You guys are only listening to WoW Community Council Feedback

Thanks blizzard for posting this on the WoW Community Council.

Knowing that most of the people have already left feedback here and you chose to ignore it and most of us can’t even post there.


They’ve been doing this all expansion long.


didn’t they have a survey on the launcher? I never got one but some people did.


I got it, I hope they enjoyed my dissertations for each answer where I could type. Of course it probably went to the trash can, or an AI is summarizing them all.


I will give them benefit of the doubt on this. I think from this forum in particular they can pick up on the general theme of people’s thoughts.

With the community council they can, usually but not always, put it in a well thought out and formatted style that can be shared with the developers.

It is like collecting YouTube comments vs an email. One is more reactionary and in the moment as things progress, while the other is more planned and thought out. Both can contain the same information and conclusion


I think those surveys are looked at by different people than the blues/developers on the forum.

What, you mean they aren’t listening to the actual players feedback? Color me shocked. Shocked! /s


Well we will see if they listen to that feedback. But yea, I was sad when I clicked the link from wowhead to see that I couldn’t post a reply. I have left the same advice in so many places here as well as in that survey they sent out but it hasn’t been done. There is only one thing that needs to be done to make the event amazing. You can choose between two different options, either make gear upgrade discounts account wide or make cloak account wide. Gear upgrades would probably be easier/smoother. Cloak being account wide could be an issue on low characters unless the stats on them scale up as you level. Like level 10 would have 1/12th of total stats, then would go to 3/12, then 7/12, then 12/12 to match how the system gives threads to be consistent and keep some alts partially in check.

not sure why suddenly everyone is making a “feedback” thread when they only want the feedback from their inner circle…

Sure it’s nice to have feedback… but not like they really asked any of us for it.

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I mean, they barely even listen to the community council. It’s just an extra step to the circular filing cabinet sometimes.


yeah i gave e metaphorical earful of the bad decisions they made

Yeah, this.

My feedback:
I’m not a “race to the endgame raider”
therefore they don’t have any interest in how I feel.

If I were a “collect all the mogs all the time” (so called Casual) I can’t get all those things! They cost tens of thousands of dinky weird coinage EACH for the higher end things. And “casual” players aren’t making waves in the race-to-raiding / hyper dungeoning that gets people all those Bronze.

If you were an M+ 8-22 keys runner already I’m sure you have all the things already. Except maybe things for which the drop rate is meh and your dice are bad.

For the rest of us, it’s a royal slog to get a mount or two.

hey how about some love for us questline lovers?


I’d love for someone to point out where Blizzard says that they’re ONLY listening to the feedback at the Community Council. Or is this all just made up in your conspiratorial minds?


Just last week people were upset a survey came out and used it as confirmation bias Remix is bad. This week no survey so now Blizzard doesn’t want to hear so it’s more confirmation bias. :confused:


Except those surverys only go to “selective” accounts. I never got mine. It’s like all of those surveys blizzard does only a few get them because “reasons”


I’m happy that they’re seeking feedback from multiple sources. The mini meltdowns people have on this forum is over the top and not as helpful.


I wonder what it is, think Blizzard is silencing voices?

I don’t think they’re only listening to the community council, but it would have been easy for them to make a feedback thread here as well. So the fact that they didn’t is raising some concerns from some people.

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This whole forum is their feedback thread.


So why did they make a feedback thread at all?