounter. They’ve made that abundantly clear.

Thats not the greatest mindset to have.

In the hands of the right player base RDF is potentially a great addition. The current crop of classic players dont pass that litmus test.

The adults are talking, honey. Go sit at the kids table where everything is handed to you for no effort and you can act like a wild animal with no brains. Remember to eat your vegetables.


Proceeds with replying several times