You have failed to convince me on how LFD is bad

Yes… fun fact, dungeons have mechanics too. Wrath dungeons are cheese, same with heroics. But that doesn’t detract from the fact that mechanics exist and you just ignore them because someone with less gear than you is doubling your DPS and also interrupting heals… cc’ing mobs…

Good thing there aren’t any dangerous mechanics in Wrath. Not only that, but half of the achievements you get are from handling the mechanics all wrong.

You said raids aren’t the place to learn certain mechanics which idk is kind of true but I’ve improved my gameplay a ton from my experiences in raids.

But even if I accept that premise, we’re talking about dungeons and that is a pretty appropriate place to learn mechanics like interrupts, CC, etc.

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I think he came in, tried to say something witty and biting, and it backfired. He must be one of them notorious crap forum posters I keep hearing about.


Was merely addressing the elephant in the room - it’s 100% about server identity. People refuse to roster anyone who has a reputation as a crap player. People enjoy clearing content. As someone who leads raids multiple times a week, I’m willing to roster newcomers - but refuse those who have a reputation.

LFD/RDF, whatever you want to call it, removes any involvement on recruitment from the party leader. What may be a simple 20 minute excursion to Gun’drak for you might turn into a 40-120 minute excursion because someone you offered a slot to is unable to play their class.

It’s not my job as a party leader to not only lead 5 players through the content but also to then explain boss mechanics every single time + explain that they should preventing these heals going out. That should be their intuition that tells them, “I know this mob heals its friends, and that heal going out adds an extra 20 seconds to this fight”.

I have no issue with RDF when you get to vet the group first.


Thank you, I like this angle a lot better and comes across as much less elitist, no offense intended.

Even though I would like RDF and would be fine if it got added as is, I recognize that this is a drawback and wonder if there is a way to reconcile the people that want to “gatekeep*” with people who hate rejection.

On one hand, if you hate rejection, be less rejectable. Or just sack up because it’s a part of life.

On the other hand, video games are a distraction from real life and it would be nice if we could take the rejection out.

*Sorry for using the loaded term. I’m referring to the ability to make group comp decisions

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I have never spent an hour in any Wrath dungeon at any time ever. You can finish most heroics in quest greens and blues. Not only that, but if you did get the world’s worst player in your random group… why haven’t you kicked him after an hour?

Aside from Oculus I’m still hard pressed to think of any wrath mechanic that would cause a wipe? So none of your scenarios would play.


If a Gundrak takes 40-120 minutes to complete it’s more than just 1 person it’s likely the whole group, leader included. If you need everyone to literally be a veteran for you to do a dungeon you might not want to consider yourself a veteran.

You are still free to form your group just like you do now then queue up in LFD if you are so upset about a slightly slower dungeon run.


I think a player completely naked doing nothing but drowning himself in the Gundrak entrance over and over while the other four continue on wouldn’t slow a group down in that place. Then again… This is a guy who’ll putz around in Gundrak for 40-120 minutes without kicking the guy dragging the group down.

I think he’s making up silly problems that nobody has ever had to deal with.


You need to do normal content with SWP raiders, walk to the entrance, and find the group only through your friends list. Then, and only then, will the Warcraft purists welcome you into their walked to school uphill both ways club.

I really enjoy when I run a dungeon with 4 high level players, especially when I’m tanking. It allows me to really push myself and try things to optimize that would be too much for a normal group. If I had to describe a single basis for why I enjoy the game, it’s that I enjoy pushing myself and getting better.

So it’s not really about rejecting “casual” players. It’s about seeking out the most enjoyable experience.

Yeah - imagine having 4 tourists in your group rather than 1. It definitely would take a lot longer.

I’ve definitely played with players so good I was effectively carried, but it is ideal when the 4 players are at or around my skill level.

Or more realistical that the average LFD group isn’t any better or worse than the average pug group now and your run speed actually doesn’t change.

You do realize that there was a whole achievement system that was based on doing wrath dungeons using completely wrong mechanics right? Hell, a bunch of raid achievements were killing bosses with 8 people.

They were cakewalks. I don’t think you actually played in wrath.

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I’m honestly pretty incompatible with this mindset, and it genuinely annoys me when someone responds to my request to respect some mechanic with “who cares it’s so easy anyway”

I care, that’s who. That’s why I’m asking. I’m not here to watch the dungeon go by like a movie. I’m here to play the best that I can.

Post-nerf content is hilariously easy that you can take dog tier players and still succeed. That doesn’t guarantee them a raid spot in any pug content however. Class and raid knowledge gets you a spot.

It’s true though. In wrath you can safely ignore nearly every boss mechanic in every dungeon. Most of the time you’ll get an achievement for doing so.

You do realise that to get the achievement, you still needed to finish the fight. Doing the raid mechanics wrong increased the difficulty but you also had to have knowledge of the class and the encounter to succeed. It wasn’t just “do it wrong” and win. You’re forgetting all the core mechanics of the game that the average player does fine that would ensure that achievement be done successfully.