You have failed to convince me on how LFD is bad

Thing is a dungeon isn’t a raid. How do random players in dungeons have any impact on your raid experience?


Give examples. I got to hear this.

I know that this level of effort is not necessary to clear the dungeon, but I enjoy putting in high effort and it’s more rewarding when the other group members are doing the same.

Server Identity.

Which really doesn’t change that A) the average group in LFD is no better or worse than the average pug group B) if you are that much of a baby about taking a couple minutes longer to run a dungeon you can still preform your group first.

Please elaborate.

I used to heal on my disc priest using only holy nova. I made a game out of out-DPSing the tank and any DPS toons as well. I usually finished #3 in overall DPS.

Go full tilt if you want, my point is that Wrath dungeons are a cakewalk.

No flying is one of the biggest reasons for sub losses in WoD.


10 man Naxx with 8 players - the content itself is easy for switched on players, but then adding additional difficulty of losing 2 dps to complete it? Sounds like you’d only want to take players who know their class.

Gear doesn’t carry you through content.

There were much greater reasons than just the flying I assure you.

You do realize that this is a thread about LFD and I and everyone else has talked about nothing but LFD and well, dungeons. Nobody is talking about raid mechanics but you.

You learn how to play your class in the open-world and dungeons. You showcase your skills using your class in raid content.

Consider dungeons the tutorial to raiding… if you can’t get past the tutorial because no one wants to group with you then you’ve tarnished your server identity and you either

  1. Stop playing.
  2. Fix it so people don’t think you’re a sperg.

Sorry you need someone else to think for you.

Technically the tutorial can be done by rubbing your rump on the keyboard. And most of the people who build pug raids look only at gear, especially for 10 mans. You would be aware if you had any idea on how most communities work.

This argument is exclusively to do with LFD/RDF - as above, you learn your class in the open-world and dungeons. If you can’t learn your class or the mechanics by the time you touch dungeons, then you’re not going to get into raids (this obviously APPLIES SOLELY TO THOSE WHO WANT TO RAID)

If you have no reputation, yes. The gear gets you in the door, the skill keeps you in as a regular…

I’ve known my class for 18 years. So I honestly have no clue what you’re going on about now. One minute you’re stuck in gundrak with a notorious crap player for an hour and a half, and now you’re fixated on proper showmanship to earn raid slots.

Neither of which have any bearing on getting into dungeons with RDF.


I mean they did it with Retail
BFA bombed
Shadowlands bombed even faster

They did it with vanilla
They did it with TBC

They’re going to do it again with wrath


Server identity. For god’s sake. RDF removes server identity so that doesn’t happen. So then you have dog tier players filtering into raids and putting in zero effort that others have done. They’re nothing but tourists.

My server has about 20,000 people playing on it. There is no server identity anymore. It’s not 2008 anymore. I don’t know anyone on my server outside of my guild anywhere near the ability to know if they’re good or bad.


Making it realm-only solves this, and for dead realms opening it up to cross-realm after a certain wait time would help there too.

Except this is also a bad point because there are bad players that are in organized groups, and the, “effort” aspect is subjective at best. On realms like mine (Benediction) you rarely see the same people again anyway.

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