You have failed to convince me on how LFD is bad

If you have to pug raids you’ll learn quickly who to avoid and who to go with, you don’t need dungeons to figure this out because the point of dungeons is to be face rolled.

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I think a lot of these guys are thinking it’s 2008. I used to know who the baddies were. I knew who to ask for fill ins, I knew who’s mains the bank alts were attached too. But with 20k+ running on the bigger servers? No way.

The old days are gone. I just want to play. Forcing people into using a bad UI and chat to finish cakewalk dungeons is going to backfire.


I just realized that without LFD there’s actually an unobtainable achievement. The Looking For More achievement.

And the perky pug!!

3 actually…

Looking For More
Looking For Many
Looking For Multitudes

They’ve stated that they’re making that companion pet obtainable some other way. They’ve not said how though.

True but the other 2 can’t be done until you’ve done the first.

You don’t remember very well from the time then. People were pissed about the no flying. These forums have never seen anything like the backlash about that decision ever.

Well, Real ID on the forums was pretty big too.

They are giving wrath to the no lifers. That can buy carries, that can spend 4 hours getting a group. I’m not Re subbing. good luck.


There’s a vast difference between being against a system that’s in the game, that has 0 impact on you, that you can entirely ignore, and advocating the removal of a system that would have a negative impact on another player just because.

Like, people want a feature that has next to no impact on the game, that they can totally avoid (Maybe have to use it once a day for the daily, however that could be removed and placed back in Dalaran as a quest to pick up), to be removed because they don’t want others enjoying the game differently. Doesn’t that sound a bit… I dunno… selfish?

For the record, I’m not really pro or anti LFD. If it gets put in, cool, if not, cool. Not even sure why it’s such a big deal.


Will probably be the thing that keeps me from playing longer than a few months. I haven’t been able to run a dungeon on most of my alts because groups just aren’t running. With LFD that would change completely


Bro you no Sunwell clears maybe calm it down a bit.

Anyways add RFD please want to be able to do dungeons on my alts in the future without looking for a group longer than the dungeon takes.

That’s hilarious. The content was easy before RDF was added. Wrath dungeons were fun, pop beers and bust faces. You want something harder? Do heroic raids. You have content.

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Ironically, the hardest heroics were added in the same patch as RDF.

Yes, RDF was already in. Looks like they believed RDF was appropriate for those as well. If you really feel the need to screen the group, you can do that. You’ll even have the shiny new LFG tool to assist you. You could get that special group formed and queue as well.
But yeah, it’s probably not a good idea to try and make the game fun for both play styles.

The only way it’s fun for them is if we don’t get to play the way we want.

Both parties get option to play the way they enjoy. How are you being victimized.

If RDF exists, fewer players want to manually group. They’d rather control them than let players pick RDF.

actually…we know it can be long.

some want it to stay questing while waiting.

Alliance for 30 to 40 quests/mob it in strangethorn or arathi usually.

30 to 40 dungeons are not there.

monastery is in undead land. level 10 mobs mostly at base of big hill so not even xp bearing to south park it. And…my lw actually needs level 40 to progress. I don’t need or want light leather. I need await to make the high end stuff at 225 lw and beyond.

also…a hunter killing 300 animals is like 900 arrows short when/if dungeon pops lol. hey guys…you are gonna love this. No arrows. Ima 2 hand melee the whole dungeon. as BM spec.

In short…when I go to monastery there is nothing to do while waiting.

Razorfens ain’t much better. also between the 2, most will hit monastery. Its like disneyland. pick your park! armoury? library? both? so you go to where best chance of people are.

paralleled with retail. I have had slow lfd nights. all good though. I have quested in legion for the whole hour. XP is made. Malfurion my love…does not get better with reruns. But it is xp.

/dance for an hour at monastey gives no xp. No need to test this. I’ve done it for you. 0 xp will be your result.

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